
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Brandon: Hi everyone, I’m Brandon.
Gergő: Sziasztok! I’m Gergő!
Brandon: And welcome to Culture Class, Essential
Hungarian Vocabulary, Lesson 5! In this lesson you'll learn
5 essential words related to Food and Drink. These are five popular Hungarian Sweets and desserts. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at HungarianPod101.com
Brandon: Gergő, what’s our first word?
Gergő: palacsinta
Brandon: palatschinken
Gergő: (slow) palacsinta (regular) palacsinta
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat.
Gergő: palacsinta
[pause - 5 sec.]
The Hungarian palatschinken is a thin pancake, similar to a French crepe. The dough can be sweet or salty, depending on the filling. Popular fillings are fruit, jam, walnut, cocoa, cottage cheese, and even meat.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Gergő: (normal) A mai ebéd bableves és túrós palacsinta volt.
Brandon: Today's lunch was bean soup and curd-filled
Gergő: (slow) A mai ebéd bableves és túrós palacsinta volt.
Brandon: Okay, what’s the next word?
Gergő: Somlói galuska
Brandon: Somlói galushka
Gergő: (slow) Somlói galuska (regular) Somlói galuska
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat.
Gergő: Somlói galuska
[pause - 5 sec.]
Somlói galushka is a dessert made of sponge cake, chocolate sauce, fresh cream, and walnuts.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Gergő: (normal) A Somlói galuskát Magyarország kedvenc süteményének nevezik.
Brandon: Somlói galushka is known as Hungary’s favorite cake.
Gergő: (slow) A Somlói galuskát Magyarország kedvenc süteményének nevezik.
Brandon: Okay, what’s the next word?
Gergő: gesztenyepüré
Brandon: chestnut puree
Gergő: (slow) gesztenyepüré (regular) gesztenyepüré
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat.
Gergő: gesztenyepüré
[pause - 5 sec.]
Chestnut puree is a very popular dessert in Hungary. This dessert is served with whipped cream on top can be eaten at almost every sweet shop in Hungary.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Gergő: (normal) Egy finom kávé és egy gesztenyepüré feledteti a esős időjárást.
Brandon: A tasty coffee and a chestnut puree blots out the rainy weather.
Gergő: (slow) Egy finom kávé és egy gesztenyepüré feledteti a esős időjárást.
Brandon: Okay, what’s the next word?
Gergő: bejgli
Brandon: poppy seed roll
Gergő: (slow) bejgli (regular) bejgli
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat.
Gergő: bejgli
[pause - 5 sec.]
The poppy seed roll is a traditional Hungarian Christmas cake.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Gergő: (normal) A karácsonyi asztalon ott illatozott a frissen sült bejgli.
Brandon: The freshly baked poppy seed roll on the Christmas table smelled sweet.
Gergő: (slow) A karácsonyi asztalon ott illatozott a frissen sült bejgli.
Brandon: Okay, what’s the last word?
Gergő: Rákóczi túrós
Brandon: Curd cheese square, Rákóczi-style
Gergő: (slow) Rákóczi túrós (regular) Rákóczi túrós
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat.
Gergő: Rákóczi túrós
[pause - 5 sec.]
You can get this cake at every pastry shop in Hungary. There might be slight differences in the look, though. The original version has intersecting lines of meringue on top filled in between with apricot jam. Other versions have a very thick layer of meringue.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Gergő: (normal) A Rákóczi túrós 4 aranyérmet is nyert a szakácsolimpiákon az 1950-es években.
Brandon: The Rákóczi-style curd cheese square won four gold medals at the Cooking Olympics in the 1950s.
Gergő: (slow) A Rákóczi túrós 4 aranyérmet is nyert a szakácsolimpiákon az 1950-es években.
Brandon: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Gergő will give you the Hungarian – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Gergő: palacsinta
[pause]Brandon: palatschinken
Gergő: Somlói galuska
[pause]Brandon: Somlói galushka
Gergő: gesztenyepüré
[pause]Brandon: chestnut puree
Gergő: bejgli
[pause]Brandon: poppy seed roll
Gergő: Rákóczi túrós
[pause]Brandon: Curd cheese square, Rákóczi-style


Brandon: There you have it – five Sweets and desserts in Hungary! We have more vocab lists available at HungarianPod101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, see you next time!
Gergő: Sziasztok!


1 Comment
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2014-08-04 18:30:00

Do you like sweets and desserts? What's your favorite one?
