Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to This is Upper Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 14 - Finding a Place to Call Home in Hungary. Eric here. |
Lena: Hello. I'm Lena. |
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use suffixes that mean “to” and “into” in Hungarian. The conversation takes place at an office. |
Lena: It's between Tom and Réka. |
Eric: The speakers are co-workers, so they will use informal Hungarian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation. |
Lesson conversation
Réka: Hogy állsz a lakáskereséssel? |
Tom: Egész jól, találtam egy szoba-konyhát a Nyugatitól nem messze. |
Réka: Már be is költöztél az új lakásba? |
Tom: Sajnos ez nem ilyen egyszerű, két havi kauciót kérnek és kezesem sincs. |
Réka: Szerintem a cég tud kezességet vállalni. Mennyibe kerül a lakbér? |
Tom: 95 ezer plusz rezsi. Nincs közös költség. |
Réka: Az nem rossz. Bútorozott? |
Tom: Igen, de szerintem lehet a tulajdonossal alkudozni. Ragaszkodom a saját ágyamhoz! |
Réka: Tényleg, és mekkora a lakás? |
Tom: 35 négyzetméter. |
Réka: 35 négyzetméter és 95 ezer?? Úristen, Tamás, hova költözöl te a Budai várba? |
Tom: Andrássy út... |
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation. |
Reka: How's the apartment hunting? |
Tom: Pretty good, I found a one-room flat not far from the Nyugati station. |
Reka: Have you already moved to the new apartment? |
Tom: Unfortunately, it's not that simple. They ask for a deposit of two months, and I don't even have a guarantor. |
Reka: I think the company can be the guarantor. How much is the rent? |
Tom: 95 thousand without other expenses. There is no utility fee. |
Reka: That's not bad. Is it furnished? |
Tom: Yes, but I think I can negotiate with the landlord. I want my own bed! |
Reka: By the way, how big is the apartment? |
Tom: 35 square meters. |
Reka: 35 square meters and it costs 95 thousand?? God, Tom are you moving to the Buda Castle? |
Tom: Andrassy Street... |
Eric: Lena, it is a well-known fact that when it comes to finding an apartment in a capital city, it's always tricky to figure out which districts are the most convenient. |
Lena: I agree. |
Eric: Can you recommend our listeners some places that would be a good price and good location in Budapest? |
Lena: I think in Budapest, for a smaller budget, the 10th, 19th, 20th districts would be appealing because of the convenience of public transport. The 13th and 14th districts could be a good choice because of their proximity to the city center and their lower prices. |
Eric: I see. And generally, what is the most popular district in Budapest? |
Lena: The most popular, and therefore more expensive districts are the 9th, which is called Kelenföld, 2nd, called Rózsadomb, and 12th - Svábhegy. |
Eric: Are there some districts that are best to avoid? |
Lena: Yes. Some areas of the 8th and 10th districts should be avoided. |
Eric: Okay, good to know. Now onto the vocab. |
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is.. |
Lena: lakáskeresés [natural native speed] |
Eric: apartment hunting |
Lena: lakáskeresés [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Lena: lakáskeresés [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Lena: szoba-konyha [natural native speed] |
Eric: one-room flat |
Lena: szoba-konyha [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Lena: szoba-konyha [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Lena: beköltözik [natural native speed] |
Eric: to move in |
Lena: beköltözik [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Lena: beköltözik [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Lena: kaució [natural native speed] |
Eric: deposit |
Lena: kaució [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Lena: kaució [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Lena: kezes [natural native speed] |
Eric: guarantor |
Lena: kezes [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Lena: kezes [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Lena: lakbér [natural native speed] |
Eric: rent |
Lena: lakbér [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Lena: lakbér [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Lena: rezsi [natural native speed] |
Eric: bills |
Lena: rezsi [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Lena: rezsi [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Lena: közös költség [natural native speed] |
Eric: utility fee |
Lena: közös költség [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Lena: közös költség [natural native speed] |
Eric: Next we have.. |
Lena: bútorozott [natural native speed] |
Eric: furnished |
Lena: bútorozott [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Lena: bútorozott [natural native speed] |
Eric: And last.. |
Lena: tulajdonos [natural native speed] |
Eric: landlord |
Lena: tulajdonos [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Lena: tulajdonos [natural native speed] |
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is.. |
Lena: Kezességet vállal |
Eric: Which means “to be a guarantor” |
Lena: Vállal is a verb that means “to take over something” or “to accept the responsibility”. Kezesség is a noun that comes from kezes, which is “guarantor” in English. |
Eric: Can you give us an example using this phrase? |
Lena: Sure. For example, you can say.. Eldöntötte, hogy kezességet vállal a lakásért. |
Eric: ..which means “He decided to be a guarantor for the apartment.” Okay, what's the next phrase? |
Lena: Két havi kaució |
Eric: “Deposit of two months” |
Lena: Kaució means “deposit” for an apartment. Usually, we say 2-3 havi kaució where havi means “monthly". |
Eric: Can you give us an example using this phrase? |
Lena: Ok, here... Két havi kauciót kell fizetni ahhoz, hogy beköltözhessünk. |
Eric: This means “We have to pay a deposit of two months to move in.” Okay, what's the last phrase? |
Lena: Alkudozik a tulajdonossal |
Eric: Which means “to negotiate with the landlord” |
Lena: The noun tulajdonos means “owner”, or “landlord” but in a large variety of contexts. You can say, for example, lakástulajdonos |
Eric: “Owner of the house” |
Lena: Or számlatulajdonos |
Eric: “Bank account holder” |
Lena: The verb alkudozik means “to negotiate, to bargain”. It's usually followed by a noun with -en,-on endings. |
Eric: Can you give us an example using this phrase? |
Lena: Ok.. Alkudoztam a tulajdonossal az autó árán. |
Eric: This means “I negotiated the price of the car with the owner.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus. |
Lesson focus
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn about the suffixes that mean “to” and “into” in Hungarian. |
Lena: In the previous lesson, we learned about the -ból, and -ből suffixes.. |
Eric: ..which you can use to describe the origin, a material, and an evolution of something. |
Lena: In this lesson we will learn the suffixes ba, and -be which mean “to” or “into”. These suffixes are often combined with -ból, and -ből, since they are antonyms. For example, Kiszálltam a kocsiból és bementem a házba. |
Eric: This means “I got out of the car and went into the house.” |
Lena: This sentence illustrates the relationship between the suffixes -ból, -ből and the suffixes -ba,-be. Here, the word kocsi meaning“car” is the base, so we put -ból at the end of the noun. Ház is our destination, so we put -ba at the end. |
Eric: Is there something else we should know about these suffixes? |
Lena: Yes. The suffixes -ból, -ből are often combined with the prefix ki- which means “out”. And the suffixes -ba, or -be are often combined with the prefix be- which means “to, into”. |
Eric: Can you give us some sample sentences? |
Lena: Sure. Holnap bemegyek az iskolába és beszélek a tanárnővel. |
Eric: This means “I will go to the school tomorrow and talk to the teacher.” |
Lena: Beleolvastam a könyvbe és kiváncsi vagyok. |
Eric: “I read into this book and I’m curious.” |
Lena: Beverte a fejét az ablakba és felkiáltott. |
Eric: “He/She bumped his/her head into the window and yelled.” |
Lena: Listeners, you can also use the pronouns ez and az |
Eric: Which mean “this” and “that” respectively... |
Lena: With the suffixes -ból, -ből and -ba, -be. So, it will be... abból, ebből |
Eric: Meaning “From that,” and “from this” |
Lena: And abba, ebbe |
Eric: “to that, to this”. Ok, Let's give our listeners some sample sentences. |
Lena: For example, Ebből én nem iszok, tele van kalóriával. |
Eric: “I’m not drinking from this, it’s full of calories.” |
Lena: Abba a táskába rakd bele légy szíves! |
Eric: “Please put it in that bag!” |
Lena: Ebbe inkább ne menjünk bele! |
Eric: “Let’s not get into this!” |
Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye! |
Lena: Viszontlátásra |
HideHow do you usually find a new place to live?