
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone:Hi everyone and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com. This is Upper Beginner , season 1, lesson 22 - Popping the Question in Hungarian. I am Simone.
Gergő:And I am Gergő. Sziasztok.
Simone:In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask someone to marry you.
Gergő:The conversation takes place at the steakhouse.
Simone:It’s between Jenny and Kristóf.
Gergő:The speakers are friends, so they’re using informal language.
Simone:Let’s listen to the conversation.
Simone:What is a Hungarian wedding like, Gergő?
Gergő:Lots of drinking and a huge amount of food. There is also dancing and games that are meant to embarrass everyone.
Simone:That doesn't sound too pleasant.
Gergő:It all depends on the vőfély. A vőfély is like an MC at weddings. He has to do some stand-up, some poetry and some organizing of the guests - it’s a very important job.
Simone:And if he’s no good?
Gergő:Then your dream wedding is a bore. That's why good ones are hard to book, and need to be paid well.
Simone:Sounds like a fun job!
Gergő:Really? To me it sounds awful. You have the exact same crowd every weekend, but they range from kids to grandparents – entertain that lot. It must be a tough gig.
Simone:Yeah, I bet it is. Okay, now let’s take a look at the vocab.
Simone:Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Gergő:First up is Gáz, which meant “gas” originally. In slang it means “trouble” or “problem.”
Simone:The most common expression you'll hear, if you hang out with Gergő is this... “We've got a problem.”
Gergő:Gáz van! 2X But you can reassure me, by saying Nem lesz gáz.
Simone:“There won't be any trouble.”
Gergő:Nem lesz gáz. Sometimes you can also refer to a person by saying that they are gáz. In that case it means “weird.”
Simone:“That guy is weird.”
Gergő:Az a fickó gáz.
Simone:All right, let's move on.
Gergő:Ellenőr means “inspector”, and it also means “conductor.”
Simone:As in the person who comes to check if your apartment is fire-safe, and the one who checks your tickets on the bus.
Gergő:You'll hear this on Budapest trams often - Jön az ellenőr. Jön az ellenőr.
Simone:“The conductor is coming.”
Gergő:Run for the door. Unless of course you have a ticket.
Simone:Highly unconventional among the Budapest youth. What's next?
Gergő:Two simple words - férj and feleség.
Simone:Which are “husband” and “wife.”
Gergő:A feleségem szereti ezt a kocsit.
Simone:“My wife likes this car.”
Gergő:A feleségem szereti ezt a kocsit.
Simone:Okay, now onto the grammar.
Simone:In this lesson you’ll learn how to propose to someone, and use verbs in the general topic of marriage. What is the key sentence, Gergő?
Gergő:El akar venni feleségül.
Simone:“He wants to marry me.” Learning to say “get married” and “to marry someone” is a tricky subject in every language. In this lesson we're going learn all the related verbs and how you use them.
Gergő:As usual in this series, there will be a huge amount of prefix-related discussion.
Simone:That's right. It’s safe to say that unless you are clear on the prefixes, you can't propose to anyone. Now, if you’re a male and you feel ready to get married, you'll use the phrase….
Gergő:elvenni feleségül x2
Simone:The literal translation of the phrase is something like “to take someone as wife.”
Gergő:I'll give you an example. Tamás elveszi Pannit (feleségül). The last word is optional.
Simone:“Thomas is marrying Panni.” The person who is “taken” is in the accusative.
Gergő:Tamás elveszi Pannit (feleségül). The original meaning of the prefix-verb construction is to “take away.”
Simone:And girls?
Gergő:If you are female, you won’t use elvesz, but instead hozzámegyek valakihez.
Simone:The literal translation of this one is “go to somebody.” Highly unimaginative, but explain anyway.
Gergő:All right, thanks. The example is A nőverém hozzámegy Zsoltihoz.
Simone:“My sister is going to marry Zsolti.”
Gergő:A nőverém hozzámegy Zsoltihoz. Hozzá is a prefix that we haven't mentioned. It means “to.” Now, in the unfortunate event of a break-up before the wedding, you're going to say this: A nővérem nem megy hozzá Zsoltihoz.
Smone: “My sister is not going to marry Zsolti.” In negative sentences prefixes detach if the verb is negated. Again, please?
Gergő:A nővérem nem megy hozzá Zsoltihoz. Now, the big question: Hozzámjössz feleségül?
Simone:“Will you marry me?”
Gergő:Hozzámjössz feleségül? In fact, the literal translation is “will you come to me as a wife?” Feleségül means “as a wife.”
Simone:So, how many times have you tried this one?
Gergő:Just the once, I'll have you know.
Simone:What if a woman does the proposing?
Gergo: Well, it’s not so common in Hungary, but she can ask: “Elveszel feleségül?” The literal translation is “will you take me as a wife?” Though it can be a very scary question for some guys.
Simone:Ok. Anything else for this lesson?
Gergő:You should also practice these forms. Tamás megházasodik. 2X
Simone:“Thomas is getting married.” Or literally: “getting a house.”
Gergő:This phrase has something to do with dowries, most probably, and is only used with men.
Simone:And what do girls do?
Gergő:A nővérem férjhez megy.
Simone:“My older sister gets married.”
Gergő:Literally it means “my older sister goes to husband”.
Simone:How cute. All right, this was a bit of a fun lesson.


Gergő:I'm glad you think so. Now it’s time to go. Until next time, sziasztok!
Simone:Thanks for listening, everyone. Bye!

