
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone:Hi everyone and welcome to Upper Beginner, season 1, lesson 23 - Another Visit from the Hungarian Health Inspector. I am Simone.
Gergő:And I am Gergő. Sziasztok!
Simone:In this lesson, you will learn a couple of past tense forms.
Gergő:This conversation takes place at the steakhouse.
Simone:It’s between Jenny and Pöchner.
Gergő:The speakers are strangers, so they’re using formal language.
Simone:Let’s listen to the conversation.
Simone:This still doesn’t sound like a restaurant I’d leave a big tip at.
Gergő:You have to support up-and-coming small businesses! Don’t be a cheapskate, and leave ten percent.
Simone:Ten percent for everyone?
Gergő:Yes. Tips are usually not included in the bill, and even if they are, leave a bit extra.
Simone:I noticed that people leave even more for cabbies.
Gergő:That’s right, they get fifteen percent usually.
Simone:Those are some good tips. Okay, now let’s take a look at the vocab.
Simone:Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Gergő:First up, Megkönnyebbül means “to feel relieved.”
Simone:Can you use it in an example sentence? Also, say it extra slow please, it’s a hard word.
Gergő:Vége a vizsgának, megkönnyebbültél?
Simone:“The exam is over, do you feel relieved?”
Gergő:Vége a vizsgának, megkönnyebültél? It also has a noun form: megkönnyebbülés.
Simone:An example, please.
Gergő:This is often heard: Micsoda megkönnyebbülés!
Simone:“What a relief!” Which is what I feel every day exiting the studio!
Gergő:(laughs) I'll repeat it: Micsoda megkönnyebbülés!
Simone:What else is there for this lesson?
Gergő:Well, another word starting with meg. Megfelelő means “appropriate” and “suitable,” “fitting” or “the correct one.”
Simone:That is a lot of meanings. Let's hear an example and it will be clearer.
Gergő:Tedd az érmét a megfelelő nyílásba.
Simone:“Put the coin in the correct slot.” What an unlikely example.
Gergő:Yet you can read it on every coffee machine. Tedd az érmét a megfelelő nyílásba. But here is another one: Ez a szoba megfelelő?
Simone:“Is this room fitting/good enough?”
Gergő:Ez a szoba megfelelő?
Simone:What if I don't like it?
Gergő:You can also use it as a verb and just say: Nem felel meg.
Simone:It means “it doesn't suit,” or something like that, literally.
Simone:Okay, now onto the grammar.
Simone:In this lesson you’ll learn more about the past tense. It’s time to refresh and extend your knowledge on the topic, and go through a couple of nice and handy tables. Always with the tables...
Gergő:We have to, sorry. The thing is, past tense is pretty complicated in Hungarian, so it deserves more practice.
Simone:Fair enough. What’s the first sentence?
Gergő:Lemostunk mindent.
Simone:“We have washed everything down”
Gergő:Lemostunk mindent. The base verb is lemos, or “wash down.”
Simone:There is a nice table in the lesson notes for you to take a look at. At this point, it is enough to know that many verbs form past tense by adding a -t to the present tense ending. Let's hear another example from the dialogue.
Gergő:We had Letöröltük a port.
Simone:“We wiped the dust down.”
Gergő:The base verb is letöröl. In first person plural, definite conjugation: Letöröltük.
Simone:You make it sound easy.
Gergő:It is really, once you learn the endings from the table.
Simone:What other examples were in the dialogue?
Simone:“I'm so relieved.”
Simone:All right. What is common in these verbs?
Gergő:Here is the deal: most verbs that end in -j, -l, -m, -ny, -r conjugate normally, that is, just like the previous ones. There is a memory hook to remember them: Jár a lányom.
Simone:Which means “My daughter is walking.” All the consonants from this sentence. Jár a lányom. If the verb ends in one of these, it will probably conjugate regularly. There’s a table in the notes about this.
Gergő:There are also words that end in a vowel plus -b, -d, -g, -gy, -k, -p, -s, -sz, -v, and -z that are still regular, but there is a slight change in third person. The memory hook for these letter-sounds is this sentence: Szabad vagyok, pá! meaning “I'm free, bye!” And of course you can check that from the table.
Simone:So we have covered two types of conjugation, with a slight difference.
Gergő:Right. We'll let that sink in for now and come back to this in the next lesson too.
Simone:It is now essential that you use the lesson notes with the table.
Gergő:Always a good idea.


Simone:All right everyone, we'll see you next time.
Gergő:Thanks for listening, sziasztok!

