
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone:Hi everyone and welcome back to HungarianPod101.com, this is Upper Beginner season 1 lesson 10 - A Visit From the Hungarian Health Inspector. I’m Simone.
Gergő:And I am Gergő. Sziasztok!
Simone:In this lesson, you’ll learn about causative suffixes, and making requests.
Gergő:The conversation takes place at Jenny's steakhouse.
Simone:The conversation is between Jenny and Mr. Pöchner, an official from the public health bureau.
Gergő:They use formal language.
Simone:Let’s listen to the conversation.
Simone:Pöchner sounds like a made up name.
Gergő:And it pretty much is. But it would fool any Hungarian and I wanted to include this because of the spelling. Old family names often fool the language learner with their strange spelling.
Simone:Uh-oh, this doesn't translate well to speech, huh?
Gergő:No problem. In Hungarian, how do you spell the cs sound?
Simone:C-s. This is bootcamp material.
Gergő:Well, in some family names like Kováts it is spelled t-s.
Simone:So not only is it a compound of two letters anyway, but there are two ways to spell it. Great.
Gergő:There are just a few and mostly in names. Shouldn't be a problem.
Simone:All right, let's see the vocab.
Simone:Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. What’s first?
Gergő:Felhívni valaki figyelmét is “to draw someone's attention.”
Simone:Can you give us an example?
Gergő:Felhívom a figyelmedet az üres benzintankra.
Simone:“I'd like to draw your attention to the empty gas tank.” This is informal.
Gergő:If the object that we are drawing attention to is a simple noun, like in this sentence, then it gets the -ra, -re ending. Benzintankra.
Simone:But a full clause can also follow the expression.
Gergő:Felhívom a figyelmed, hogy a benzin még nincs itt.
Simone:“I'd like to draw your attention, (to the fact) that the petrol still hasn't arrived.”
Gergő:Felhív should be familiar. It is actually “call up.” All right, now we're going to talk about this word: foltos.
Simone:It’s an adjective and it means that there are spots or stains on the surface of something. Let's say you are clumsy and you spill some red wine on your white pants. How would you use this word?
Gergő:The sentence is this, Ez a nadrág foltos.
Simone:“These pants have spots.”
Gergő:Ez a nadrág foltos. If you want to refer to a deliberate pattern on the clothing, you’d say pöttyös. In the same sentence again, Ez a nadrág pöttyös.
Simone:“These pants are spotty.”
Gergő:All right. And finally we have padló or “floor.” Then there is föld, which is “ground.”
Simone:And the difference is what again?
Gergő:You put something down on the padló and föld inside the house, but only on the föld outside. There’s no padló outside. Föld also means “earth, soil, Planet Earth and dirt.”
Simone:All right, that's it for vocab. Now onto the grammar.
Simone:In this lesson, you’ll learn about the causative suffix, and making requests and warnings.
Gergő:I’ll jump right in with the example from the dialogue. Tudatom önnel, hogy ha nem lesz rend, bezáratom a helyet.
Simone:“I'd like you to know that if you don't put everything in order, I'll have the place closed.”
Gergő:Tudatom önnel, hogy ha nem lesz rend, bezáratom a helyet. In this sentence, we had the causative suffix at twice. This suffix is used just like the English “have or make somebody do something.”
Simone:Can you explain in more detail please? Which words are we talking about?
Gergő:Tud means “know”, and tudat is “have somebody know something.” In a sense, it is “inform.” The person who is being informed will get the -val, -vel ending. This means “with”.
Simone:Just like here, Tudatom önnel... “I'll have you know...” “You” here is actually “with you” for formal situations. What’s another example?
Gergő:Tudatom Bélával, hogy ki van rúgva.
Simone:“I'll inform Béla that he is fired.” Literally, “I'll have Bála know.” This entire construction carries a heavy formal overtone, and it is impersonal.
Gergő:So is figyelmeztetem, hogy... or “I'll warn you that...” Figyelmeztetem, hogy be kell fizetni a csekket.
Simone:“I'll warn you that you have to pay the bill.” This is an impersonal construction – we didn't say who has to pay the bill. The literal translation is “the bill has to be paid.” And it’s another formal request.
Gergő:In the second clause, we see befizet and kell, or “pay” and “have to” respectively. You should remember from earlier that the prefix detaches with kell in the sentence sometimes. Be kell fizetni.
Simone:“Has to be paid.”
Gergő:Returning to our first example from the dialogue, we heard bezárat. Bezár is “close”, and bezárat is “have a place closed.”
Simone:How do you say this, “I'll have the pub closed.”
Gergő:Bezáratom a kocsmát.
Simone:The speaker implies that they will do this through official channels, and that they will have the act done by some third party.
Gergő:Bezáratom a kocsmát.
Simone:The same can be done with the opposite verb, “to open,” right?
Gergő:Sure. Kinyittatom az ajtót.
Simone:“I'll have the door opened.” Now, let's see how the causative suffix is attached. A recap on the rules please?
Gergő:Of course. Rule 1- One-syllable verbs get -at, -et, depending on the vowel setup.
Simone:And what about Rule Number 2?
Gergő:Verbs with more than one syllable get -tat, -tet, depending on the vowel setup. One-syllable verbs ending in a vowel+t also get -tat, -tet.
Simone:And...how about Rule Number 3?
Gergő:There are exceptions to this.
Simone:(laughs) When aren't there? But listeners, remember you can check the lesson notes for more examples and information.


Simone:Okay, that’s it for this lesson.
Gergő:See you next time everyone. Sziasztok!
Simone:Thanks for listening, bye!

