
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone:Hi everyone and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com, this is Upper Beginner season 1 lesson 9 - Going From Bad to Worse in Hungary. I’m Simone.
Gergő:And I am Gergő, sziasztok.
Simone:In this lesson you’ll learn how to make lists in Hungarian.
Gergő:The conversation takes place at a coffee shop.
Simone:It’s between Jenny and Tibi.
Gergő:They are friends, so they use informal language.
Simone:Let’s listen to the conversation.
Simone:‘Marketing’ is not the only English word that you'll hear pronounced in Hungarian.
Gergő:No, there are a lot of English words in Hungarian. The most common ones – besides brand names – include existing English words like meeting.
Simone:Which of course means “meeting” in Hungarian as well.
Gergő:And made up ‘Hunglish’, like the noun wellness center.
Simone:Which means “spa.”
Gergő:Right. Makes sense and sounds English, but it's not.
Simone:Hungarian has borrowed words from Latin, Turkish, Slavic and German, and many other languages.
Gergő:So it follows the trend of who's dictating common culture. English is a logical step in this century.
Simone:Yeah, it makes sense. All right, now onto the vocab.
Simone:Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Gergo, what’s the first word?
Gergő:Összeomlik is a compound of the össze- prefix, plus a verb, omlik or “crumble, fall down.” The prefix means something like “go from the normal/scattered state to 'togetherness.'”
Simone:How do we use it?
Gergő:Besides buildings, people can do this too, just like in our dialogue.
Simone:In that case, it is figurative and it refers to breaking down mentally. If your life does the same, it means that things really aren’t going well and everything is falling apart. So how do you say “Thomas broke down today”?
Gergő:Tamás ma összeomlott.
Simone:You can also say your life has come apart. What’s “My life is falling apart completely.”
Gergő:Az életem teljesen összeomlik. Remember, if you refer to people, it is always figurative, and does not mean “stumble” or “fall” in a physical sense.
Simone:For that purpose, you can use összeesik.
Gergő:An example, with the same name as before, Tamás ma összesett a melegtől.
Simone:“Thomas fell down (fainted) today from all the heat.”
Gergő:Tamás ma összesett a melegtől. The next word is borzalmas, which means “terrible.” So do szörnyű, iszonyatos, and iszonyú.
Simone:This will beef up your complaining vocab nicely.
Gergő:And that’s a necessary part of Hungarian living! Borzalmas comes from borzalom, meaning “horror, monstrosity.”
Simone:The next one was iszonyatos. Where does this come from?
Gergő:From iszony which means “fear of.” Pókiszonyom van. 2X
Simone:“I have arachnophobia.”
Gergő:And finally, szörnyű comes from szörny, or “monster.”
Simone:Give us an example.
Gergő:This should be familiar, Szörny Rt.
Simone:“Monsters Inc.”
Gergő:Szörny Rt. We have also learned the abbreviation for “incorporated”, in a business sense. RT.
Simone:All right, now onto the grammar point.
Simone:In this lesson you’ll learn how to list things in speech.
Gergő:Először..., másodszor..., aztán..., végül.
Simone:Which is “Firstly, secondly, then, finally.” Repeat it again, one by one please.
Gergő:Először..., másodszor..., aztán..., végül.
Simone:“Firstly, secondly, then, finally.”
Gergő:You can find the first ten numerals conjugated to this form in the lesson notes.
Simone:Hungarians very often start their list of arguments or things to do by saying “first.”
Gergő:Which is először or először is. The former means “first”, and the latter is more like “first of all.”
Simone:Give us an example for the first one please.
Gergő:Először töltse ki az űrlapot.
Simone:“First, fill out the sheet.”
Gergő:Először töltse ki az űrlapot. This is clearly about a list of things, and what you should do first in order. Our other example is, Először is, keressük meg a választ.
Simone:“First of all, let's find the answer.”
Gergő:Először is, keressük meg a választ.
Simone:With is added, you don't necessarily mean that this will be the first of many things, but the most important instead. Let's continue our list.
Gergő:This is then followed by másodszor, or “secondly.” There is no such thing as másodszor is.
Simone:Continue with an example please.
Gergő:Másodszor, írja rá a címét.
Simone:“Secondly, address it.”
Gergő:Másodszor, írja rá a címét. Then comes “thirdly” and all the rest - as high a number as you can trust your listeners to remember.
Simone:By the way, this form of the numerals is used to express another meaning, right?
Gergő:These numbers are more often used in the sense of “on the Xth occasion.” For example, Ötödször vagyok itt.
Simone:“This is my fifth time here.” But this was just a tangent, let’s get back to listing things.
Gergő:At some point, you might want to simplify your speech, and switch to azután, or aztán.
Simone:This means “after that, then.”
Gergő:Aztán tegyen rá bélyeget.
Simone:“Then put a stamp on it.”
Gergő:The last element can be led in by végül or végezetül. Both of these mean “finally, in the end.”
Simone:Let's hear an example.
Gergő:Végül várjon az értesítőre.
Simone:“Finally, wait for the notice.”


Simone:Okay, that’s it for this lesson. Thanks for listening, everyone!
Gergő:See you next time. Sziasztok!

