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Lesson Transcript

Simone: Hi everyone and welcome to Upper Beginner Hungarian, season 1, lesson 14, Getting on top of Hungarian Grammar. I am Simone.
Csaba: And I am Csaba.
Simone: In this lesson we’re going to learn about prefixes and how they affect word order.
Csaba: The conversation takes place at Susan’s school.
Simone: The conversation is between Susan and student.
Csaba: They use the formal language.
Simone: Let’s listen to it now.
Susan: Ezt a feladatot befejezted?
Diák: A kettes feladatot fejeztem be. A hármast még nem csináltam meg.
Susan: A kettes nehezebb. Tényleg kitöltötted a táblázatot?
Diák: Az igéket töltöttem ki, a főneveket nem tudom.
Susan: Akkor segítek...
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Susan: Ezt a feladatot befejezted?
Diák: A kettes feladatot fejeztem be. A hármast még nem csináltam meg.
Susan: A kettes nehezebb. Tényleg kitöltötted a táblázatot?
Diák: Az igéket töltöttem ki, a főneveket nem tudom.
Susan: Akkor segítek...
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Susan: Ezt a feladatot befejezted?
Simone: Have you finished this exercise?
Diák: A kettes feladatot fejeztem be. A hármast még nem csináltam meg.
Simone: I have finished exercise two. I haven't finished exercise three.
Susan: A kettes nehezebb. Tényleg kitöltötted a táblázatot?
Simone: Two is harder. Have you really filled in the table?
Diák: Az igéket töltöttem ki, a főneveket nem tudom.
Simone: I have filled in all the verbs, but I don't know the nouns.
Susan: Akkor segítek...
Simone: I'll help you then...
Simone: I was thinking that we haven’t provided any philological education recently. I was thinking that we should tell our students about Old Hungarian.
Csaba: Hmm, the oldest texts written in Hungarian date from the 12th-13th century. These most ly have religious themes. For example the Funeral Sermon and Prayer is an important “first source” of Hungarian.
Simone: Can you read it?
Csaba: No. I’d say 90 percent of the text, or even more is completely lost on me, because they only used the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, which is not enough for Hungarian. The first recorded poem is called the Lamentations of Mary, from the beginning of the 14th century.
Simoen: Also indecipherable.
Csaba: You can read translations, but even those have questions.
Simone: All right, we’ll come back to this in the advanced level.
Csaba: That is too advanced for me even.
Simone: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Csaba: feladat [natural native speed]
Simone: task, exercise
Csaba: feladat [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: feladat [natural native speed]
Csaba: befejez [natural native speed]
Simone: finish
Csaba: befejez [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: befejez [natural native speed]
Csaba: megcsinál [natural native speed]
Simone: finish, do
Csaba: megcsinál [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: megcsinál [natural native speed]
Csaba: kitölt [natural native speed]
Simone: fill in
Csaba: kitölt [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: kitölt [natural native speed]
Csaba: táblázat [natural native speed]
Simone: table
Csaba: táblázat [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: táblázat [natural native speed]
Csaba: ige [natural native speed]
Simone: verb
Csaba: ige [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: ige [natural native speed]
Csaba: főnév [natural native speed]
Simone: noun
Csaba: főnév [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: főnév [natural native speed]
Csaba: tényleg [natural native speed]
Simone: really
Csaba: tényleg [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Csaba: tényleg [natural native speed]
Simone: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Simone: I think it’s time to learn a bit of grammar terminology, which will help you use dictionaries and reference books later.
Csaba: In this lesson we had the word főnév, which means “noun.” Főnév.
Simone: And we also had “verb,” which in Hungarian is...?
Csaba: Ige. Ige. We recommend you learn adjective and adverb too. Adjective in Hungarian is melléknév. 2X Adverb is határozószó.2X
Simone: And I promise we’ll not bring up grammar terms for a while now. What is next for this lesson?
Csaba: Kitölteni means “to fill out,” as in “to fill out a form.”
Simone: Please use it in a sentence!
Csaba: Itt kell kitölteni?
Simone: “Is this where I fill it in?”
Csaba: Itt kell kitölteni? What you may hear and read very often in Hungary is the imperative. Töltse ki, kérem.
Simone: Fill it out, please.
Csaba: Töltse ki kérem. Don’t worry about the word order just yet, we’re about 2 minutes away from the explanation in the grammar part.
Simone: Oh, don’t worry, I’m never too angry when you talk less.
Csaba: Then this job must be painful for you. The last thing we want to mention is that the kids in the dialogue are filling out tables. In Hungarian, táblázat.
Simone: This is somewhat similar to the English word.
Csaba: And you might want to learn some computer lingo too. Táblázatkezelő means “excel.”
Simone: Ugh, repeat that a lot slower.
Csaba: Táblázatkezelő.
Simone: Okay, let’s go to grammar now.

Lesson focus

Simone: In this lesson we’re going to learn about prefixes for a change, but this time we’ll discuss how they behave in sentences from a word order point of view.
Csaba: The first sentence we’ll be taking a look at is this
Simone: “I have finished exercise two.” And not exercise three.
Csaba: Right. I’ll say again. A kettes feladatot fejeztem be. A kettes feladat is “exercise two.” It is the object, therefore it is in the accusative. Now the interesting part is fejeztem be.
Simone: Which is actually befejeztem, or “I finished,” but this time the prefix follows the verb.
Csaba: Right. I’ll remind the listeners that we’ve heard about the so called focus position in Hungarian sentences, which is the pre-verbal position. Whatever you want to emphasize in the sentence will have to be right before the verb. This rule is so strong, that not even the prefix can come between the emphasized element and the verb.
Simone: And this is why we cut the prefix off and placed it after the verb. The student wanted to say “I finished exercise two” and not some other task.
Csaba: In the second sentence he actually elaborates on that. A hármast még nem csináltam meg.
Simone: “I haven’t done three.”
Csaba: A hármast még nem csináltam meg. Megcsinál is “do well.” Again, we cut the prefix off and placed it after the verb. “Three, I haven’ done.”
Simone: All right, so if you emphasize something in the sentence, that element must be right before the verb. Not even the prefix can stay pre-verbal.
Csaba: Which is important to point out, since prefixes and verbs are even written as one word and you can even find them in the dictionary as independent entries.
Simone: Let’s see another example form the dialogue.
Csaba: Az igéket töltöttem ki.
Simone: “I have filled in all the verbs.”
Csaba: Az igéket töltöttem ki. The original verb is kitölt or “fill out.” Since the student wants to give emphasis to what he has filled out, the prefix is thrown to after the verb.
Simone: As opposed to the nouns, which I haven’t. What if I say the same sentence, but don’t touch the prefix?
Csaba: Az igéket kitöltöttem. This is a grammatically correct sentence and it means “I have filled in all the verbs.” This time there is no emphasis anywhere. Az igéket kitöltöttem.
Simone: Now say the other one again!
Csaba: Az igéket töltöttem ki.2X
Simone: “It is the verbs I filled in.”
Csaba: All right, we’ll let it sink in for some time and we’ll come back to teach you more Hungarian next time.
Simone: And until then, bye!
Csaba: Sziasztok!


Simone: That just about does it for today.
Csaba: There's nothing like a little competition...
Simone: even against yourself!
Csaba: Test what you've learned in this lesson with our fun review quizzes!
Simone: Master vocabulary, grammar, and vocabulary with short, challenging quizzes.
Csaba: Find these quizzes on the lessons page at HungarianPod101.com

