
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone: Hey everyone, this is Absolute Beginner, season 1, lesson 8 Let's All Go to the Hungarian Movies
Gergo: Sziasztok, I am Gergo.
Simone: In this lesson, you are going to learn some numbers to understand prices better.
Gergo: The conversation takes place at the ticket booth by the movie theater.
Simone: Anne is asking for tickets from the clerk.
Gergo: Which means that they are going to use the polite forms where necessary.

Lesson conversation

Clerk Tessék...
Anne Két jegyet kérek a filmre.
Clerk Kétezer-ötszáz forint. Hova kéri?
Anne Hatodik sor.
Clerk Még valamit?
Anne Egy kukoricát kérek.
Clerk Háromezer forint.
Let’s listen to the conversation one time slowly.(English)
Clerk Tessék...
Anne Két jegyet kérek a filmre.
Clerk Kétezer-ötszáz forint. Hova kéri?
Anne Hatodik sor.
Clerk Még valamit?
Anne Egy kukoricát kérek.
Clerk Háromezer forint.
Let’s listen to the conversation with English translation (English)
Clerk Tessék...
Simone: Can I help you?
Anne Két jegyet kérek a filmre.
Simone: Two tickets to Inception, please.
Clerk Kétezer-ötszáz forint. Hova kéri?
Simone: 2500 forints. Which seat?
Anne Hatodik sor.
Simone: Sixth row.
Clerk Még valamit?
Simone: Anything else?
Anne Egy kukoricát kérek.
Simone: I'd like a bag of popcorn.
Clerk Háromezer forint.
Simone: 3000 forints.
Simone: 3000 forints huh? Is that a lot of money?
Gergo: About 15 bucks.
Simone: Aren’t you supposed to have euros already?
Gergo: Yep. It seems it is going to take longer than expected. Right now, I think they estimate 2015 to be the year when we make the conversion.
Simone: I guess the whole financial crisis didn’t help things along either...
Gergo: Not at all. The inflation works against us too. It was only a little while ago that we stopped using the 1 and 2 forint coins, since they were more expensive to manufacture than what they were worth.
Simone: I’ve noticed that, they are just rounding up or down to the nearest ten or five now.
Gergo: Right. Don’t let them surprise you with that.
Simone: Shall we talk some vocab now?
Gergo: Sure, let’s do it.
Simone: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Gergo: két [natural native speed]
Simone: two
Gergo: két [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: két [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: jegy [natural native speed]
Simone: ticket
Gergo: jegy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: jegy [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: film [natural native speed]
Simone: movie
Gergo: film [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: film [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: kétezer-ötszáz [natural native speed]
Simone: 2500
Gergo: kétezer-ötszáz [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: kétezer-ötszáz [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: háromezer [natural native speed]
Simone: 3000
Gergo: háromezer [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: háromezer [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: forint [natural native speed]
Simone: forint
Gergo: forint [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: forint [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: hova? [natural native speed]
Simone: where to
Gergo: hova? [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: hova? [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: hatodik [natural native speed]
Simone: sixth
Gergo: hatodik [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: hatodik [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: sor [natural native speed]
Simone: row
Gergo: sor [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: sor [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo: kukorica [natural native speed]
Simone: popcorn/corn
Gergo: kukorica [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo: kukorica [natural native speed]
Simone: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Care to explain some of them?
Gergo: No problem. The first sentence we’re going to talk about is hová kéri.
Simone: What does that mean literally?
Gergo: It means “where would you like it?” You may actually hear it outside the movie theater too, from a cabbie maybe.
Simone: We have spent long minutes with the word kéri. It means “you’d like” in polite speech.
Gergo: Oh, so you are actually doing these shows awake?
Simone: Ha-ha. You were explaining....
Gergo: Hova, or sometimes pronounced hová means “where to?”
Simone: And she wanted to sit in the sixth row, or
Gergo: A hatodik sorba. Hatodik is an ordinal number, it means “sixth.”
Simone: Whereas “six” is...
Gergo: Hat. We’ll get into this in a minute. But before that, we’re going to talk popcorn.
Simone: Ku...kori...ca...
Gergo: See, that’s why I brought it up. I bet you remember this whole accusative thing. Here, “popcorn” is in the accusative, if you just look it up in the dictionary, you will find kukorica.
Simone: Kukorica – nominative, kukoricát – accusative. Accusative means that it is in the object position, right?
Gergo: Right. The same is true to jegyet. This means “ticket,” but since she asks for a ticket, it is an object and in the accusative.
Simone: The nominative is jegy, right?
Gergo: Good job. Jegy. I promise we’ll talk about this later more.
Simone: (sarcastically) I can hardly wait. But now, let’s turn our attention to grammar.

Lesson focus

Gergo: Well, there isn’t much to explain about this lesson’s grammar point. Numbers.
Simone: To be honest, I have always been terrible at these. In any language.
Gergo: This is not the positive energy we’re here for, you know.
Simone: Just being honest. Anyway, we decided that when talking about numbers and prices, we’ll start by teaching hundreds and thousands, since those are the prices you’ll hear most often.
Gergo: Unfortunately it is true. You’ll rarely go under those in stores now.
Simone: So shall we get on with the numbers, firstly, one to ten.
Gergo: Egy.
Simone: “One.”
Gergo: Kettő.
Simone: “Two.”
Gergo: Három.
Simone: “Three.”
Gergo: Négy.
Simone: “Four.”
Gergo: Öt.
Simone: “Five.”
Gergo: Hat.
Simone: “Six.”
Gergo: Hét.
Simone: “Seven.”
Gergo: Nyolc.
Simone: “Eight.”
*. Kilenc.
Simone: “Nine.”
Gergo: Tíz.
Simone: “Ten.”
Gergo: And there we are.
Simone: I think that in the lesson he said three thousand.
Gergo: Which is very easily done, once you know the numbers from one to ten. “Thousand” in Hungarian is ezer. So 3000 is háromezer.
Simone: How about hundred then?
Gergo: “Hundred” - száz. “Thousand” - ezer. Listeners, let’s say: Kilencezer-hatszáz túl sok!
Simone: “9600 is too much!” Useful when bargaining. Now say: “the book costs 2300 forints.”
Gergo: Which is about right for English language publications. Listen and repeat: A könyv kétezer-háromszáz forint.
Simone: One thing though. We’ve heard you teach “two” as kettő. But I also remember hearing két.
*. Both of these mean “two”, but normally you say két - something, not kettő - something.
Simone: And if I mix it up?
Gergo: Not really a problem. If you use kettő and say “2200” like kettőezer-kettőszáz, it sounds like you really wanted to sound precise and you really want to avoid being misheard.
Simone: All right. All these numbers in this lesson, my goodness.
*. I know, but you and all of the listeners have to get through them at some point. Sorry.
Simone: Well, I know. So that’s it from us in lesson nyo...nyo...
Gergo: nyolc
Simone: Lesson nyolc, and see you next time.
Gergo: Sziasztok.

