
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone: Hi everyone, I’m Simone, and welcome to Absolute Beginner, season 1, lesson 25: Are You Going to Miss Your Hungarian Flight? This is the final lesson in this season.
Gergo: Yes, and I’m Gergo.
Simone: In this lesson we learn how to use the future tense of “to be,” and we also learn a mild expletive.
Gergo: The conversation is at Anne’s apartment.
Simone: Between Anne and Balázs.
Gergo: And they of course use the informal language.
Simone: Here you are.

Lesson conversation

Anne: A fenébe is. Lekésem a repülőt.
Balázs: Nyugi, nyugi, nem lesz gond.
Anne: Nem leszek ott időben.
Balázs: De ott leszel. Kár hogy mész.
Anne: Hamarosan találkozunk. Vigyázz magadra.
English Host: Let's listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Anne: A fenébe is. Lekésem a repülőt.
Balázs: Nyugi, nyugi, nem lesz gond.
Anne: Nem leszek ott időben.
Balázs: Ott leszel. Kár, hogy mész.
Anne: Hamarosan találkozunk. Vigyázz magadra.
With Translation
Anne: A fenébe is. Lekésem a repülőt.
Anne: “Darn it! I’ll miss my flight.”
Balázs: Nyugi, nyugi, nem lesz gond.
Balázs: “Relax, relax, there won’t be any problems.”
Anne: Nem leszek ott időben.
Anne: “I’m not going to be there on time.”
Balázs: De ott leszel. Kár hogy mész.
Balázs: “You are. Too bad you’re leaving.”
Anne: Hamarosan találkozunk. Vigyázz magadra.
Anne: “We’ll meet again soon. Take care!”
Simone: So is she going to make it?
Gergo: We’ll just have to see in season 2... but all I can say is that she’ll be back either way.
Simone: Let’s hope she misses it.
Gergo: She’ll probably make it, considering that she can take a bus, cab, train and even a subway almost all the way to the airport in Budapest. Just about every possible means of transportation outside a hovercraft.
Simone: That sounds convenient. But if I remember correctly, the airport had a needlessly convoluted name.
Gergo: Budapest Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér. This means “Budapest Franz Liszt International Airport.”
Simone: There has got to be a shorter name.
Gergo: Many people still use the older names, Ferihegy 1 and Ferihegy 2. The first one takes budget flights; the second takes all the big names.
Simone: Good to know. And now, our lesson 25 vocab.
Gergo: A fenébe is.
Simone: “Darn it.”
Gergo: A fe-né-be is.
Gergo: A fenébe is.
Gergo: lekési
Simone: “miss”
Gergo: le-ké-si
Gergo: lekési
Gergo: repülő
Simone: “plane, flight”
Gergo: re-pü-lő
Gergo: repülő
Gergo: nyugi
Simone: “relax”
Gergo: nyu-gi
Gergo: nyugi
Gergo: gond
Simone: “problem”
Gergo: gond
Gergo: gond
Gergo: ott
Simone: “there”
Gergo: ott
Gergo: ott
Gergo: idő
Simone: “time”
Gergo: i-dő
Gergo: idő
Gergo: kár
Simone: “it’s a pity”
Gergo: kár
Gergo: kár
Gergo: Hamarosan találkozunk.
Simone: “See you soon.”
Gergo: Ha-ma-ro-san ta-lál-ko-zunk.
Gergo: Hamarosan találkozunk.
Gergo: Vigyázz magadra.
Simone: “Take care.”
Gergo: Vi-gyázz ma-gad-ra.
Gergo: Vigyázz magadra.
Simone: What is the vocab for the last lesson?
Gergo: The first one is a fenébe is., which means ‘Darn Ii’ I’ll repeat. A fenébe is.
Simone: I hope it is not something very ugly for them to remember.
Gergo: No, this is very mild actually. If you get angry and use this expletive, people won’t raise their heads, even in the office. There is however a heavier one...
Simone: Easy, easy...
Gergo: Menj a fenébe. This one literally means “go to fene.” Not many people know that fene is old Hungarian for disease, illness.
Simone: Still not too bad.
Gergo: Not at all, although this time it is directed at someone, so save if for home or friends. (laughs)
Simone: What good friends you must have.
Gergo: The second expression for now is this: nyugi, nyugi.
Simone: Please everyone, repeat!
Gergo: Nyugi. Nyugi. You don’t have to repeat twice all the time, but it adds to it. It means “relax, relax.”
Simone: Nyugi.
Gergo: Exactly. It is the shortened form of a noun, nyugalom, which means “tranquility.”
Simone: And that could also be used in the same context.
Gergo: Nyugalom. Right.
Simone: Anything else we left out?
Gergo: There is also the expression “take care.”
Simone: Please repeat.
Gergo: Vigyázz magadra.
Gergo: Vigyázz magadra. I’d say it carries a little bit more emotional weight than “take care.”
Simone: You don’t throw this around that much.
Gergo: No. Only if I know I’m not going to see someone for longer, or if he is going abroad.
Simone: What are the two words in there?
Gergo: Vigyázz is “take care” in the imperative and magadra is “yourself.”
Simone: Anything else, before we finish the last vocab of the season (imitates crying)?
Gergo: Nyugi, nyugi. We’ll be back.

Lesson focus

Simone: In this lesson, we’re going to learn about how to make verbs in the future form
Gergo: That’s what we are going to do. First, let us repeat one of the sentences from the dialogue.
Simone: Which one is that?
Gergo: Ott leszel.
Simone: “You will be there.”
Gergo: Ott leszel. The first word is ott, and it means “there.” More importantly, the second word is leszel, which means “you will be.”
Simone: The second person singular future form of “be.”
Gergo: Right. Here is another example: Otthon leszel este?
Simone: “Will you be at home tonight?”
Gergo: Otthon leszel este?
Simone: How do I answer?
Gergo: Well... will you?
Simone: Yes I will, but that’s not an invitation.
Gergo: Gotcha. The answer is: Otthon leszek.
Gergo: Otthon leszek.
Simone: All right.
Gergo: You may remember that we said that if there is a time adverbial which refers to the future, present tense can be used too.
Simone: So I can say...
Gergo: Otthon vagyok este.
Simone: Which means: “I’m home tonight.”
Gergo: But in other cases, where there is no time adverbial, you should use the future form.
Simone: An example please.
Gergo: Mérnök leszek.
Simone: “I will be an engineer.”
Gergo. Mérnök leszek.
Simone: How do you say: “I’ll be the love of your life?”
Gergo: Haha. You say: Életed szerelme leszek.
Gergo: Életed szerelme leszek. Why learn this sentence?
Simone: No reason, no reason.
Gergo: One last thing: you remember how we had sentences with “be” before, in present tense.
Simone: For example “I’m a teacher.”
Gergo: Tanár vagyok.
Simone: or “He’s a teacher.”
Gergo: Ő tanár. See in present tense, third person, in many of the sentences, we didn’t use the verb.
Simone: But in future...?
Gergo: In future, you have to use the third person “be” as well.
Simone: So “I will be a teacher” is?
Gergo: Tanár leszek.
Simone: “He will be a teacher.”
Gergo: Tanár lesz.
Simone: All right, are you ready for the outro of our last lesson in season one?
Gergo: Can you even be ready for that?
Simone: Haha, thanks everyone and hope to see you again soon. You all did a great job. This was Simone and Gergo saying goodbye.
Gergo, Simone: Sziasztok!

