
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Simone Hi everyone, and welcome back to HungarianPod101. I'm Simone and this is Absolute Beginner Season 1 Lesson 10 What Time Is It in Hungary?
Gergo And I am Gergo. Sziasztok.
Simone The title of today's lesson is "What Time Is It?" so in this lesson you are going to learn some more numbers and ask the time.
Gergo The dialogue takes place at the door of the party that Balázs invited Anne to.
Simone Balázs is talking to Anne before letting her into the apartment.
Gergo They've known each other for almost a season now, so they use the informal language.
Simone Let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Anne Hány óra van?
Balázs Nyolc-ötvenkilenc. Nagyon pontos vagy.
Anne Sokan vagytok?
Balázs Elég sokan vagyunk. Huszonhét ember.
Anne (to everyone) Sziasztok!
Balázs (to Anne) Gyere be.
Simone: Let's listen to the conversation one time slowly.(English)
Gergo: Hallgassuk meg a párbeszédet még egyszer lassabban.
Anne Hány óra van?
Balázs Nyolc-ötvenkilenc. Nagyon pontos vagy.
Anne Sokan vagytok?
Balázs Elég sokan vagyunk. Huszonhét ember.
Anne (to everyone) Sziasztok!
Balázs (to Anne) Gyere be.
Simone: Let's listen to the conversation with English translation (English)
Gergo: Most hallgassuk meg a párbeszédet angol fordítással.
Anne Hány óra van?
Simone What time is it?
Balázs Nyolc-ötvenkilenc. Nagyon pontos vagy.
Simone 8:59, you're very punctual.
Anne Sokan vagytok?
Simone Are there a lot of you?
Balázs Elég sokan vagyunk. Huszonhét ember.
Simone Quite a lot. Twenty-seven people.
Anne (to everyone) Sziasztok!
Simone Hi everyone!
Balázs (to Anne) Gyere be.
Simone Come in.
Simone Here it is, she is attending her first party ever in Hungary.
Gergo It is going to be quite an experience, especially if they crack open a few bottles of pálinka.
Simone I know only too well what it is, but tell the listeners too, please.
Gergo It is translated as fruit brandy and you can pretty much use anything to make it. It's very strong liqueur.
Simone Ahh, I still have memories of nights out in Hungary...
Gergo Then you couldn't have had too much...
Simone ...where they bring the homemade stuff.
Gergo Yes, it's legal to make in Hungary, which means you either run into really, really good stuff and taste decades of experience, or you regret wearing your best shoes and smell bad for three days.
Simone I think I've had both.
Gergo That's the way!
Simone Let's not think about this now. Let's move on to the vocab.
Simone The first word we shall see is:
Gergo óra [natural native speed]
Simone hour, o'clock
Gergo óra [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo óra [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo ötven [natural native speed]
Simone fifty, fifty-
Gergo ötven [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo ötven [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo nagyon [natural native speed]
Simone very
Gergo nagyon [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo nagyon [natural native speed]
Next is
Gergo ember [natural native speed]
Simone person, human, man
Gergo ember [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo ember [natural native speed]
Simone: Next is
Gergo Sziasztok [natural native speed]
Simone "Hi"(plural)
Gergo Sziasztok [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo Sziasztok [natural native speed]
Simone: Next is
Gergo pontos [natural native speed]
Simone "punctual" or "exactly, sharp"
Gergo pontos [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo pontos [natural native speed]
Simone: Next is
Gergo elég [natural native speed]
Simone "quite" or "enough"
Gergo elég [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo elég [natural native speed]
Simone: Next is
Gergo sokan [natural native speed]
Simone lot (people)
Gergo sokan [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo sokan [natural native speed]
Simone: Next is
Gergo huszon [natural native speed]
Simone twenty-
Gergo huszon [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo huszon [natural native speed]
Simone: last is
Gergo Gyere be! [natural native speed]
Simone Come in!
Gergo Gyere be! [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Gergo Gyere be! [natural native speed]
Simone Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Here we are an other bunch of material to get through.
Gergo We'll start with the compliment Balázs offered to Anne.
Simone He wasn't very daring. He said "you're very punctual."
Gergo Yes, listen and repeat, Nagyon pontos vagy. Nagyon is very, then we had pontos, which is punctual. Then finally vagy or you are.
Simone We've already covered some of those.
Gergo. Right. You can put any adjective between nagyon and vagy, to get " you are ...".
Simone Let's work on a better compliment. "You are very beautiful."
Gergo Listeners, repeat Nagyon szép vagy! I hope everyone listening is shouting this at someone in traffic.
Simone Speaking of traffic, "you are stupid."
Gergo This time maybe lower your voices and repeat Nagyon hülye vagy.
Simone Next we had "come in!"Gyere be! This is very common, it is informal. But like we have mentioned before, if you say this to the food delivery guy, when he is knocking, he won't be offended.
Simone Please say the politer one too.
Gergo Guys, repeat Jöjjön be!
Simone This is good to go with you clients and others at the office.
Gergo Exactly.
Simone What's the last one?
Gergo This time, please try saying sziasztok!
Simone This also means "hi", right?
Gergo Yes, but this time you use it to address more than one person. You can also translate it as "hi guys!" Sziasztok.
Simone That's great. You now know what to shout upon entering the party. Gergo All right grammar points, sziasztok.
Simone Haha, you're a buzzkill.

Lesson focus

Simone The focus of this lesson is to learn to ask the time and numbers.
Gergo Yes, we have quite a bit to cover, especially number-wise.
Simone Please start by repeating the numbers from the lesson.
Gergo We had two that we haven't covered before ötvenkilenc
Simone Which is "59,"
Gergo And huszonhét.
Simone Or "27."
Gergo We'll get to these in a second, but first, we learn how to get from ten to twenty. Ten is tíz, as you remember.
Simone How do you say eleven?
Gergo Repeat tizenegy. Now repeat tizen-. Tizen- plus a number from before constitutes the "-teens."
Simone 17 is...
Gergo Say tizenhét.
Simone I get it. If we get up to twenty...
Gergo ...for twenty, say húsz.
Simone 21?
Gergo Say huszonegy. huszon- plus the number you want to place in the position of ones
Simone 22, 23, 24?
Gergo. Huszonkettő, huszonhárom, huszonnégy.
Simone All righty, moving up?
Gergo it is easier from here on. You have to learn the tens then add one number after them.
Simone Let's move from 30 to 100
Gergo harminc
Simone "thirty"
Gergo negyven
Gergo ötven
Simone "fifty"
Gergo hatvan
Simone "sixty"
Gergo hetven
Simone "seventy"
Gergo nyolcvan
Simone "eighty"
Gergo kilencven
Simone "ninety" Quite a bit to learn, eh?
Gergo Don't scare them away, just a couple of words.
Simone Haha, so what do we do with them now?
Gergo Repeat this Hány óra van?
Simone "What time is it?"
Gergo The easiest answer to give is hours-minutes. Repeat Egy óra harmincnégy perc van.
Simone "It is one thirty-four."
Gergo Óra is "hour," perc is "minute." Repeat again Egy óra harmincnégy perc van.
Simone All right, now let's try using this from last lesson "at ... o'clock."
Gergo If you remember, it was a suffix, attached to the number -kor
Simone So how would you say I get up at 8?
Gergo Repeat Nyolckor kelek.
Simone Let's also add minutes. "I get up at 8:40.
Gergo Listeners, please say nyolc negyvenkor kelek. The same structure, but as you see, you attach the -kor suffix to the last noun. Nyolc negyvenkor kelek.
Simone Do you think that's enough to digest?
Gergo Oh yes, let them play around with these and than we come back with more stuff next time.


Simone All right, see you guys next time...
Gergo Sziasztok.
Anne Hány óra van?
Balázs Nyolc-ötvenkilenc. Nagyon pontos vagy.
Anne Sokan vagytok?
Balázs Elég sokan vagyunk. Huszonhét ember.
Anne (to everyone) Sziasztok!
Balázs (to Anne) Gyere be.

