Hi Listeners! Do you like math? What word would you add to this list? Let us know!
Szia Mimi!
Yes, that might happen due to conjugation, suffixes, and different ways the same thing is expressed in English and in Hungarian.
Could you please give us some examples so that we can explain you better the sentences / words you are most struggling with?
Thank you! Köszi!
Team HungarianPod101.com
I have a math test tomorrow and I am trying to study for it but when i translate the pages am studying, the words that are in the sentences doesn't seem like the same word when the worid is alone itself.
I will appreciate it if you respond with a answer! Goodbye have a great night!
Szia Lenke!
Pontosan! Köszi! 👍
Team HungarianPod101.com
In Ungarn wird das Gewicht in Kilogramm und Dekagramm angegeben. 1 Kilo sind 100 Dekagramm. 😎
In Hungary, the weight is given in kilograms and decagrams. 1 kilo is 100 decagrams.
Magyarországon a súly kilogrammban és dekagramban van megadva. 1 kiló 100 dekagramm.
Dear Niko,
Thank you for your comment, very good questions!
Let me answer:
square: négyzet
ex. Two/Three squared : kettő a négyzeten / három a négyzeten...
square root: négyzetgyök
ex. The square root of nine is three. : A kilenc négyzetgyöke három.
Some more fractions:
1/3 - egy harmad
1/5 - egy ötöd
1/6 - egy hatod
1/7 - egy heted
1/8 - egy nyolcad
1/9 - egy kilenced
1/10 - egy tized
Point is usually used to separate zeros in a big number, for example then thousand is written 10.000.
We usually use a comma to distinguish from fractions, and say "egész" . You can also add tized (one decimal), század (two decimals) or ezred (three decimals).
3,2 - három egész kettő / három egész két tized
6,34 - hat egész harmincnégy / hat egész harmincnégy század
9,165 - kilenc egész százhatvanöt / kilenc egész százhatvanöt ezred.
If you have any other questions, please send a comment!
Team HungarianPod101.com
squares and square roots
maybe cubes and cubed roots too
Some more fractions like a quarter, eighth, sixteenth
Where/how would you use the hungarian word pont in maths?