
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone:Hi everyone and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com. This is Upper Beginner Hungarian, season 1, lesson 15 - A Thief Strikes in Hungary. I am Simone.
Gergő:And I am Gergő.
Simone:In this lesson you’ll learn to use a couple of verbs with the ki- prefix.
Gergő:The conversation takes place at the steakhouse.
Simone:It is between Jenny and uncle Béla.
Gergő:Béla speaks informally to Jenny and Jenny speaks formally, but in this lesson they don't address each other.
Simone:Let's listen to the conversation.
Simone:So Gergő - what are the chances of getting robbed in Budapest.
Gergő:Very slim, I'm happy to say. Though Hungarians think otherwise, the country is still very safe.
Simone:How can they be wrong?
Gergő:Because we hear a lot about scams against the elderly and petty theft, pickpocketing and the like. But actual violent crimes are rare, there is no such thing as gang violence and it is almost impossible to get a gun.
Simone:Well, guns don't kill people...
Gergő:I know. Podcasts about politics do. But really, violence is rare and even then you just get the odd bar fight.
Simone:Great news!
Gergő:Ok, now let’s move on to the vocab.
Simone:Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. What is the first item on the agenda?
Gergő:Mi jöhet még?
Simoen:“What else can happen?”
Gergő:Mi jöhet még?
Simone:This expression is used when you feel like every conceivable problem has already fallen upon you. The literal translation is something like “what else can come?” So that’s easy enough. What is the next one?
Gergő:Fillér. This used to be a monetary unit, which was worth one-hundredth of a forint.
Simone:Right. Fillérs slowly became obsolete, and the last fillér coins went out of use in 1999.
Gergő:But that doesn't mean that it’s out of the language too. People often say things like - Egy fillérem sincs.
Simone:“I don't have any money.” Literally - “I don't even have a fillér.”
Gergő:Egy fillérem sincs.
Simone:Can you provide another example?
Gergő:Egy fillért sem költök rád.
Simone:“I won't spend a penny on you.”
Gergő:Egy fillért sem költök rád. Rád means “onto you.”
Simone:All right, anything else for vocab?
Gergő:Sure. We also had rendőrség, which means “police.” Rend is “order” and őrség is “guard.”
Simone:That’s going to be hard to remember when someone’s in trouble.
Gergő:If you find this word too long to remember, you can just shout rendőr. This is also translated as “police” but it refers to the person, not the organization.
Simone:Good to know.
Gergő:Also the sentence Hívjanak rendőrt!
Simone:“Somebody call the police!”
Gergő:Hívjanak rendőrt! Let's hope the listeners won't ever need it.
Simone:But it’s useful just in case. Okay, now onto the grammar.
Simone:In this lesson, you’ll learn a few verbs with the ki- prefix.
Gergő:The first key sentence is kirámolták a kasszát.
Simone:“The cash register has been robbed.”
Gergő:The ki- prefix, as you may all remember, means a direction, “out.”
Simone:Attach this to a verb, and you express that the action happens in an outward direction. A simple example first, please.
Gergő:Kimegyek az udvarra.
Simone:“I'll go out to the yard.”
Gergő:Kimegyek az udvarra. This case is easy, since menni, or “to go” is a verb that can clearly have a direction.
Simone:In this lesson we're going to cover meanings that are not always so straightforward, and which have a more abstract sense.
Gergő:Like in the first example kirámolták a kasszát. Kirámolni is the infinitive of the verb that means “unpack,” “empty.”
Simone:What you should remember here is that Hungarians often use it to communicate the meaning “rob.” This is not too far from the original meaning - after all burglars “empty” places that they rob.
Gergő:That’s right. In the dialogue we also had this -Valaki kifigyelte, hogy hol a kulcs.
Simone:“Someone must have learned where the key is.”
Gergő:Valaki kifigyelte, hogy hol a kulcs. Figyelni means “pay attention,” but when you kifigyel something, you secretly pay attention and note some sort of detail you're probably not supposed to.
Simone:Like Gergő does even now around Christmas. Looking for clues and signs of his presents!
Gergő:(laughs) Now I'll give you a similar example. A gyerek kifigyelte, hogy hol vannak az ajándékok.
Simone:“The kid has spied the location of the gifts.”
Gergő:Another example of a ki- verb from the dialogue is Kiszúrt velünk az élet!
Simone:“Life has screwed us over.” This is something you may hear very often in Hungary.
Gergő:Szúrni means “to stab” and kiszúrni means “to double cross” someone.
Simone:All right, what is the last example you wanted to share?
Gergő:Ha a rendőrség kideríti, hogy ki volt, akkor nagyon meg fogja bánni, amit tett.
Simone:“If the police figure out who did it, he’ll regret what he has done.”
Gergő:Just a quick note. In every Hungarian conversation there is a ton of prefixed verbs, so we're going to have to cover a lot of them.


Simone:All right, but we’ll leave it there for now. In the meantime, make sure to check the lesson notes. Thanks for listening, everyone, and see you next time.

