
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Brandon: Hi everyone, I’m Brandon.
Gergő: And I’m Gergő! Sziasztok!
Brandon: And welcome to Culture Class, Essential Hungarian Vocabulary, Lesson 25! In this lesson you'll learn 5 essential words related to Fine Arts. These are five famous Hungarian Writers. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at HungarianPod101.com
Brandon: Gergő, who’s our first person?
Gergő: Petőfi Sándor
Brandon: Sándor Petőfi
Gergő: (slow) Petőfi Sándor (regular) Petőfi Sándor
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat,
Gergő: Petőfi Sándor
[pause - 5 sec.]
Brandon: Sándor Petőfi is called the "poet of the Hungarian nation." He was an important figure in Hungarian History and he wrote “Nemzeti dal”, or “National song”, which is said to have inspired the revolution of 1848.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this name.
Gergő: (normal) Petőfi Sándor a legismertebb magyar költő.
Brandon: Sándor Petőfi is the most well known Hungarian poet.
Gergő: (slow) Petőfi Sándor a legismertebb magyar költő.
Brandon: Okay, who's the next person?
Gergő: Arany János
Brandon: János Arany
Gergő: (slow) Arany János (regular) Arany János
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat,
Gergő: Arany János
[pause - 5 sec.]
Brandon: János Arany was a Hungarian journalist, writer, poet, and translator. He's often said to be the "Shakespeare of ballads." He wrote more than 40 ballads which have been translated into over 50 languages.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this name.
Gergő: (normal) Arany János egy szegény családba született tizedik gyermekként.
Brandon: János Arany was born into a poor family as the tenth child.
Gergő: (slow) Arany János egy szegény családba született tizedik gyermekként.
Brandon: Okay, who's the next person?
Gergő: Jókai Mór
Brandon: Mór Jókai
Gergő: (slow) Jókai Mór (regular) Jókai Mór
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat,
Gergő: Jókai Mór
[pause - 5 sec.]
Brandon: Mór Jókai was a Hungarian playwright and novelist. He was known as the "Big Hungarian Storyteller".
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this name.
Gergő: (normal) A fiatal Jókai Mór nagyon félénk gyermek volt.
Brandon: The young Mór Jókai was a very bashful kid.
Gergő: (slow) A fiatal Jókai Mór nagyon félénk gyermek volt.
Brandon: Okay, who's the next person?
Gergő: Wass Albert
Brandon: Albert Wass
Gergő: (slow) Wass Albert (regular) Wass Albert
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat,
Gergő: Wass Albert
[pause - 5 sec.]
Brandon: Count Albert Wass was a Hungarian noble, forest engineer, novelist, and poet. He's popular among the Hungarian minority in Romania and has a growing popularity in Hungary.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this name.
Gergő: (normal) Wass Albert személye megosztja az irodalom kritikusokat.
Brandon: The personage of Albert Wass divides literature critics.
Gergő: (slow) Wass Albert személye megosztja az irodalom kritikusokat.
Brandon: Okay, who’s the last person?
Gergő: Radnóti Miklós
Brandon: Miklós Radnóti
Gergő: (slow) Radnóti Miklós (regular) Radnóti Miklós
Brandon: Listeners, please repeat,
Gergő: Radnóti Miklós
[pause - 5 sec.]
Brandon: Miklós Radnóti was a Jewish-Hungarian poet, but in his poems he identifies himself very strongly as a Hungarian.
Brandon: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this name.
Gergő: (normal) Radnóti Miklós születésekor meghalt az édesanyja és az ikertestvére.
Brandon: When Miklós Radnóti was born, his mother and twin brother died.
Gergő: (slow) Radnóti Miklós születésekor meghalt az édesanyja és az ikertestvére.
Brandon: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the names you just learned? Gergő will give you the Hungarian – please say the English equivalent out loud! Are you ready?
Gergő: Petőfi Sándor
[pause]Brandon: Sándor Petőfi
Gergő: Arany János
[pause]Brandon: János Arany
Gergő: Jókai Mór
[pause]Brandon: Mór Jókai
Gergő: Wass Albert
[pause]Brandon: Albert Wass
Gergő: Radnóti Miklós
[pause]Brandon: Miklós Radnóti


Brandon: There you have it – five Writers in Hungary! We have more vocab lists available at HungarianPod101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, see you in another series!
Gergő: Sziasztok!

