
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone:Hi everyone and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com, this is Upper Beginner season 1 lesson 6 - Have You Ever Opened a Steakhouse in Hungary? I’m Simone.
Gergő: And I am Gergő. Sziasztok!
Simone:In this lesson you’ll learn how to ask “have you ever?”, as well as answer this question.
Gergő:The dialogue takes place at Uncle Béla's closed- down hairdresser.
Simone:The dialogue is between Jenny and Uncle Béla.
Gergő:They seem to know each other, but because of the age difference, Jenny is using formal language.
Simone:Let’s listen to the conversation.
Simone:Things are really happening now! We're opening a restaurant!
Gergő:And a steakhouse at that. Which is, by the way, badly needed in Hungary, the land of dry beefsteaks.
Simone:I know what you're talking about. You have to be really persistent to find a decent rare steak in Hungary.
Gergő:Well, we're not good at that. On the other hand, you can get really good beef stews and beef goulash nearly everywhere. Cows are just simply cut up differently here!
Simone:Beef stews are great, you're right. A lot of red wine goes into the pot as well, which gives the meat a very different flavor from what you would get in a steak.
Gergő:Now I'm really hungry. The sound editor will have a lot to do, editing my rumbling stomach out of the recording.
Simone:(laughs) All right. now onto the vocab.
Simone:Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. We'll start the vocab section with what exactly?
Gergő:Konyha means “kitchen” as well as “cuisine.” I'll give you an example: Szeretem az olasz konyhát.
Simone:“I love Italian cuisine.”
Gergő:Szeretem az olasz konyhát. The next word is sütni.
Simone:Sütni means both “to fry” and “to bake.”
Gergő:Right. Which meaning you use really just depends on the context. Sütök egy kis krumplit.
Simone:“I'll make some french fries.” or “I'll fry some potatoes.”
Gergő:Normally, with potatoes it means “fry.” Sütök egy kis krumplit.
Simone:On the other hand, you can also say this with the noun for “cake.”
Gergő:Sütök egy tortát.
Simone:“I'll bake a cake.”
Gergő:Sütök egy tortát. Süt is the stem of a very important Hungarian word that you'll want to learn as soon as possible.
Simone:It might even be too late!
Gergő:The word is sütemény, or “cookies, cakes.” It is singular in Hungarian.
Simone:How would you say this? “I love cakes.”
Gergő:Imádom a süteményt. 2X Hungary is great for sweets...we should have taught you guys this word ages ago!
Simone:This noun describes all sorts of baked delicacies including sliced cakes, some home-made biscuits, and salty stuff as well. And the shortened, cuter form is süti.
Gergő:I'll say an example, Hoztál sütit?
Simone:“Did you bring any cookies?”
Gergő:The very question I ask here at the company every morning. I'll say that again. Hoztál sütit?
Simone:I think we've covered all angles with süt.
Gergő:No, not yet. The adjective “fried” or “baked” is sült.
Simone:All right, can you give us some examples?
Gergő:A sült krumpli a kedvencem.
Simone:“French fries are my favorite.”
Gergő:Sült oldalas van?
Simone:“Do you have ribs?” Literally, this means ”baked ribs”. Okay, everyone, now onto the grammar.
Simone:In this lesson you’ll learn how to ask “have you ever?” and answer with “I have/ I have never.”
Gergő:The first sentence from the dialogue is this, Sütött már steaket?
Simone:“Have you ever made steak?”
Gergő:Sütött már steaket?
Simone:The lack of perfect tenses means that in Hungarian, to express “have you ever”, you need to use the past tense.
Gergő:Indeed, sütött means “you fried/baked” in formal second person.
Simone:SO the literal translation of the sentence is “have you ever fried steak?” Say it again, please.
Gergő:Sütött már steaket? We also have már in the sentence. This adverb means “already”. This conveys an important difference. I'll say the sentence without it now. Sütött steaket?
Simone:“Did you make any steak?”
Gergő:This sentence refers to a certain situation. Maybe I know that the other person was going to cook for us, and I ask him or her this. “Did you also make steak for this occasion?”
Simone:But with már in the sentence...
Gergő:Sütött már steaket?
Simone:“Have you ever made steak?” This is a more general, “have you ever?”- type scenario.
Gergő:Both of these examples were formal. To which Uncle Béla says, Még soha nem sütöttem.
Simone:“I have never made it.”
Gergő:Még soha means “yet” and “never.” You need soha in the sentence. If you leave out soha, the sentence may carry two meanings. Még nem sütöttem.
Simone:This means “I have not made it.” “In my life, I have not made any” or “this afternoon I have not made any.”
Gergő:Még, or “yet” keeps the question open. “I might just do that someday.”
Simone:Then we had another important and relevant word.
Simone:This means “ever.” The same thing as with soha applies. Without it, the meaning of the sentence can be misunderstood. An example please?
Gergő:Evett már valaha steaket?
Simone:“Have you ever eaten steak?” (in your life)
Gergő:Compare this to Evett már steaket?
Simone:“Have you eaten steak?” - in your life or during our lunch.
Gergő:Valaha is not used in declarative sentences in this meaning, much like the English “ever.”
Simone:Finally, we had this, “I have never eaten it.”
Gergő:Még sosem ettem.
Simone:“I have never eaten it.” We’ve had lessons on the double negative. But where is it this time, Gergő?
Gergő:Well, search no more, Sosem is made up of two words actually - soha, “never” and nem, or “no.”


Simone:Okay, that’s it for this lesson. Make sure you check the lesson notes. Thanks for listening, bye!
Gergő:See you next time everyone. Sziasztok!


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