
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone:Hi everyone and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com, this is Upper Beginner season 1 lesson 7 - How is the Hungarian Food? I’m Simone.
Gergő:And I’m Gergő. Sziasztok.
Simone:In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use the privative suffix, which is like the “-less” ending in English.
Gergő:The conversation takes place at the recently opened steakhouse.
Simone:It’s between Jenny and Kristóf.
Gergő:They are using informal language.
Simone:Let’s listen to the conversation.
Simone:Those pesky high-school students.
Gergő:They aren't that bad in Hungary, actually. Our character in the dialogue is the exception. Even nowadays, there aren't really any school gangs and drugs at high-schools.
Simone:That’s not to say there are no problems at all with these though, right.
Gergő:Not at all. But overall, I'd say that students, and also parents are pretty good. Parents might be a little strict, but also very caring.
Simone:One could say they’re a bit too caring!.
Gergő:You could, I suppose! Hungarian kids are fed tons of vitamins and dressed like they are headed for Antarctica.
Simone:Parents should really learn that it is not such a cold country!
Gergő:That includes my mum, who used to dress me in fifteen layers of clothing on the first day of autumn.
Simone:(laughs) Okay, now onto the vocab.
Simone:Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. What’s first?
Gergő:Egyetlen means “the only.”
Simone:Can you use it in a sentence, please?
Gergő:Te vagy az egyetlen barátom.
Simone:“You are my only friend.”
Gergő:Te vagy az egyetlen barátom. You can also use it as a term of endearment. Like this, Egyetlenem!
Simone:“My love!” or literally, “My only!”
Gergő:Next, we had the word diákkedvezmény. This is a compound of “student” and “discount” or kedvezmény.
Simone:Again, let's put it in a sentence.
Gergő:A diákkedvezmény 60%.
Simone:“The student discount is 60 percent.”
Gergő:A diákkedvezmény 60%. This is not just a made-up sentence. You pay around half the normal price at many places in Hungary, if you're a student.
Simone:All right, let's move on.
Gergő:It’s Szemtelen.
Simone:This means “cheeky,” or “impudent.” The actual, literal translation of the adjective is “eye-less.” What’s the explanation there?
Gergő:I'm not sure, but it may or may not refer to the idea that if you have no eyes, you can’t take into consideration other people's age, gender or rank. And this could lead you to make unwanted remarks.
Simone:Let's hear a sentence.
Gergő:Ez a gyerek nagyon szemtelen.
Simone:“This kid is very impudent.”
Gergő:Ez a gyerek nagyon szemtelen.
Simone:The relevant noun is szemtelenség or “impudence.”
Gergő:Ekkora szemtelenséget még sosem hallottam.
Simone:“I have never heard of such impudence.” Repeat it please!
Gergő:Ekkora szemtelenséget még sosem hallottam.
Simone:All right, now onto the grammar.
Simone:In this lesson you’ll learn to use the privative suffixes.
Gergő:The first word we take a look at is szemtelen.
Gergő:This word contains the noun szem and the ending telen, or “-less.” This is called the privative suffix.
Simone:Like Gergő said it works much like the English “less” suffix. This adjective has an abstract meaning, and it does not mean that someone is actually lacking eyes. But a couple of simple examples will explain this ending better.
Gergő:Now I'll say an adjective or a noun and Simone will translate that. Then I say the same with the suffix attached and Simone will translate that too. Ready?
Simone:Let's see.
Simone:“timid” or “bashful, shy”
Gergő:We attached -talan to the adjective and ended up with another adjective. This time we do this with a noun. Esemény
Gergő:This time, a noun became an adjective. These examples show that the ending can be attached to both nouns and adjectives. Also, both of the original words ended in a consonant.
Simone:Which is the requirement to attach -talan or -telen.
Gergő:If the noun or adjective ends in a vowel, you have to pick between -tlan, T-L-A-N , -tlen, T-L-E-N.
Simone:Let's see an example.
Simone:“unsuspecting” All right, so when it ends in a vowel, the ending you attach is -tlan or -tlen, depending on the vowel setup, as usual. And I'm guessing there might be some exceptions to this, right?
Gergő:Oh, sure. Just like with every rule...
Simone:Now we will teach you a couple of examples that carry useful abstract meanings, and are not as straightforward as the ones we just mentioned. Like szemtelen, or “cheeky”.
Gergő:Arcátlan means “lacking face,” which in Hungarian means that the person is capable of doing anything to achieve their goal, and lacks morals and good will.
Simone:Can you say an example sentence?
Gergő:Az a politikus arcátlan – tőlünk lop!
Simone:“This politician is shameless – he's stealing from us.”
Gergő:You can also call someone illetlen. This means that the person lacks illem, or “etiquette.”
Simone:Ok, how do you say this: “Don't be improper! You mustn't bite the bread.”?
Gergő:Ne légy illetlen, nem szabad harapni a kenyeret.
Simone:Now, these examples can be heard quite often and they are not suffixed in the regular way. But hopefully they won’t be too difficult. And remember, you can check the lesson notes for more examples and information about this topic.


Simone:Okay, that’s it for this lesson.
Gergő:See you next time everyone. Sziasztok!
Simone:Thanks everyone, bye!

