
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone:Hi everyone and welcome to HungarianPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 10, Dealing with the Daily Grind in Hungary. I am Simone.
Csaba:And I am Csaba.
Simone:In this lesson you're going to learn how to use “have to.”
Csaba:The conversation takes place in Anne’s apartment.
Simone:Between Anne and Balázs.
Csaba:They use informal language.
Simone: Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Simone: So they do have to work after all.
Csaba: I’m sorry to say that, but especially since the financial crisis, the employment situation is not very good.
Simone: I guess a lot of countries in Europe are going through the same thing.
Csaba: Young people try to hold on to the first job they get, and there isn’t really a good chance of finding another if you happen to hate it.
Simone: Not everyone is as lucky as you are, with us.
Csaba: That’s right. I’m extremely lucky! This is the best job ever! And, might I add, wonderful superiors.
Simone: All right, this is painful to listen to. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is
kell, have to
korán, early
kel, get up
nekem, for me
felhívni, call
hét, week
reggel, morning
and last
Jó éjt!, Good night!
Simone: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Csaba: The first word is Felhívlak, meaning “I’ll call you.”
Csaba: Even though this word starts with the prefix fel, or “up,” it has nothing to do with the direction, really.
Simone: Right, and can you put it in a sentence, please?
Csaba: Holnap felhívlak.
Simone: “I’ll call you tomorrow.” Please repeat.
Csaba: Holnap felhívlak.
Simone: Okay, let’s have an imperative sentence now. “Call me!”
Csaba: Hívj fel.
Simone: Please repeat.
Csaba: Hívj fel. Don’t worry about word order and conjugation just yet. Imperative is still a bit away.
Simone: Okay, let’s move on to the next word. I remember hearing “I get up early.”
Csaba: Korán kelek. Korán is an adverb that means “early.” This is the opposite of későn, which means “late.”
Simone: Let’s hear a sentence with that too.
Csaba: Megint későn keltem.
Simone: “I got up late again.” Can we hear that again?
Csaba: Megint későn keltem.
Simone: And finally, we had “good night.”
Csaba: In Hungarian, jó éjt.
Simone: Is this formal or informal?
Csaba: Actually, this one is good for everyone, just like good morning, which was jó reggelt,
Simone: which on the other hand is a greeting.
Csaba: Right. Jó éjt is for when you're leaving.
Simone: Now, what were the more formal greetings again?
Csaba: Jó napot!
Simone: “Good afternoon.”
Csaba: And jó estét.
Simone: “Good evening.” Both of these are formal expressions.
Simone: All right, it’s time to go to the grammar.
Simone: In this lesson, we're going to learn how to use the phrase "have to."
Csaba: It is not difficult, but there is more conjugation to be done.
Simone: Right, and what is the key sentence?
Csaba: Indulnom kell.
Simone: "I have to leave."
Csaba: Indulnom is literally "for me to leave." Yes, in Hungarian, the infinitive is also conjugated. When you use kell, or "have to," you also need to use this conjugated infinitive.
Simone: You'll be able to find the full table in the lesson notes, and it's actually not too hard because all verbs conjugate the same. But for "no," can you give us a few more examples?
Csaba: Holnap nem kell dolgoznom.
Simone: "I don't have to work tomorrow." One more time.
Csaba: Holnap nem kell dolgoznom.
Simone: What else do you have?
Csaba: In these sentences, when you have kell, you need to use the emphasized form of the personal pronoun. We have covered some of those, but here's another example.
Simone: "He doesn't have to work." Please, everyone, repeat after Csaba.
Csaba: Neki nem kell dolgoznia.
Simone: And again.
Csaba: Neki nem kell dolgoznia. Neki is the special form of the personal pronoun that I have mentioned. This sentence means "he doesn’t have to work, but someone else does."
Simone: Okay, next, let’s hear “We’ve got to hurry!”
Csaba: Sietnünk kell.
Simone: Again, please.
Csaba: Sietnünk kell.
Simone: All right, and how do you say "you have to sign it here"?
Csaba: Itt alá kell írnia.
Simone: Please repeat that.
Csaba: Itt alá kell írnia.
Simone: This will definitely be handy.
Csaba: Yes, you will be asked to do this very often, starting from entering the country.


Simone: Okay, that’s it for this lesson. Make sure you check the lesson notes and we'll see you next time.

