
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com. This is Upper Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 22 - Have You Bought a Defective Hungarian Product? Eric here.
Lena: Hello. I'm Lena.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use relative and demonstrative pronouns in Hungarian. The conversation takes place at a department store.
Lena: It's between Tom and a salesperson.
Eric: The speakers are strangers, so they will use formal Hungarian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Tom: Segítene végre valaki? Már több, mint fél órája várok.
Eladó: Elnézést kérek, szombaton mindig ekkora a forgalom. Miben segíthetek?
Tom: Tegnap vettem ezt a kávéfőzőt, de a víztartály folyik.
Eladó: Nem lehet, hogy túlságosan megtöltötte?
Tom: Ezt maga sem gondolja komolyan...Ez egy gyártási hiba, vagy a műanyag olcsó minőségű...
Eladó: Valószínűleg csak ez a darab hibás. Kicserélhetem önnek egy ugyanilyenre.
Tom: Szó sem lehet róla! Egy olyan márkát adjon, amelyik nem gyári hibás! Vagy térítsék vissza a vételárat!
Eladó: A garancia csak cserére érvényes.
Tom: Akkor hívja ide a felettesét! Az van a papírra írva feketén-fehéren, hogy visszafizetik!
Eladó: Kis türelmet, máris megnézem, mit tehetek.
Tom: Annyit várok, amennyit kell, de a pénzem nélkül nem megyek sehova!
Eladó: Fáradjon ezzel a blokkal a kettes pénztárhoz, és kérje a pénzvisszatérítést.
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Tom: Will somebody help me? I've been waiting for more than half an hour.
Salesperson: I’m sorry, Saturday is always so busy. How can I help?
Tom: I bought this coffee maker yesterday, but the water tank leaks.
Salesperson: Maybe it is overfilled?
Tom: You can't be serious... This is a manufacturing defect or the cheap quality of the plastic.
Salesperson: This is probably the only product which has a defect. I can replace it with the same one.
Tom: No way! Give me a brand which is not defective! Or reimburse the purchase price!
Salesperson: The warranty is only valid for exchange.
Tom: Then call your manager! I have it in black and white that I get my money back!
Salesperson: Just a moment, I'll see what I can do.
Tom: I'll wait as long as I have to, but I'm not going anywhere without my money.
Salesperson: Take this ticket to cashier number two and ask for a refund.
Eric: Lena, it’s well-known that garbage and growing environmental issues are concerns every nation has to deal with. How are these questions being solved in Hungary?
Lena: Well...Hungarians still have to improve their way of handling garbage, since the majority doesn’t do any form of recycling.
Eric: Even paper recycling?
Lena: Paper recycling we do, and it is the most common kind of recycling in Hungary. Each year, schools organize competitions for collecting the biggest quantity of paper in town. Though there are collecting points for recyclables, it’s still not so convenient for everyone.
Eric: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Lena: forgalom [natural native speed]
Eric: traffic, circulation
Lena: forgalom [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: forgalom [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: víztartály [natural native speed]
Eric: water tank
Lena: víztartály [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: víztartály [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: megtölt [natural native speed]
Eric: to fill up
Lena: megtölt [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: megtölt [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: gyártás [natural native speed]
Eric: manufacturing
Lena: gyártás [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: gyártás [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: műanyag [natural native speed]
Eric: plastic
Lena: műanyag [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: műanyag [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: minőség [natural native speed]
Eric: quality
Lena: minőség [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: minőség [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: visszatérít [natural native speed]
Eric: to reimburse
Lena: visszatérít [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: visszatérít [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: vételár [natural native speed]
Eric: purchase price
Lena: vételár [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: vételár [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Lena: garancia [natural native speed]
Eric: warranty
Lena: garancia [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: garancia [natural native speed]
Eric: And last..
Lena: pénzvisszatérítés [natural native speed]
Eric: money refund
Lena: pénzvisszatérítés [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Lena: pénzvisszatérítés [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is..
Lena: Gyártási hiba
Eric: Which means “manufacturing defect”
Lena: Gyártási means “production,” or “manufacturing”. It comes from the verb gyárt which means “to produce”. Hiba means “defect,” “mistake,” or “error”. It is usually preceded by a noun with an -i ending referring to the origin of the mistake.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this word?
Lena: Sure. For example, you can say... A célunk a minőségi hibák kiküszöbölése.
Eric: ...which means “Our purpose is to clear out all defects of quality.” Okay, what's the next phrase?
Lena: Olcsó minőségű műanyag.
Eric: Which means “cheap quality plastic”.
Lena: Műanyag means “plastic”. It is composed of mű
Eric: Which means “artificial”.
Lena: And anyag
Eric: ...which means “material”.
Lena: Műanyag. The next word in our phrase is... minőségű. It means “quality” and olcsó minőségű means “of cheap quality”. Olcsó minőségű műanyag. You can also just say minőségi to describe something which is of good quality.
Eric: Lena, can you give us an example using this word?
Lena: Sure. Ez a termék jó minőségű alapanyagokból készült.
Eric: .. which means “This product was made of good-quality materials.” Okay, what's the last phrase?
Lena: Visszatéríti a vételárat.
Eric: Which means “reimburse the purchase price”.
Lena: Vételár comes from the nouns vétel, which means “purchase”, and the word ár which means “price”. Vételárat.
Eric: Next we have the verb...
Lena: ..visszatérít. It is made up of the prefix vissza-, or “back”, and the verb térít which means “to turn,” or “to conduct”. For example...Visszatérítették az árát, mert hibás volt.
Eric: “They reimbursed the purchase price because it had a defect.”
Lena: A very well-known expression is észhez térít,
Eric: Which means to “talk sense into somebody”. Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use relative and demonstrative pronouns in Hungarian.
Lena: Eric, let’s start with relative pronouns!
Eric: Listeners, do you remember what the function of a relative pronouns is? Just like in English, relative pronouns, such as “who”, “which”, or “whose”, refer to a part of the sentence and at the same time act as connecting words between the main clause and the subordinate clause. For example...
Lena: Itt a személy, aki elmondta az igazságot.
Eric: “Here’s the person who told me the truth.” In English, if we deleted the first part of the main clause before “who” and replaced this pronoun with “person”, we would get a grammatically correct sentence. Let’s see what happens in Hungarian!
Lena: Let's take our sample sentence..Itt a személy, aki elmondta az igazságot.
Eric: “Here’s the person who told the truth.”
Lena: Just delete the words Itt and aki and you will get A személy elmondta az igazságot.
Eric: In English, this means “The person told the truth.” In Hungarian, the pronouns also take the same suffixes as the word they are referring to.
Lena: For example, let's take the relative pronoun ami, which means “what”. Here is a sample sentence...Ez az a táska, amit szeretnék.
Eric: Which means “This is the bag that I would like to buy.”
Lena: In this example, the pronoun ami took the suffix -t and became amit. Another example is...Ez az a film, amit meg akartam nézni.
Eric: Which means “This is the film that I wanted to see.”
Lena: Let's take another relative pronoun, amekkora
Eric: “How big”
Lena: Akkorát csinálok amekkorának lennie kell.
Eric: “I will make one as big as it has to be.”
Lena: In this example, amekkora became amekkorának by adding suffix -nak. Another example is...Akkorára csinálom, amekkorára szeretnéd.
Eric: “I will make it as big as you want.”
Lena: Here we changed amekkora to amekkorára by adding the suffix -ra
Eric: Listeners, you can find all the suffixes and more examples in the lesson notes, so please be sure to check them out. And our next grammar point is demonstrative pronouns. Demonstrative pronouns refer precisely to a specific word of the sentence. Alone, they can replace a noun, an adjective, a numeral, or an adverb. You can also answer a question with only one word using demonstrative pronouns. For example..
Lena: Melyiket akarod? Ezt.
Eric: “Which one do you want? This one.”
Lena: Mekkora házban laktok? Ekkorában.
Eric: “How big of a house do you live in? This big.”
Lena: Mennyibe kerül? Ennyibe.
Eric: “How much is this? This much.” Often the sentence is only composed of a question word and a verb. In this case, the demonstrative pronoun takes the suffix of the question word. This will not change your answer. For example...
Lena: Melyiket akarod? Ezt.
Eric: “Which one do you want? This one.”
Lena: Or you can say...Melyik házat akarod? Ezt.
Eric: “Which house do you want? This one.”
Lena: Another example is...Mennyibe kerül? Ennyibe.
Eric: “How much is this? This much.”
Lena: Mennyi pénzbe kerül? Ennyibe
Eric: “How much money is this? This much.” Listeners, here’s a very important rule – The suffix cannot be put on the question word and the noun at the same time.
Lena: Right! That’s why the sentences Melyiket házat akarod? or Mennyibe pénzbe kerül? are NOT correct.


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Lena: Viszontlátásra!

