Vocabulary (Review)

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Sziasztok, Lívia vagyok. Hi everybody! I’m Livia.
Welcome to HungarianPod101.com’s “Magyar nyelvleckék három percben”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Hungarian.
In the last lesson, we learned how to use the verb szeret.
In this lesson, we will learn how to use jön.
Jön means "to come" in Hungarian, and we use it alot! So let’s go! Hajrá!
Imagine a friend of yours is organizing a road trip and he asks you – Jössz velünk? That means "Are you coming with us?"
Jössz is the verb jön in 2nd person present tense.
velünk is “with us”.
Be careful with the answer! Supposing you want to go too, you will say, Igen, megyek veletek! That means "Yes I’m coming with you!"
[slowly] Igen, megyek veletek.
Now, you might recognize the verb megy, which we’ve studied before and means “to go”. In Hungarian, when talking from our point of view, literally we say “Yes, I’m going.”
veletek means “with you”.
In Hungarian, jön is exactly the same as "to come."
The basic meaning is "to come from somewhere", or to join other people.
Jön is often used to suggest an invitation to someone. If you are organizing a party, for example, you can invite your guests by asking them Jöttök ma a buliba? That means "are you coming to the party tonight?"
You can also use this verb Jön to ask someone where they are from.
Honnan jöttél?
The verb jön is also often used as an order or as motivational advice. However, in the informal imperative this verb becomes gyere so be careful. For example-
Gyere! "Come with me!"
Or Gyerünk! “Let’s go!”
In formal speech, the root of the verb stays the same, so it’s Jöjjön! ”Please come!”
In Hungarian, we have another very useful verb that can be used to say "to come back". This verb is visszajön, and you just add vissza at the beginning of jön. Vissza means “back”, and jön means “to come”.
For example, if you want to say "I'll come back tomorrow", it is just Holnap visszajövök!
Now it’s time for Livia’s tips.
You can use the imperative form of the verb jön to invite someone to enter a room, for example. Gyere be! “Come in!” Or, in polite form Jöjjön be! You can also add kérem, meaning “please” to make it sound more polite.
Jöjjön be kérem!
In this lesson, we learned how to use the verb jön to ask people to join others!
In our next lesson, we will jump into some very important Hungarian interrogative words!
Do you know how to ask questions starting with "What" in Hungarian? I’ll be waiting for you in the next Magyar nyelvleckék három percben. Sziasztok!

