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St. Stephen of Hungary Feast Day Celebrations

Do you know the meaning of St. Stephen’s Day in Hungary? Really, there are two meanings. On St. Stephen’s Day, Hungary observes both:

  • A Christian holiday to celebrate St. Stephen, the first king of Hungary
  • A celebration commemorating Hungary’s 1000-year unbroken statehood

In this article, you’ll learn more about the long history behind the Feast Day of St. Stephen of Hungary, who is perhaps the most significant historical figure in the country. The effect that time and change can have on a country and its celebrations is truly fascinating, and at, we hope to make this a fun and informative learning adventure!

By delving into the St. Stephen Feast Day, you’re opening yourself up to greater cultural understanding and historical knowledge, and this is a vital step in mastering any language. So let’s get started.

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1. What is St. Stephen’s Day?

First and foremost, St. Stephen Day is a Chrisitan holiday, and is one of the oldest holidays in Hungary. It commemorates the day almost a thousand years ago when St. Stephen I relics were canonized in the Basilica of Fehérvár. This is significant because St. Stephen I was Hungary’s first king and founded the Chrisitan Kingdom of Hungary, raising Hungary from the status of a nomadic tribe to a kingdom recognized among other European countries. Further, he created the Hungarian Christian Church and the first book of laws in Hungary.

While mainly a Christian holiday, St. Stephen Day has taken on other meanings over the years.

In particular, during the communist dictatorship of Hungary, the country was forced to abandon this holiday as a celebration of St. Stephen. Instead, the country’s current dictator founded another state: The People’s Republic of Hungary, announced on August 20, 1949. This day came to be known as Day of the Constitution, and was mixed in with the Soviet Union celebration of The Day of the New Bread. At this point, it was similar to the centuriesüold harvesting ceremonies, but is essentially unrelated.

In 1989, communism ended in Hungary and St. Stephen Day could once again be celebrated as the Christian and nationalistic holiday it began as.

2. St. Stephen’s Day Date

Hungarian Flag

Each year, Christians in Hungary celebrate St. Stephen Day on August 20. This is the date on which St. Stephen relics were canonized, and the date of the People’s Republic of Hungary being founded.

3. Traditions & Celebrations for St. Stephen’s Day

St. Stephen's Day Fireworks

Today, people all throughout Hungary celebrate St. Stephen Day. In Budapest, a mass takes place outside of the St. Stephen Basilica. Following this is the procession of the Holy Right, which is the mummified right hand of Stephen I, preserved since the 11th century.

However, the most spectacular St. Stephen Day celebration is the fireworks in Budapest, often watched from the river bank of Danube.

4. Firework Dangers

Unfortunately the aforementioned fireworks are not all about amusement. In 2006, there was a huge storm during the fireworks and five people lost their lives, and hundreds were injured when tens of thousands of people tried to escape the storm.

5. Vocabulary to Know for St. Stephen Day in Hungary

Lots of Bread

Here’s some vocabulary you should know for St. Stephen Day in Hungary!

  • Kenyér — “Bread”
  • Szent István napja -az államalapítás ünnepe — “St. Stephen Day”
  • Körmenet — “Procession”
  • Fehér kenyér — “White bread”
  • Szent István — “Saint Stephen”
  • Pogány — “Paganish”
  • Király — “King”
  • Magyar — “Hungarian”
  • Államalapítás — “Foundation of the state”
  • Tűzijáték — “Firework”
  • Szentté avat — “Canonize”

To hear of these vocabulary words pronounced, check out our St. Stephen Day vocabulary list!

How HungarianPod101 Can Help You Master Hungarian

The St. Stephen’s Day holiday is a unique facet of Hungarian culture, colored by its history. What do you think of this Hungarian holiday? Is there a similar holiday in your own country? Tell us about it in the comments!

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30 of the Most Common Hungarian Internet Slang Words


The growing popularity of the internet and smartphones has made slang and abbreviated language a key component in our daily communication. One could argue that slang is, in fact, a crucial part of any language

In this article from HungarianPod101, you’ll learn 30 of the most common Hungarian internet slang words that are also used in texting. Many of the phrases we’ll cover have counterparts in English, while others are unique to the Hungarian language. 

You’ll greatly benefit from knowing these Hungarian slang terms for the ‘net if you ever plan on having a Hungarian penpal (or…textpal?) or setting up a gettogether for Budapest locals online, for example.

Anyhoo, let’s get started. (See what we did there?)

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hungarian Table of Contents
  1. Small Talk
  2. Casual Conversations
  3. Expressing Your Opinions and Emotions
  4. Giving an Explanation…
  5. Conjunctions
  6. Adverbs
  7. Questions
  8. Hungarian Internet Words Derived from English
  9. How Can Help You Reach Your Goals

1. Small Talk

To begin, let’s look at some Hungarian slang words that are useful for starting a conversation on the internet. 

#1 – Szvsz / Szasz / Sz / Sws


Hey. / Hi. 


You can use these Hungarian slang terms in texting. They’re very convenient when you’re in a hurry—omitting a few letters of the original word makes it super-quick to type them in the chat box.

Original Hungarian Word: 



A: Szvsz. / “Hey.”
B: Sws. Mi újság? / “Hi. What’s up?”

#2 – Mizu? 




You can use this Hungarian slang word in both texting and speech when you want to inquire about the person you’re talking to. While it can be used in face-to-face conversations, you might want to save this phrase for close friends or other people you know on some level.

Original Hungarian Expression: 

Mi újság?

Újság means “news” in Hungarian. So basically, you’re asking about the recent happenings in a person’s life.


A: Szasz. Mizu? / “Hey. ‘Sup?”
B: Nem sok. És veled? / “Not much. And with you?”

#3 – Hv?


How are you?


This Hungarian text slang word is indeed restricted to texts, as it would be difficult to say these two consonants out loud. And weird, too…

Original Hungarian Expression: 

Hogy vagy?


Olyan rég nem beszéltünk… Hv? / “We haven’t talked in so long. How are you?”

2. Casual Conversations

Here are some common Hungarian texting words that are great to use during any conversation.

#4 – Vaok / Vok


I am


Hungarians love to opt out of using their digraphs, right? They also love to save time, which is why this Hungarian text slang word is so popular.

Original Hungarian Word:



Itt vok. / “I’m here.”

#5 – Meek


I’m going


You can use this one if you’re in a hurry and just want to let the other person know that you’ll be running off now.

Original Hungarian Word: 



Most meek. Később beszélünk. / “I’m going now. We’ll talk later.”

#6 – Tali / Tala




This is the perfect Hungarian slang word to use if you want to seem laid-back or if you’re in a hurry. This one can also be used in real-life conversations, not just in texting.

Original Hungarian Word: 

Találkozó (noun – “meeting”) / Találkozni (verb – “to meet”)


  • Talizzunk 7-kor! / “Let’s meet at 7 p.m.!”
  • Tala a mozi előtt. / “We’ll meet in front of the cinema!”

Learn how to make plans with others in our lesson Organizing a Meeting in Hungary

#7 – Oan


So / Such


This is a very common word, mostly used to stress the concept of “how much.” For example, how much you like something. 

Original Hungarian Expression: 



  • Ez egy oan jó étterem. / “It’s such a good restaurant.”
  • Oan jó, hogy számíthatok rád. / “It’s so good that I can count on you.”

Hungarian Text Slang

3. Expressing Your Opinions and Emotions

Many friendships and relationships are started through the sharing of likes and dislikes, opinions on certain topics, and other expressions of self. Here’s some internet and text slang in Hungarian to help you communicate your opinions and emotions! 

#8 – Teccik


To like


This word is perfect for expressing yourself when you fancy something or someone.

Original Hungarian Word: 

Tetszik (To like)


  • Teccik ez a ruha. / “I like this dress.”
  • Teccik nekem az a srác. / “I like that guy.”

#9 – Szeri 




You can pop this expression into any conversation to let the person know you appreciate them. If you want to emphasize it, throw in a few additional i’s at the end.

Original Hungarian Word: 

Szeretet (noun – “love”) / Szeretlek (verb – “I love you”)


Jaj, ez aranyos. Szeriii. / “Aww. That’s so sweet. Love.”

#10 – Sztem / Szentem 


I think


Either variation of this slang term can be used to more quickly type out your thoughts on something. 

Original Hungarian Word: 



Sztem jól áll neked. / “I think it suits you.”

#11 – Nemtom 


I don’t know


This phrase is normally used if you aren’t sure about something and want the person you’re conversing with to leave you alone. It might be considered rude to use this slang word alone without giving an explanation afterwards.

Original Hungarian Expression: 

Nem tudom


A: Miért nem akarsz szombaton találkozni? / “Why do you not want to meet on Saturday?”
B: Nemtom. / “I don’t know.”

#12 – Asszem 


I believe


This is one of the most common Hungarian texting words, though it’s also used in face-to-face conversations. Hungarians are most likely to use it when they’re not sure about something.

Original Hungarian Expression: 

Azt hiszem


Jönni fog ma este? / “Will he come tonight?”
Asszem. / “I believe (so).”

4. Giving an Explanation…

These two essential Hungarian slang phrases will come in handy when you’re trying to 1) avoid giving an explanation or 2) give a good explanation for something. 

#13 – Mind1 / M1 


Nevermind / Whatever


This is one of the most common Hungarian internet words. It can save you time and give your text or chat message a hint of playfulness. Use it when you just don’t want to give an explanation and want to change the subject.

Original Hungarian Expression: 



Bocsi, mit is mondtál? / “Sorry, what did you say?”
Mind1. / “Nevermind.”

A Hand Holding a Black Phone, Chat Boxes Are Seen on the Screen

#14 – Mmint 


I mean… / In other words…


First of all, there’s no way this could work in real-life conversations. However, it’s quite useful when texting, as it’s always nice to omit a few letters when you’re in a rush. This word is perfect if you want to explain something better.

Original Hungarian Word: 



Nem tudom, mit csináljak. Mmint, tanultam a tesztre, de nem biztos, hogy átmegyek.
“I don’t know what to do. I mean, I studied for the test, but I’m not sure I’ll pass it.”

5. Conjunctions

Considering how frequently used conjunctions are, it should come as no surprise that they’re often abbreviated for convenience.

#15 – H 




If you want to be the ultimate king or queen of Hungarian internet slang words, you need to know this one. This slang word is still very commonly used nowadays, among all Hungarians regardless of age.

Original Hungarian Word: 



Tudtam, h te voltál az! / “I knew that it was you!”

#16 – V 




This one is another popular Hungarian internet slang term. Just like the previous example, this is just a simple letter, but everybody understands what it means. Do be aware, however, that it would be weird to use this one in a real-life conversation.

Original Hungarian Word: 



A macskákat v a kutyákat szereted? / “Do you like cats or dogs?”

#17 – Mer’




The Hungarian slang word mer’ is very common in Hungarian and it’s used in spoken conversation as well. It’s similar to the English abbreviation “‘cuz” for “because.”

Original Hungarian Word: 



A: Miért nem jössz ma este? / “Why won’t you come tonight?”
B: Mer’ otthon kell segítenem. / “‘Cuz I need to help at home.”

#18 – Szal 




This Hungarian slang term is great for starting any story.

Original Hungarian Word: 



Szal arra gondoltam, (hogy)… / “So I was thinking…”

A Young Guy in a Blue Jacket Is Sitting at a Desk in Front of His Computer, Holding a Coffee Cup

#19 – Am 


By the way


This slang term can be used at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. Also, it works both online and offline (though it’s more common online). 

Original Hungarian Word: 



Am mit fogsz csinálni a téli szünetben? / “By the way, what are you doing during winter holiday?”

6. Adverbs

Find some adverb shortenings in our Hungarian slang dictionary next up.

#20 – Naon 




Just as we saw earlier in the case of vaok / vok, this is another example of omitting the digraph from the middle of a word. Nowadays, this slang term is mostly used sarcastically to emphasize “very.” 

Original Hungarian Word: 



Naon örülök, hogy írtál! / “I’m very glad you texted me.”

#21 – Valszeg




This slang term is most often used in texting, though it’s sometimes used in spoken conversation as well. As you’ll see, the original word is rather long! 

Original Hungarian Word: 



A: Hol van? / “Where is she?”
B: Valszeg alszik. / “She’s probably sleeping.”

#22 – Légyszi / Lécci




These two terms are both frequently used when asking someone to do something for you. However, lécci is only used sarcastically or when you want to emphasize how much you want something. In this case, feel free to add a few extra letters in there, like lééécciiii. Légyszi is also a slang word, but it’s somewhat more sophisticated.

Original Hungarian Expression: 

Légy szíves!


  • Légyszi, legyél őszinte! / “Please, be honest.”
  • Léééciiiii, elmegyünk arra a koncertre? / “Please, can we go to that concert?”

#23 – Vmikor 




There are several Hungarian internet slang phrases similar to this one: vki, vmi, vhol, etc. Basically, everything that starts with vala- can be (and is) shortened. Hungarians love to abbreviate words like the one below, so you’ll very likely run into them while talking to a Hungarian online.

Original Hungarian Word: 



  • Vmikor el kellene mennünk nyaralni. / “We should go on a vacation sometime.”
  • Láttam vhol a szemüvegedet. / “I’ve seen your glasses somewhere.”

7. Questions

Asking and answering questions is an essential aspect of effective communication, but there’s no reason questions should take forever to type! Here are some slang terms and abbreviations you can use for questions in your next text or chat session with a Hungarian speaker.

#24 – Mien? 


What? / What kind (of)? 


This Hungarian slang word used to be very cool in the early 2000s, but nowadays it’s mostly used in a sarcastic manner. In most cases, you should just write the actual word out—and using this abbreviation in real-life conversations is a big no-no!

Original Hungarian Word: 



Mien cipőben leszel? / “What (kind of) shoes will you wear?”

A Woman’s Hands Are Seen Holding Her Phone, Chat Bubbles Appear, She Is Sitting in Front of Her Computer

#25 – Mert? / Mer’? / Mér? / Mé?




Lots of variations for a single word, right? Well, this one is a must when learning about Hungarian internet slang. You’ll see these slang words all over the internet, especially in instant messages. People also use them in spoken conversation. Just a little heads-up: mer and mér are considered to be the least polite and the most tacky.

Original Hungarian Word: 



A: Bocsi, nem mondhatom el neked. / “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you.”
B: Mert? / “Why?”
A: Titok. Mé(r)’ ne mondanám el, ha lehetne? / “It’s a secret. Why wouldn’t I tell you if I could?”

#26 – Mivan?! 


What? / What are you saying?!


You’ll most likely use this Hungarian texting slang term when you’re surprised.

Original Hungarian Expression: 

Mi van?


Mivan?! Komolyan? / “What?! Are you serious?”

Hungarian Internet Words Using Numbers

The following Hungarian slang words are somewhat playful as they use numbers in place of certain letters.

#27 – 1edül




Hungarians want to be as efficient as possible, so they cut and shorten words wherever they can. Even here, you can see that “1” substitutes egy, which would be two more letters that are otherwise unnecessary. Smart, huh?

Original Hungarian Word: 



1edül mentem moziba. / “I went to the cinema alone.”

#28 – 7vége




You can use this abbreviation of hétvége if you want to appear cool in a text message when inviting someone for a drink, for example.

Original Hungarian Word: 



Szeretnél randizni velem ezen a 7végén? / “Do you want to go out with me this weekend?”

8. Hungarian Internet Words Derived from English

Hungarians also use certain English slang words, taken straight from the language with no changes. If you would like to see even more examples of words like those below, check out our vocabulary list Most Common Texting Slang in Hungarian

#29 – Lol


Laugh(ing) out loud


Simple as that. The Hungarian “lol” does not convert to a Hungarian expression; the abbreviation means the same thing it does in English.


Leöntöttem vízzel a nadrágomat. Lol. / “I spilled water on my pants. Lol.”

#30 – Yolo


You only live once


This is another slang word from English with no Hungarian counterpart. Hungarians use this slang term in the same context as English speakers would.


El fogom hívni randizni. Yolo. / “I’m gonna ask her out. Yolo.”

Close-up of a Woman Wearing a Beanie Holding Her Phone and Smiling

9. How Can Help You Reach Your Goals

We hope that learning these different Hungarian slang terms for texting and the internet has empowered you and given you the confidence you need to take on the world! Using these words and phrases, you can chat with Hungarian friends confidently without feeling left out. 

But there’s one more thing that’s very important to remember: These are just…well…slang words. You must always be aware of when it’s appropriate to use them and when it’s not. Also, never confuse a slang word for its correct form! 

Did you enjoy this article, but feel like there weren’t enough words and phrases? Then make sure you check out our vocabulary list Top 20 Words You’ll Need for the Internet and our lesson series Must-Know Hungarian Slang Words & Phrases

If you have any questions or would like to know more about slang words and how they’re formed, ask away. The HungarianPod101 team is happy to help you out with anything. Write us a comment, or check out our vocabulary lists and other free materials for additional help. That said, joining the HungarianPod101 community comes with many additional benefits, such as audio lessons and other level-specific materials.

Before you go: Which of these Hungarian internet slang words is your favorite? 

Happy Hungarian language learning!

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The Top 10 Untranslatable Hungarian Words


No matter how long you’ve been studying a language, it’s always fun to flaunt your speaking skills now and again. While learning how to introduce yourself, order pizza, or even go through a job interview are all impressive feats, you’ll eventually need to add some flair to your language skills! And what better way than by learning how to use that language’s most common untranslatable words?

Each language is unique, having at least a few words that don’t translate well into other languages. Yes, even Hungarian! 

In this article, you’ll learn the most common untranslatable Hungarian words. These are terms that have no direct equivalent in English (though we wish they did!). The best part? You probably haven’t even heard of them yet! 

Here at HungarianPod101, it’s our goal to help you improve your Hungarian skills and increase your knowledge of the language and culture. We want you to thrive and succeed on your language learning journey, mastering each of the key skills along the way: speaking, listening, reading, and writing

Learning Hungarian words that don’t exist in English will take you one step closer to native-like fluency—and using them in the right context is sure to impress any native speaker (not to mention your friends and family). When you’ve finished reading, make sure to let us know in the comments which one is your favorite! 

Let’s get started.

Close-up of Notes with a Pencil and 3D Plastic Pieces Shaped Like the Letters ABC

Start with a bonus, and download the Must-Know Beginner Vocabulary PDF for FREE! (Logged-In Member Only)

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hungarian Table of Contents
  1. Lébecol
  2. Kacskaringós
  3. Mézeskalácssütés
  4. Mártírkodni
  5. Pampogni
  6. Hórukk!
  7. Fogócskázni
  8. Lebzsel
  9. Cuccolni
  10. Lacafacázni
  11. How HungarianPod101 Can Help You Improve Your Hungarian

1. Lébecol

[No literal meaning]

To live carefree without any problems or troubles

This untranslatable word in the Hungarian language is normally used to criticize young people. For example, a parent may say that their child is lébecol or the elderly might use this term to describe youngsters.


Mit dolgozik? Vagy még mindig egyetemen tanul?
“What does he do? Or does he still study at university?”

Istenem, egyik sem! Éppen lébecol.
“Oh my God, neither! He is currently living without any problems, carefree.”

As we touched on above, this Hungarian verb denotes criticism. You might want to be cautious about when you use it and to whom you apply it.

2. Kacskaringós

[No literal meaning]

Having many turns, as though going in a zigzag pattern

This untranslatable Hungarian word is used to describe roads, typically those on a hill or mountain.


Szerintem mindjárt kidobom a taccsot. Nem bírom tovább. Ez az út túl kacskaringós.
“I think I’m going to throw up. I can’t take it anymore. This road is going in too much of a zigzag.”

Tartsd vissza még egy kicsit! Mindjárt ott vagyunk.
“Just hold it in for a little longer. We’re almost there.”

A Close-up of a Car’s Rear View Mirror Showing Nature and a Road

3. Mézeskalácssütés

This is probably our favorite one of the Hungarian words you can’t translate into English. And no, it’s not only because it involves gingerbread. Or is it…? In either case, we’ve gotten in the mood for baking gingerbread now, so here’s a recipe for you

“Gingerbread baking”

The act of making gingerbread

This is the kind of word you would likely use around the holidays, and probably while in the kitchen. But nobody ever said you couldn’t have a little fun all year round, right?


Mit terveztetek az ünnepekre? Egy kis nyaralás vagy valami?
“What did you plan for the holidays? A little vacation or something?”

Á, nem. Nem megyünk sehova, viszont terveztünk mézeskalácssütést.
“Ah, no. We’re not going anywhere, but planning to make gingerbread.”

4. Mártírkodni

“Playing the martyr”

This term refers to pitying oneself so obviously that it hurts, or to play the victim in cases where it’s not appropriate. People who do this only like to complain and do not care about changing their situation for the better.

While most people view a martyr as being a hero, this term has a negative connotation. It describes people who act like victims, but who are really just dramatizing the situation.


Miért én? Miért mindig velem történik ez? Olyan igazságtalan!
“Why me? Why does it always have to happen to me? It is so unfair!”

Ó, ne mártírkodj már! Nem olyan rettenetes hiba ez, és bárkivel megtörténhet.
“Oh, stop playing the martyr! It is not such a terrible mistake, and it could happen to anybody.”

A Little Girl in a Yellow Dress being Scolded by a Parent

5. Pampogni

[No literal meaning]

To explain something or speak in an indifferent, monotonous way without getting to the point (in other words, “beating around the bush”)

This Hungarian word with no English equivalent is most likely to be used when receiving a sermon from a parent or arguing with someone, for example. However, parents aren’t always nagging us. Check out this lesson to read a few phrases a Hungarian parent might say.


Nem fogod elhinni. Olyan hegyi beszédet kaptam anyámtól tegnap… Arról pampogott, hogy sosem takarítom ki a szobámat vagy mosogatok el.

“You won’t believe it. I received such a sermon from my mom yesterday… She was talking about how I never clean my room or do the dishes.”

This Hungarian word should not be used when you mean well. It denotes an action that you perceived negatively.

6. Hórukk!

[No literal meaning]

A sound usually made when great force is being exerted

This sound is used when several people are getting ready to lift something heavy or are trying to swing that something over to another spot. It serves as encouragement or as an indication of when exactly the “lifting” should happen. Think of the English expression “on the count of three.” Here, “three” would be Hórukk! (or more precisely, -rukk).


Oké, figyelj! Fogom a kezedet, úgyhogy csak leugrasz erről a kőről, és én elkaplak. Kész vagy? Hórukk!

“Okay, listen. I’m holding your hand, so you just jump off this rock and I’ll catch you. Ready? Hórukk!”

The first syllable (hó-) is usually prolonged: Hóóó-rukk! Parents often use this untranslatable Hungarian word when lifting up their children, swinging them, or helping them jump onto or off of something.

A Group of Friends Helping Each Other Carry a Heavy Box

7. Fogócskázni

“Playing tag”

This is the verb form of the noun fogócska, which refers to the game “tag” in English.

This is a common game among children, usually played outdoors in kindergarten or at school (often during P.E. classes).


Szeretnél fogócskázni? Megkérdezhetnénk a többieket, hogy még viccesebb legyen.
“Would you like to play tag? We could ask the others too, so it would be even more fun!”

Jó ötlet! Kérdezzük meg az egész osztályt, hogy akarnak-e csatlakozni hozzánk!
“Good idea! Let’s ask the whole class if they want to join us.”

8. Lebzsel

[No literal meaning]

To spend the day doing nothing meaningful or productive

This one is a true gem. Hungarians use it often, usually in reference to teens or spouses who do little around the house (or in general).


Miért lebzselsz annyit? Gyerünk, segíts be nekem a ház körül vagy menj és találj munkát!
“Why do you spend your days doing nothing meaningful? Come on, help me do something around the house or go find work!”

Istenem, egy kicsit pihennie sem lehet az embernek?
“My God, can’t one even rest a little?”

A Guy in a Green T-shirt Sleeping on the Couch with Pizza Boxes and Beer Bottles around Him

9. Cuccolni

“To stuff”

To move personal things around (even from Point A to Point B) in order to pack them (összecuccolni).

You could use this untranslatable Hungarian word when asking friends to help you during a move, for example, or when you need help with the groceries. You could also use this Hungarian expression to say that you’re packing something up; just add the prefix össze- to the word.


Tudnál segíteni nekem cuccolni ezen a hétvégén? Tudod, új helyre költözöm.
“Could you help me move my stuff this weekend? You know I’m moving to a new place.”

Csak összecuccolok és mehetünk is.
“I’m going to pack my stuff and we can go.”

10. Lacafacázni

[No literal meaning]

This Hungarian word with no English equivalent refers to approaching things with difficulty and getting hung up on small things (as in, being indecisive in a given matter). In other words, to waste time.

This is one of the more difficult Hungarian words for non-native speakers due to its length as well as the alternation of vowels and consonants. Nonetheless, if you learn how to pronounce it—practice makes perfect—you could use it in situations where someone is supposed to make a decision but can’t seem to make up their mind.


Szerinted ez a szín jó lesz a prezentációhoz? Nem tudok dönteni.
“Do you think this color will be good for the presentation? I can’t decide.”

Ne lacafacázzunk! Délig készen kell lennünk ezzel.
“Let’s not waste more time. We need to get this done by noon.”

A Close-up of a Man Thinking with His Index Finger on His Chin

11. How HungarianPod101 Can Help You Improve Your Hungarian

This marks the end of today’s lesson. We hope you enjoyed learning these untranslatable Hungarian words and that we were able to show you a few you hadn’t encountered before. 

Which of these Hungarian words with no English equivalent was your favorite? If you happen to know some more words we didn’t cover here, please share with us in the comments! Our community is about helping each other out and learning from one another. 

If you found this list fun and helpful, remember that you’ll find many similar articles on Just visit our blog and browse through our articles to discover even more about the Hungarian language and culture. 

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A Simple Guide on How to Introduce Yourself in Hungarian


Hungarian is a difficult language to learn, but we at the family wholeheartedly believe that it’s worth the struggle. Learning to speak a difficult language not only enriches your personality, but also serves as a fantastic way to exercise your brain. And learning self-introductions in particular is a vital step in forming lasting relationships with the Hungarian people, which is why when you learn Hungarian, introducing yourself is one of the first topics you should cover.

Hungarians are sociable people who enjoy being around others, but they do like to keep a healthy distance. They’re open and honest, but don’t like to overshare. They enjoy getting to know new people, but don’t like it if someone’s too much or too pushy.

So, how to introduce yourself in Hungarian? Read this blog post to find out all about introducing yourself in Hungarian phrases! I’ll go over how to introduce yourself (English to Hungarian), and more information on introducing yourself when in Hungary! Introducing yourself when studying Hungarian doesn’t have to be hard.

Table of Contents

  1. Start with Your Name!
  2. Note Where You Come From
  3. Only Tell Your Age if You’re Comfortable Sharing it
  4. “How are You?” in Hungarian
  5. Putting it All Together: The Best Lines to Introduce Yourself in Hungarian
  6. Talking about School or Your Profession
  7. Talking about Your Family in Hungarian
  8. “My Hobbies are,” in Hungarian
  9. “I Have a Pet,” in Hungarian
  10. That Little Extra: Body Language
  11. How to Introduce People in Hungarian
  12. Conclusion: How Can Help You Master Hungarian


1. Start with Your Name!

Talking About Yourself

When it comes to learning Hungarian for beginners, how to introduce yourself is of utmost importance. And luckily, it’s not too hard!

Wondering how to start a conversation in Hungarian? Whenever you meet a Hungarian after you’ve said hello, they’ll most likely start off by telling you their name. Hungarians put a huge emphasis on knowing each other’s names—forgetting the name of someone you recently met is considered extremely rude.

Woman Holding Card with Question Mark in Front of Face

1- “My Name is,” in Hungarian

When it comes to how to speak Hungarian when introducing yourself, starting with your name is pretty simple. So how do you say “My name is,” in Hungarian? There are basically two options for talking about your name in Hungarian:

  • A nevem Vivien.
    “My name is Vivien.”
  • Viviennek hívnak.
    “I’m called Vivien.”

The first example is pretty straightforward, with A nevem translating to “My name is,” in English, followed by your name. But if you’re new to Hungarian, the second phrase may look a little more complicated. Here’s a simple breakdown:

The word hívnak translates to “call,” but when the word nek is added in front of it (nek hívnak), it becomes “are called.” So to say “I’m called ___,” you would put your name at the beginning of the word nek, and follow it with hívnak.

Feel free to go with either of these options; there’s basically no difference between them.

2- Nicknames in Hungarian

Do you have a nickname? Hungarians usually have nicknames. They mostly use them in informal environments. Feel free to tell someone your nickname right at the beginning of a conversation:

  • Hívj csak Vivinek.
    “Just call me Vivi.”

In this example, “Just call me…” translates to hívj csak, and adding a -nek turns it into a possessive form.
Giving your nickname is widely accepted in this culture, so don’t be shy to share it!

3- “What’s Your Name?” in Hungarian

After sharing your name, it’s super important to ask for their name too. Knowing each other’s names is extremely important in Hungarian culture. Asking someone’s name is easy:

  • Hogy hívnak?
    “What’s your name?”

“What’s” translates to Hogy, whereas hívnak translates to “are called.” So essentially, you’re asking what they are called.

When you’re in a formal environment, you could say:

  • Megkérdezhetem a nevét?
    “May I ask your name?”

Megkérdezhetem is a polite form of asking something, and translates to “May I ask.” And “‘your name” is a nevét.

Make sure to pay attention and remember the name of the person you’ve just met. A good trick is to continue the conversation by repeating their name:

  • Örülök, hogy megismerhetlek, Vivi!
    “Nice to meet you, Vivi!”

Örülök means “happy,” and hogy megismerhetlek translates to “to meet you.” Thus, Örülök, hogy megismerhetlek literally translates to “I’m happy to meet you,” in English.

Or you can say the following in a formal environment:

  • Örülök, hogy megismerhetem, Vivien!
    “Nice to meet you, Vivien.”

Hungarians have a formal form of each word, called magázódás. Thus, “to meet you” is always the same in English, whereas in Hungarian, the informal form is megismerhetlek and the formal form is megismerhetem.

4- What if You’ve Forgotten Someone’s Name?

While you learn Hungarian, how to introduce yourself isn’t too tricky. But it might still happen that you can’t recall the name of the person you’re talking to. In these cases, simply ask:

  • Ne haragudj, mi is a keresztneved?
    “Sorry, what’s your name again?”

Ne haragudj translates to “sorry,” whereas mi is makes up the “again” part of the sentence.

2. Note Where You Come From

Countries in Hungarian

The second most important thing to remember when introducing yourself in Hungarian is letting the other person know where we come from.

1- “I Come From,” in Hungarian

Tell the other person where you’re from the following way:

  • Kínából jöttem.
    “I come from China.”
  • Amerikából jöttem.
    “I come from America.”
  • Horvátországból jöttem.
    “I come from Croatia.”

Jövök means “I come,” though Hungarians say it in past tense, as jöttem. To add “from,” they add -ból after the country name.

Fancy learning some country names in Hungarian? Visit our country vocabulary list and make the introduction easier!

3. Only Tell Your Age if You’re Comfortable Sharing it

As stated at the beginning of this article, Hungarian people are reserved and don’t like to overshare stuff about themselves. Thus, age is considered an intimate topic in Hungarian culture. While learning how to introduce yourself in Hungarian language, make sure to only share your age if you’re comfortable with it, and only ask about someone’s age if you’re sure they won’t take it personally.

Talking about your age in Hungarian is super-easy, and there’s only one way to do so:

  • 23 éves vagyok.
    “I’m twenty-three years old.”

“I am” translates to vagyok, and “years old” translates to éves in this sentence.

Asking about someone’s age is simple as well:

  • Hány éves vagy?
    “How old are you?”

In a formal environment, it’s a bit different:

  • Megkérdezhetem, hogy mennyi idős?
    “May I ask how old you are?”

When using the formal form, you skip vagy, and simply ask mennyi idős, which is a more polite form of hány éves.

4. “How are You?” in Hungarian

Now you might wonder: Why didn’t we mention “How are you?” in Hungarian before now? That’s because Hungarians simply don’t ask this question as often as foreigners do. They only use this question in informal environments (for example, when chatting with friends or relatives).

  • Hogy vagy?
    “How are you?”

“How” translates to hogy, and “are you” translates to vagy.

When you’re in a formal environment, you could say:

  • Hogy van?
    “How are you?”

In a formal environment, instead of vagy, we use van, which is simply the formal form of vagy.

5. Putting it All Together: The Best Lines to Introduce Yourself in Hungarian

Introducing Yourself

Now that you know the basics, I’ll go over the best lines to introduce yourself in Hungarian. When it comes to the Hungarian language, it’s important to note that there’s a significant difference between formal and informal introductions. Let’s see how they differ.

1- Informal Introduction in Hungarian

The informal introduction is the easiest, as there are no strict rules here. You can welcome someone informally in many ways, such as:

  • Helló!
  • Szia! or Cső

Then you can continue by stating your name, age, and nationality.

  • Vivinek hívnak, 23 éves vagyok és Indonéziából jöttem.
    “My name is Vivi, I’m twenty-three years old, and I come from Indonesia.”

This is easy, but when you want to be a bit more formal, you need to use more polite expressions.

2- Introducing Yourself Formally in Hungarian

When introducing yourself formally in Hungarian, you want to ensure that you welcome the other person in a very polite way, such as:

  • Jó reggelt / napot / estét!
    “Good morning / afternoon / evening!”
  • Üdvözlöm!

Then you want to emphasize how glad you are to meet the person:

  • Örülök, hogy megismerhetem!
    “Nice to meet you!”

And only after that can you proceed to introduce yourself. This part is the same as it was with the informal introduction.

  • Vivien vagyok, 23 éves és Indonéziából származom.
    “My name is Vivi, I’m twenty-three years old, and I come from Indonesia.”

You successfully introduced yourself, but how should you continue the conversation? You’ve now shared the most important facts about yourself, but there’s still a lot to tell.

Hungarians are very reserved and only like to share things they’re entirely comfortable sharing with others. Thus, make sure you don’t share too much about yourself; otherwise, your chat partner might feel intimidated. Instead, outline the most important things in your life.

6. Talking about School or Your Profession

Whether or not you’re studying is very significant in Hungary. Thus, you might want to continue by stating:

“Still” translates to Még, whereas “I’m studying” translates to iskolába járok.

  • Már dolgozom.
    “I’m working already.”

“Already” translates to Már, whereas “I’m working” translates to dolgozom.

University Student Holding Books

In Hungarian, tanulok means “I learn.” To tell someone what you’re studying, you put the Hungarian word for that topic in front of tanulok. To share what your major is, here’s a short list of the most common ones:

  • Közgazdaságtant tanulok.
    “I’m studying economics.”
  • Mérnöknek tanulok.
    “I’m studying engineering.”
  • Jogásznak tanulok.
    “I’m studying to become a lawyer.”
  • Pszihológiát tanulok.
    “I’m studying psychology.”

To talk about your profession, check out our list of twenty common occupations in this language. Then, tell your profession as follows:

  • Fodrász vagyok.
    “I’m working as a hairdresser.”

Dolgozom means “I’m working,” and “as a” translates to -ként, thus word-by-word, this sentence is Fodrászként dolgozom in Hungarian. But to make it short and simple, they say Fodrász vagyok, or “I’m a hairdresser.”

  • Pincér vagyok.
    “I’m working as a bartender.”
  • Diák vagyok.
    “I’m a student.”

7. Talking about Your Family in Hungarian

When it comes to personal details, it’s important to keep in mind the previously mentioned rule. Stay cool, and don’t overshare.

We know how hard it is to gather all those family-related words for a proper introduction, so we created a short and sweet list of the must-know terms for describing family members. Some family-related sentence examples include:

  • Házas vagyok.
    “I’m married.”
  • Kettő gyermekem van.
    “I have two children.”

Kettő means “Two,” gyermek means “children,” and to note that they’re yours, you add -em which forms gyermekem.

  • Kettő testvérem van.
    “I have two siblings.”

Now that you’ve shared some info about your loved ones, you can move onto talking about your hobbies.

8. “My Hobbies are,” in Hungarian

First Encounter

Talking about your hobbies in Hungarian is very simple:

  • A hobbim…
    “My hobby is…”

What’s your hobby? Do you enjoy playing the guitar? Maybe drawing? Check out our list of hobbies to know how to say your favorite past-time activity in Hungarian.

9. “I Have a Pet,” in Hungarian

Hungarian people love animals and they enjoy talking about them. Make sure to bring up this topic if you have a pet. Talking about your pets in Hungarian is sweet and simple:

  • Van egy kisállatom.
    “I have a pet.”

It’s best to tell what kind of pet you have, and for this, we’ve prepared a vocabulary list to help your learning process. Check our animal vocabulary list and enjoy talking about your pets!

Woman Laying Next to Pet Dog in Field

10. That Little Extra: Body Language

Now that you know what makes a good Hungarian introduction, it’s time to talk about body language. Hungarian people don’t give too much importance to body language, but there are still some things you might want to consider.

  • It’s important to maintain eye contact while talking to someone, otherwise, you might seem dishonest.
  • Putting your hands on your hips might be considered rude in some cases; it suggests violence.
  • Tucking your thumbs into the belt or into the pockets is sometimes considered an act of cockiness.

11. How to Introduce People in Hungarian

There’s only one thing we haven’t mentioned yet: How to introduce people in Hungarian. What if you’re with a friend and you want to introduce them? This may be the simplest sentence of all in this article:

  • Ő Adam.
    “His name is Adam.”

“His name” translates to Az ő neve, and the whole sentence is Az ő neve Ada in Hungarian. However, to keep it short, you just skip az and neve, and just say, Ő Adam.

  • Ő a barátom, Adam.
    “This is my friend, Adam.”

When you’re in a formal environment, you could say:

  • Be szeretném mutatni Adamot.
    “I would like to introduce Adam.”

“I would like to” means szeretném, and “to introduce” means bemutatni. However, be- is a preverb, and we use it separately from mutatni, as in Be szeretném mutatni.

12. Conclusion: How Can Help You Master Hungarian

Have we answered your question of “How do I give an introduction of myself in Hungarian?” Do you feel more confident about how to introduce yourself, Hungarian to English?

When introducing yourself in this language, it’s essential to start with your name, share your nationality, describe your profession, and talk about your hobbies. Learning how to introduce yourself in Hungarian is the first step to mastering the language. It might seem complicated at first, but steady practice will get you nice results.

If you fancy getting help, don’t hesitate to join the HungarianPod101 family. In the meantime, also follow our YouTube channel for free educational videos, or check out our Hungarian lessons “Introduce Yourself” for additional info on this topic.

To practice what you’ve learned in this article, write us a quick introductory paragraph about yourself in Hungarian! We’d love to hear from you!


10 of the Best Hungarian Movies of All Time


Watching Hungarian movies is a great way to learn the language. Hearing native speakers use the language in various contexts will help you get used to certain phrases and patterns as well as familiarize you with colloquial Hungarian—both of which are very important for your future conversations with locals.

Another benefit of using movies to supplement your Hungarian studies is that it doesn’t feel like studying at all! And that’s the key to language learning: making the process enjoyable. This allows you to learn much faster and with ease because studying will no longer feel like a burden.

For this article, we’ve collected ten of the top Hungarian movies that you must see. These films will not only help you grasp the language in natural contexts, but also give you a better understanding of Hungarian culture.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hungarian Table of Contents
  1. The Witness – A tanú (1969)
  2. Mephisto – Mephisto (1981)
  3. Sunshine – A napfény íze (1999)
  4. Glass Tiger – Üvegtigris (2001)
  5. A Kind of America – Valami Amerika (2002)
  6. Made in Hungaria – Made in Hungária (2009)
  7. For Some Inexplicable Reason – Van valami furcsa és megmagyarázhatatlan (2014)
  8. Son of Saul – Saul fia (2015)
  9. The Citizen – Az állampolgár (2016)
  10. Sing – Mindenki (2016)
  11. How Can Help You Reach Your Full Potential

1. The WitnessA tanú (1969)

IMDb rating: 8.7 / 10

This old Hungarian movie, directed by Péter Bacsó, is a must-watch if you’re interested in the history of Hungary. The satirical piece was banned for ten years before its official release in 1969 because of its criticism of the Communist regime in Hungary after World War II. Its censorship illustrates how important this Hungarian movie is in context of the nation’s history. Given its release date, you’ll likely hear a few expressions that are no longer used in everyday Hungarian speech.

The story is about József Pelikán, a dike-keeper who commits a silly crime—slaughtering his pig—for which he is not sentenced but rather elevated into a serious position that was reserved for the Communist regime. Although he does not understand why this happened, he is later called in to falsely testify against his good old friend at a trial as a favor for the regime that “saved him” from doing time in prison.

Curious what kind of language and dialogue you can expect to hear while watching? Here’s a sample of dialogue from the film: 

Mi ez?
“What’s this?”

Egy narancs.
“An orange.”

Egy narancs?
“An orange?”

Az új magyar narancs. Kicsit sárgább, kicsit savanyúbb*, de a miénk.
“The new Hungarian orange. It’s slightly yellower, it’s slightly sharper*, but our own.”

*While this is the original Hungarian transcription, do keep in mind that “sharper” literally translates to élesebb (not savanyúbb, which means something along the lines of “sour”).

2. MephistoMephisto (1981)

IMDb rating: 7.8 / 10

One of the best Hungarian movies of all time is surely Mephisto, directed by István Szabó and starring Klaus Maria Brandauer alongside many other great Hungarian actors.

This Hungarian film is set in 20th-century Germany, and it’s about a stage actor named Hendrik Höfgen who wants to become well-known and have a successful career. His biggest goal is to play the part of Mephisto. However, desperation to see his dream finally come true drives him to collude with the Nazis. The party offers him the fame he always wanted and he accepts the offer—but at what cost?

Here’s a quote from the film:

Nem én vagyok a legrémisztőbb gonosztevő, akit valaha láttál?
“Am I not the most dreadful villain you have seen?”

3. SunshineA napfény íze (1999)

IMDb rating: 7.5 / 10

Sunshine debuted in 1999 and is one of the most popular Hungarian drama movies, telling the story of a Hungarian Jewish family in the 20th century. This film has played a large role in Hungarian culture since its release, so if you’re thinking about watching Hungarian movies online, this one should definitely be on your list! 

Like Mephisto, this Hungarian movie was also directed by István Szabó. The story follows three generations of a Hungarian Jewish family; viewers witness their successes, the horrors they face during the Holocaust, and how the 1956 revolution affects them. 

We especially recommend this film for beginners, as the original audio is in English. By watching the film with Hungarian subtitles, you can more easily pick up new words, broaden your vocabulary, and become more familiar with Hungarian history and culture.

Here’s a quote from the film: 

Az antiszemitizmus bosszús és sikertelen emberek hitvallása…a filiszteusok filozófiája. Ízléstelen.
“Anti-semitism is a creed of resentful and unsuccessful people…the philosophy of Philistines; it’s in bad taste.”

Top Verbs

4. Glass Tiger Üvegtigris (2001)

IMDb rating: 7.7 / 10

The Hungarian movie Glass Tiger is a comedy that could be considered the “visual anthem” of the nation (alongside A Kind of America, which we’ll introduce in a bit as well). It was partially directed by Péter Rudolf, who also starred in the movie alongside Gábor Reviczky and József Szarvas.

The story is about six good friends who normally live very boring lives. In the film, however, they encounter quite a handful of interesting situations. The ‘Üvegtigris’ (a buffet truck that the character Lali owns) is at the heart of the whole movie.

Here’s a recurring sentence that, because of this Hungarian film, became a famous catchphrase in the Hungarian language:

Ízirájder, öcsém, ízirájder!
“Easy rider, bro’, easy rider.”

The guys in the film use this phrase to describe a “laid-back dude” or some loser that “copies Americans.”

5. A Kind of AmericaValami Amerika (2002)

IMDb rating: 6.9 / 10

Our list of the top Hungarian movies could never be complete without A Kind of America, which is a prime example of the typical Hungarian comedy movie. 

The film follows the story of an up-and-coming film director named Tamás, who lives in Budapest. He has a great idea for a film, but lacks the money to make his dream come true. One day, an American film producer reaches out to Tamás and praises him for the script he’s written—Tamás sees this as a grand opportunity and, with the help of his two brothers, tries to impress the producer once they meet in person. But it’s not such an easy task, after all…

The cast of this film includes several famous Hungarian actors and actresses, such as Győző Szabó, Ferenc Hujber, Szonja Oroszlán, and Claudia Liptai. If you would like to perfect your language skills—and pick up some slang too, of course—by watching a silly and humorous Hungarian movie, this film should be at the top of your list! 

Here’s a quote from the movie that’ll make you smile: 

Olyan vagyok, mint a spanyolnátha. Bárki megkaphat.
“I’m like the Spanish flu. Anybody can get me.”

6. Made in Hungaria Made in Hungária (2009)

IMDb rating: 6.9 / 10

Among the best films to learn Hungarian is Made in Hungaria, a lively musical with a captivating plot, charming characters, and songs you’re going to love. Regarding the language of the film, the vocabulary is nowhere near as rough as that of Üvegtigris or Valami Amerika, for example. There are a couple of curse words and a little bit of slang, but these aspects of the language do not feature prominently in the film. 

Miki and his parents return to Communist Hungary in the 1960s after living in America for some time. He finds it hard to assimilate at first, as even his old friends don’t know what to make of his new style and personality. Throughout the story, we can see Miki (who happens to be a young musician) trying to win over his childhood love, Vera, and to make his old friends trust and like him again—all while getting ready to participate in a talent show. 

Several famous actors feature in this film, including Tamás Szabó Kimmel, Iván Fenyő, and Péter Scherer.

Now, for some sample dialogue: 

Miki’s mom:
Jesszus, miért vagy vizes?
“Jesus, why are you wet?”

Útközben megáztam.
“I got wet on my way home.”

Miki’s mom:
De hát nem is esett!
“But it didn’t even rain!”

Ahol én voltam, igen.
“It did where I was.”

Miki’s dad:
A Tűzoltó utcában, ugye?
“In Tűzoltó street*, right?”

*Tűzoltó street is located in Budapest.

Honnan tudod? Valaki beköpött?
“How do you know? Did somebody rat me out?”

Miki’s dad:
Ez Magyarország. Itt mindenki tud mindent.
“This is Hungary. Everybody knows everything.”

Someone Purchasing Popcorn and a Drink at a Movie Theater

7. For Some Inexplicable Reason – Van valami furcsa és megmagyarázhatatlan (2014)

IMDb rating: 7.5 / 10

This is one of the more recent Hungarian movies, written and directed by Gábor Reisz. It has won eight awards in total, including the Adolph Zukor Prize at the Jameson CineFest and the Best Feature Film at FEST New Directors/New Films Festival.

The film tells the story of Áron, a nerdy guy who is about to turn thirty but is recently single, unemployed, and lacking any kind of purpose in life. In search of meaning and excitement, he buys a ticket to Lisbon and flies there to find himself. The film depicts the truth of what it’s like to be a young professional and what hardships one must encounter throughout their life.


Hihetetlen, hogy a rossz dolgokat mindenki elhiszi, ami jó, az meg állandóan magyarázatra szorul.
“It’s unbelievable how everybody believes the bad things, but the good ones always need to be explained.”

8. Son of Saul Saul fia (2015)

IMDb rating: 7.5 / 10

We had to include this one on our list of the top Hungarian movies. It’s quite possibly the most famous Hungarian film nowadays, having won an Oscar as well as 62 other prizes. The film, directed by László Nemes Jeles and featuring the acting talent of Géza Röhrig, even had a screening at the Cannes Film Festival

The film shows just two days of the main character’s (Saul’s) life. He is a Jewish Hungarian captive in Auschwitz who tries to have a boy, believed to be his son, buried properly by a rabbi. He refuses to join the others in a rebellion they’re planning, choosing instead to save the remains of the child as he feels guilty for not having taken care of him while he was still alive.

Watching this Hungarian film will give you a glimpse into the horrors that took place in Auschwitz.

Here’s some sample dialogue from the film: 

Cserben hagytad az élőket a halottért.
“You failed the living for the dead.”

Már halottak vagyunk.
“We are dead already.”

A Big Crowd at the Cannes Film Festival

9. The CitizenAz állampolgár (2016)

IMDb rating: 7.2 / 10

One of the latest Hungarian movies to debut, this film touches on sensitive topics related to immigration practices and refugees in Hungary. 

It depicts the life of an African-American man in his fifties who has been living in Hungary as a refugee, but would like to acquire Hungarian citizenship. To achieve this goal, he studies a lot for exams and even learns the language, trying to assimilate into the culture. However, his journey is not easy as he constantly encounters racist people and those who do not trust or believe in him. 

The main character’s charm lies in the fact that the part is played by an amateur actor—Dr. Cake-Baly Marcelo—who’s a former refugee in real life and currently a resident of Budapest.

This movie is perfect for language learners because there’s a person on-screen they can relate to: somebody who’s trying to learn a new, rather challenging language. In the film, you can see that effort matters and that the path to mastering a language is through trial and error. Plus, you can try to understand Wilson’s lines without English subtitles (although Netflix does provide them).

Here’s a quote you’ll hear in the film: 

Hazádnak rendületlenül légy híve, óh magyar!
“To your homeland, without fail be faithful, oh Hungarian.”

This is the first line of Szózat, a Hungarian patriotic song written by Mihály Vörösmarty. It happens to be the second most important one, after the national anthem (Himnusz).

10. Sing Mindenki (2016)

IMDb rating: 8.1 / 10

Last but definitely not least, here’s a short Hungarian film that conveys a wonderful message.

The story is based on a true event and set in Budapest in the 1990s. It follows an award-winning children’s choir and questions certain pedagogical methods. When a new girl joins the school choir, she slowly discovers the truth behind why the group became famous in the first place. This Hungarian film is less than half an hour long, but it will surely leave you speechless.


Ha mindenki szót fogad, mindenkinek jó lesz.
“If everybody obeys, it’s going to be good for everybody.”

11. How Can Help You Reach Your Full Potential 

We hope we’ve gotten you in the mood to watch a couple—or more—Hungarian movies. As we said in the beginning, this is a great way to pick up new vocabulary and become more familiar with the culture while having fun. 

And the best part? You can find most of these Hungarian movies on Netflix (at the time of this writing). This means you’ll have little trouble accessing these titles and can use English subtitles to better understand the language in a given film.  

If you’re really lucky, you might even be able to watch some of these movies in the cinema (such as on special nostalgia nights). 

Did you enjoy this article? Then don’t forget to check out our other articles, too (like this one on the best Hungarian TV series). We also recommend that you join the HungarianPod101 family to gain access to exclusive benefits, such as audio lessons and reading exercises. Sign up now and become a part of the largest Hungarian language-learning community out there! 

Not sure where to start? Visit our page Getting Started with for some great ideas. 

Before you go: Which Hungarian movie will you watch first? Have you seen any of the films on our list already?

How to Celebrate Mother’s Day in Hungary

Mother’s Day, celebrated in countries all over the world, is a day of showing love and appreciation for one’s mother or motherly figures. Traditions for Mother’s Day in Hungary vary in some ways from celebrations in your own country, though there are bound to be many similarities, too.

In Hungary, Mother’s Day is when you can expect to see little children giving their mothers handmade Mother’s Day gifts, Mother’s Day cards, or sweet-smelling lilacs. Maybe even while singing the words Orgona ága, barackfa virága (literally meaning “Organ Branch, Peach Tree Flower” ) to honor their beloved mothers.

By learning about how Hungary celebrates Mother’s Day, you’re both showing respect for the country of your target language, and giving yourself an opportunity to expand your understanding of the holiday itself. At, we hope to make learning about Hungarian culture both fun and insightful! And we believe that learning about Mother’s Day in this country is both of those things.

Let’s get started!

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1. What is Mother’s Day in Hungary?

What day is Mother’s Day?

The tradition of celebrating mothers can be traced back to ancient Greece. In the early 20th century, America started celebrating Mother’s Day, and later more and more European countries joined.

Hungarians first celebrated mothers on the first Sunday of May in 1925. The celebration was organized by the Hungarian Red Cross Youth. The date was chosen to connect the occasion with the traditional cult of the Blessed Virgin service.

2. When is Mother’s Day?

Mother's Day is on a Sunday

The Mother’s Day date in Hungary varies from year to year, but is always the first Sunday in May. For your convenience, here’s a list of this holiday’s date for the next ten years.

  • 2019: May 5
  • 2020: May 3
  • 2021: May 2
  • 2022: May 1
  • 2023: May 7
  • 2024: May 5
  • 2025: May 4
  • 2026: May 3
  • 2027: May 2
  • 2028: May 7

3. Reading Practice: How is Mother’s Day Celebrated?

Mother Receiving Gifts from Family

How is Mother’s Day in Hungary celebrated? Read the Hungarian text below to find out, and find the English translation directly below it.

Májusban minden óvoda és iskola tart kisebb-nagyobb anyák napi ünnepséget. A gyerekek sajátkezűleg készítenek rajzot, hajtogatnak virágot, vagy bármilyen egyszerűen elkészíthető kézműves ajándékot az édesanyjuknak. Ezeket versszavalás, ének kiséretében az anyák napi ünnepélyen adják át az anyukáknak. Ilyenkor a virágárusok nagy örömére a felnőttek is egy szál, vagy egy egész csokor virággal kedveskednek az anyukáknak, nagymamáknak és dédmamáknak.

Magyarországon az Anyák napi ünnepségek elképzelhetetlenek a május virága, az orgona nélkül. A botanikusok szerint az orgona az áhítatot jelképezi páratlan szépségével, friss és üde illatával, ezért az évek során méltó díszévé vált az ünnepnek. Az anyák napi köszöntő dalokban és versekben is sokszor megénekelték az orgonát, mint az Anyák napja virágát.

2013-ban egy babaápolási termékeket gyártó cég azzal lepte meg a szerencsés édesanyákat, hogy családjukat lefényképezte és személyes üzenet kíséretében, egy óriásplakáton megjelenítette. Természetesen az édesanyák nem tudtak erről az akciórol. Nagy volt a meglepetés, amikor meglátták a szeretteiket a hatalmas fényképen, amint boldog anyák napját kívánnak nekik.

In May, all schools and kindergartens organize a smaller Mother’s Day celebration. Children draw, make paper flowers with their own hands, or any easy-to-make artisan present for their mums. During the Mother’s Day celebration itself, they can give presents to their mothers while saying poems and singing songs. To make florists also happy, adults buy a flower or a bunch of flowers for their mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers.

In Hungary, there is no Mother’s Day celebration without the Flower of May: the lilac. Botanists say that the lilac symbolizes devotion with its special beauty and fresh, peachy aroma, so over time, it has become a worthy element of this festivity. Lilac, as the flower of Mother’s Day, is also a common theme of songs and poems written for this occasion.

In 2013, a company that makes baby care products surprised lucky mothers by taking pictures of their families. They put these pictures on giant posters with personal messages on them. Of course, the chosen mothers knew nothing about this occurrence. It was a big surprise when they saw the huge pictures on the street, on which their loved ones wished them a happy Mother’s Day.

4. Additional Information: Patron Saint

When it comes to Mother’s Day, Hungary even has a patron saint who may be attributed (at least partially) with its desire to celebrate mothers.

Do you know who the patron saint of Hungary is?
The patron saint of Hungary is the mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary. Even the first Hungarian Mother’s Day in 1925 was in connection with the old cult of Mary in May.

5. Must-know Vocab

Gift Certificate

Here’s some vocabulary you should know for Mother’s Day in Hungary!

  • Vasárnap — “Sunday”
  • Fia — “son”
  • Lánya — “daughter”
  • Nagymama — “grandmother”
  • Anya — “mother”
  • Csokoládé — “chocolate
  • Vacsora — “dinner
  • Rózsa — “rose”
  • Szeret — “love”
  • Ajándék — “present”
  • Anyák napja — “Mother’s Day”
  • Üdvözlőkártya — “greeting card”
  • Ünnepel — “celebrate”
  • ágyban reggeli — “breakfast in bed”
  • Ajándékutalvány — “gift certificate”
  • Szülő — “parent”

To hear the pronunciation of each Hungarian Mother’s Day vocabulary word, check out our relevant vocabulary list. Here, you’ll find each word accompanied by an audio file of its pronunciation.


We hope you enjoyed learning about how Hungarians celebrate Mother’s Day. Are Mother’s Day celebrations and traditions similar in your own country, or different? Let us know in the comments!

To learn more about Hungarian culture and the language, visit us at We provide our students with insightful blog posts on numerous topics, free vocabulary lists for a fuller word knowledge, and an online community where you can discuss lessons with fellow Hungarian learners! By upgrading to Premium Plus, you can also take advantage of our MyTeacher program and learn Hungarian one-on-one with your own personal teacher.

Wherever you are on your language-learning journey, and wherever you want to be, know that your hard work will pay off! You’ll be speaking Hungarian like a native before you know it. And will be here with all the study materials and support you need to get there!

Until next time, Happy Mother’s Day!

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Must-Watch Hungarian TV Series to Improve Your Hungarian


Watching TV shows is a great way to learn a language, and Hungarian is no exception. For some people, it’s rather hard to find the motivation to sit down at a desk and open a language book. If you happen to be one of them, you’re going to love this article. We’re presenting you with the best Hungarian TV shows to help you study the language in a highly efficient way, without feeling like you’re actually studying. Sometimes tricking your brain is the way to go.

With the help of Hungarian TV series, you’ll be able to pick up slang words and detect any slang that’s being used in a conversation when you’re visiting Hungary. Of course, it depends on the kind of show you’re watching, but most of them use shortened language (slang), i.e. how people of a given nation actually use their language in their daily lives.

For this reason, it might be a bit challenging to improve your Hungarian by watching TV shows as you might come across words that aren’t in the dictionary. Instead, in such cases, you’ll have to rely on your instincts and try to master “reading from context” so that when you guess what the characters are saying, you actually succeed. We’re not going to lie: it takes practice. But the good thing is that practice here means watching Hungarian TV channels.

Watching TV shows of a given language is not only helpful for learning new phrases and vocabulary, but also for picking up expressions. For example, you can easily start to detect how Hungarians use body language and facial expressions when speaking. Do you see any gestures they’re often making when they say a certain sentence? Do they get angry or happy if they hear a given word or phrase? Do they articulate much or murmur under their nose? How does their face change when they say specific words or phrases? You can learn so much by watching Hungarian TV!

Okay, okay, but what are the best TV shows to learn Hungarian? Well, we’ve got you covered. We’ll introduce you to ten of the best Hungarian TV shows, and will even tell you how to stream Hungarian TV (legally, of course).

We hope you’re ready to study the fun way. Take a look at what we have for you and decide which show interests you the most.

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Table of Contents

  1. Animations
  2. Sitcoms / Dramas
  3. Talk / Reality Shows
  4. Gives You the Best Ideas to Make Studying Fun

1. Animations

Show #1: Mézga család (The Mézgas) — 1968

Family of Four Watching TV

If you’re interested in old Hungarian TV shows, this is definitely worth a watch!

This show follows the Mézga family. Their thirteen-year-old boy, Aladár, is a genius. He creates gadgets and machines that make even time travel and travel through space possible. His family, however, often gets into trouble because they don’t know how to use these machines properly. Thus, Aladár always has to save his family.

His best friend and constant companion on his journeys is his dog, Blöki. Other members of the family include his stubborn and strict father, Géza Mézga, who doesn’t really approve of Aladár’s machines. His mother, born Paula Rezovits, often faints on their exciting journeys due to her poor nervous system. Aladár often fights with his not-so-bright sister, Kriszta, who has a pet cat named Maffia.

The story is built around these six characters and their spectacular journeys, though some episodes feature their angry neighbor, Máris. It also features, in speech only, Pisti Hufnágel, who used to be one of Paula’s past lovers. She often voices her regret of not marrying him instead of Géza.

This is one of the best Hungarian TV shows, though it’s not aired anymore. For this reason, you can only stream it; you can’t catch an episode of Mézga család if you’re watching Hungarian satellite TV. Since this Hungarian series is rather old, you’ll find that the slang the characters use is a bit outdated. This can be both a positive and negative aspect of watching this show.

Through watching this series, you won’t learn lots of slang, but rather the usual way that Hungarian works. Also, given its time of creation, you’ll probably be able to understand the speakers better, as the characters don’t speak as fast as people do these days.

Recurring Sentences in the Show

  • Anya, szólj rá!
    “Mom, rebuke him.”

Kriszta says this when Aladár is annoying her.

  • Miért nem a Hufnágel Pistihez mentem feleségül?
    “Why didn’t I marry Pisti Hufnágel?”

This sentence leaves Paula’s mouth in every episode. In the Hungarian version, the a (meaning “the” ) before the name Hufnágel Pisti is grammatically incorrect. You’re not supposed to say “the” before names, but that’s how people do it in Budapest and the surrounding areas, as well as in some Transdanubian places.

Show #2: A nagy ho-ho-horgász (The Great Fisherman) — 1982

The persevering fisherman (horgász) and his best friend, Chief Worm (Főkukac), are the main characters of one of the best Hungarian TV series. There’s nothing better than sitting at the breezy waterside on hot summer days. Our protagonist does the same and, in the meantime, gets himself involved in unexpected adventures.

For him, it doesn’t matter if it’s summer or winter. On cold days, he fishes from rooftops and chimneys, and out of bathtubs, aquariums, and even fountains. Nothing stops him and his little friend from having a good time fishing.

You can expect the same kind of language exposure from this show as you can from Mézga család. It’s an old cartoon, but one of the best Hungarian children’s TV shows.

Recurring Sentences in the Show

  • Én fogtam ki a világ legjobb szívű halacskáját! Ez is világcsúcs!
    “I got to fish a little fish with the biggest heart. This is a world record, too.”
  • Megőrülök! Ez még a maradék halat is elriasztja! Ilyen tehetségtelen csalival kell nekem horgásznom!
    “I’m going crazy. He scares away even the remaining fishes. And I have to work with such untalented bait.”

2. Sitcoms / Dramas

If you want to watch Hungarian drama online, RTL Most and are going to be your best friends. These are the sites to check out even if you want to watch free Hungarian live TV online. Your favorite Hungarian television shows are only a few clicks away.

Show #3: Jóban rosszban (In Good and Bad) — 2005

The story of this Hungarian TV show is set in Csillagkút, a village not far from the capital of Hungary, Budapest. Life in this little village suddenly becomes quite lively after everyone starts talking about the Csillagvirág Clinic and its mysterious director, Péter Pongrácz (played by Tibor Gazdag, a great Hungarian actor and composer in real life). All that the residents of the village know about him is that he left his perfect life in the USA behind to come home to Hungary and open a private clinic in Csillagkút.

Everybody is happy that the old castle has been transformed into a new hospital…well, almost everybody. Előd Várnagy had different intentions for the castle, but Péter beat him to it.

Love stories, cheating, betrayals: these are all parts of everyday life at the Csillagvirág Clinic. Although the characters are willing to betray and even kill each other—and they do—some of them are willing to support one another…in good and bad.

By watching this series, you’ll be exposed to all kinds of language. You’ll encounter healthcare terminology as well as everyday expressions, including day-to-day conversations and slang. Thus, this is the perfect Hungarian TV series for you if you love drama and are open to learning Hungarian in a fun way.

Important Sentences in the Show

  • Egyet jegyezz meg! A szerelem elmúlik… de a férfiak ostobasága soha!
    “Remember one thing. Love fades away…but the stupidity of men never does.”
  • A kudarc kell. A siker elkényelmesít, de a kudarc megtanít megbocsátani, és megmutatja, hogy kik és mennyire fontosak az életünkben.
    “Failure is needed. Success makes you too comfortable, but failure teaches you to forgive and shows you who the important people in your lives are, and how much.”

Show #4: Barátok közt (Amongst Friends) — 1998

This one is an oldie but a goldie, and is a must-watch for Hungarian learners who want to experience popular Hungarian TV shows.

The main characters of this Hungarian TV show are the members of the Berényi family. This show has been following their everyday lives, and that of those living around them, for more than twenty years now.

The story starts with a bunch of kids who become really good friends. Later on in their lives, they end up living in the same block of flats, which is something they never would have thought. Their aim is to create modern mansions and a good community in the building where they first met as children. However, betrayals, hook-ups, and other surprising events make this seem like a rather hard thing to do.

This Hungarian TV show is perfect for you if you love drama, complicated relationships, and excitement.

In some cases, you can access the episodes on Hungarian TV channels online. Barátok közt is one of them. Just go to RTL Most (RTL Now) and you can stream all 20+ years’ worth of Barátok közt episodes right away.

Popular Quotes from the Series

  • Az emlékek megszépítik a múltat.
    “Memories make the past seem more beautiful.”
  • Nincs szeretet elfogadás nélkül.
    “There is no love without acceptance.”
  • Akár aggódsz, akár nem, az a dolgokon nem változtat.
    “Whether you worry or not, that does not change things.”
  • Egy férfinak minden helyzetben kell, hogy legyen terve.
    “A man must have a plan in all situations.”
  • A szerelem vak, és ez csak addig közhely, amíg a saját bőrünkön nem tapasztaljuk meg.
    “Love is blind and it is a cliché only until you experience it on your own skin.”

Which quote is your favorite?

Show #5: Válótársak (Divorce Buddies) — 2015

Bálint, Dávid, and Joci are best friends. Not only do they live together in their mancrib, but all three of them are going through a divorce. The show follows their lives through this process.

Bálint has cheated on his wife, Zsófi, so she files for divorce. Bálint is trying to get Zsófi back and ruin her forming relationship with his brother. However, Bálint can’t restrain himself and keeps cheating on Zsófi with other women.

Dávid, a rich entrepreneur, has been dumped after six years of marriage because his wife, Tamara, found him boring. Dávid gets a heart attack because of this, and he soon falls in love with his doctor, Dalma. While trying to win Dalma over, he’s in constant war with his ex. However, the stricter and harsher Dávid is with Tamara, the more she finds him interesting and wants him back.

Joci and Szonja have been trying to have a child for ages, but couldn’t succeed. As soon as they decide to break up, Szonja gets pregnant with twins. Joci is trying to escape the father role, so he even hires a lawyer, Leonóra, whom he soon starts to date and build a new relationship with. But Szonja isn’t going to let the love of her life be anybody else’s.

This is definitely one of those Hungarian TV programs that you can’t miss if you want to have a good laugh. It’s quite popular in Hungary, largely due to the fact that one of the main characters, Bálint, is played by the famous Hungarian actor András Stohl.

Regarding the language of the show, you might want to be careful, as this series is explicit and features intercourse and similar 18+ (or 16+) content. So, there you have it: if you want to learn Hungarian curse words and slang while having heaps of laughter, this is definitely the show to watch.

Famous Quote from the Show

  • Csak az első hiba számít, a többi az következmény.
    “Only the first mistake matters. The rest is the consequences.”

Show #6: Jófiúk (Good Boys) — 2019

This comedy is one of the newer TV shows in Hungarian and is a big hit nowadays in Hungary, alongside Válótársak.

Jófiúkis is a Hungarian TV series about a group of clumsy policemen who cause more problems than they solve. Gyula, a very unmotivated policeman, and his team are mistakenly relocated to the most ructious part of the city. On their first day, the team has already had to deal with a dead body, meanwhile Gyula and his family struggle with the new neighborhood.

This series is also explicit, but very funny at the same time. So, the same “rules” apply to this one as to Válótársak. If you want to have a good laugh and study Hungarian slang, you might want to consider watching this Hungarian TV show.

Famous Quote from the Show

  • Szolgálunk és védünk.
    “We serve and protect.”

This is the slogan of the Hungarian police.

Show #7: A tanár (The Teacher) — 2018

Old Teacher in Front of a Blackboard

This series gives an inside view of the lives of high-schoolers and their community. The episodes feature social issues such as adoption, search for identity, and rivalry amongst students. Each episode introduces the life of a student and their problems.

The main character is Szilárd, a chemistry, physics, and P.E. teacher (played by Ervin Nagy, who is rather famous in Hungary and also appears in theater plays). He tries to help the children in the school in his own way, which often puts a humorous spin on the show.

This series is worth watching for its interpretation of social issues and their take on them. The channel that airs this Hungarian TV show is RTL Klub, so if you’re interested in it, and you’re all for streaming Hungarian TV, you can easily watch this series on RTL Most.

Preparing for a Hungarian language exam is really no different than preparing for any other language exam. However, in the case of Hungarian, you might want to pay special attention to spelling, as the way Hungarians write and pronounce words differs greatly at times. Therefore, you might want to do as many mock tests regarding Hungarian grammar as you can. And we think A tanár is a great way to experience this first-hand.

Famous Quote from the Show

  • Isten hozott a birodalmamban.
    “Welcome to my empire.”

This is the first sentence, with which the main character, Szilárd, greets his students.

Show #8: 200 első randi (200 First Dates) — 2018

This is one of the best TV series for learning Hungarian.

It’s a witty, funny, and emotional story that follows the everyday life of a thirty-year-old woman, Luca, who’s a bit clumsy and disorganized.

Her sister’s engagement came as a great surprise to this single lady, and their mother makes bitter remarks on the fact that her sister will marry sooner than Luca, and that she’ll probably go to the wedding without a partner. Because of this, Luca swears that she will find The One in 200 days, meanwhile trying to live up to the expectations of her boss at work. Whether she succeeds and love finds her or not, and whether she manages to find herself, will be revealed in the sixty episodes that this Hungarian TV series has.

You’ve found the perfect show to watch if you fancy a good love story, and if you feel like you can relate to the main character. The dialogue is composed in a witty and funny way, so you won’t be bored for a second.

This series reflects on everyday Hungarian life, so you will find some slang in the show—but not teenagers’ slang. The pace of speech might be a bit too fast for beginners, but practice makes perfect. If you don’t hear something clearly, just rewind the episode a bit. This is one of the best aspects of watching Hungarian TV shows online!

Famous Quotes from the Show

  • Ahogy a nagymamám mondta, a dolgok legyenek áttekinthetőek, a csoki pedig jó tömény.
    “As my grandma used to say, things must be clear and chocolate high in cocoa.”
  • Mindig a jók mennek el… meg Félix.
    “Always the good ones go away…and Félix.”

3. Talk / Reality Shows

Show #9: Heti Hetes — 1999

This Hungarian TV show is different from the ones we’ve gone over so far. This almost works like a talk show, and it used to be aired once a week on Sundays (up until 2016). Seven people got together and talked about social issues, everyday life, the news, etc. It was very amusing as every guest was able to give their own perspective and take on the topic.

You’re not very likely to come across any slang—or maybe just a few slang words—in this series, as the guests are mainly middle-aged or elderly. The pace of speech, therefore, is normal, not usually too rushed. We have to admit, though, that you’re most likely to enjoy this show if you know more about Hungarian culture and news, as the topics are linked to current issues in the country.

This Show’s Theme Song

  • Politika, botrány, bulvár, pletyka, sztárhegyek. Ez a Heti Hetes, a feketeleves.
    “Politics, scandals, tabloids, gossip, mountains of celebrities. This is Heti Hetes, the black soup.”

This used to be the theme song of the show. “Black soup” in Hungarian refers to something unexpected and unpleasant. This reflects the controversial nature of the show, as the guests aren’t afraid to convey their real opinions, even if those opinions aren’t in favor of the government, for example.

Show #10: Való Világ (Real World) — 2002

Való Világ is one of the most-watched Hungarian reality TV shows.

There are thirty-six candidates, selected by a jury based on homemade videos, who will compete with each other to win over the viewers who can get them into the villa by a call or an SMS. Every day, there are three candidates at a time, and only one of them can get in. Once they’re all in the villa, the voting begins to eliminate each of them until there’s only one left inside—the winner.

There have been nine seasons so far, with a new season coming out roughly every two years. In each of the seasons, there’s always something new.

You’re going to love this Hungarian TV show if you’re all for reality shows. As all realities, this one is vulgar and explicit. In this type of show, the only thing you’ll hear are super-easy and short sentences—the very basic everyday Hungarian dialect, swear words, and slang.

However, you might want to double-check every expression before memorizing it, because the people in these shows are usually not the brightest and they often make grammar mistakes or simply use phrases or words the wrong way. This may be a good test for more advanced Hungarian learners, to see if you can spot the mistakes the candidates are making.

Important Quote from the Show

  • Itt a lét a tét.
    “Here ‘being’ is the stake.”

This is the motto of the reality show.

4. Gives You the Best Ideas to Make Studying Fun

Wow, it was just like reading a Hungarian TV guide, right? Did we miss any good Hungarian shows you know about? If so, leave us a comment below and share your knowledge with fellow Hungarian learners!

Now that you’re familiar with the best TV shows to learn Hungarian, the major Hungarian TV stations, and how to watch Hungarian TV online… We wonder if there’s anything left to teach you.

You know now that RTL Most and are the best places for streaming Hungarian TV. All you need to take into consideration at this point are what genre you’re looking for, what you want to achieve or learn, and your current level of Hungarian. And you’re all set for a fun way of learning a challenging language.

With HungarianPod101, the learning never stops! There’s always something we can present to you or help you learn, we promise. Sign up, and become a part of our family.

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How to Find a Job in Hungary


Moving to a foreign country is a big but wonderful step one can take toward their personal or professional goals. Since you’re here, you’re probably entertaining the idea of moving to Hungary, which is great! In this article, we’ll list lots of job opportunities in Hungary for foreigners, so that you’ll be able to find a great job in Hungary that suits you.

As you consider taking the plunge, you might be wondering: Is it easy to find work in Hungary? Well, let us answer that for you.

Before you embark on the monumental journey of changing countries, you must know that most Hungarians do not speak any foreign languages—not even English. While speaking only English does not bar you from landing a great job in the country, you’ll have quite the head-start if you learn Hungarian before your move. 

And that’s where we come into the picture. 

To ensure success in your Hungarian job hunting and to stand out amongst other candidates for your dream job, start learning Hungarian with us! Create your free lifetime account today, and start exploring everything that has to offer. From themed vocabulary lists to audio and video lessons on a range of topics, we can help you master both everyday conversation and business language. To start, why not study our vocabulary list Talking About Jobs and Work in Hungary

In the meantime, let’s look at the most common jobs in Hungary and how to get one for yourself.

Six People of Different Professions Are Seen in Front of a Blue Background

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Business Words and Phrases in Hungarian Table of Contents
  1. Hungarian Cities Where You’re Most Likely to Find a Job
  2. Top Websites for Job Hunting in Hungary
  3. The Best Jobs in Hungary for Expats
  4. Tips to Help You Find a Job in Hungary
  5. Continue Improving Your Hungarian with HungarianPod101

1. Hungarian Cities Where You’re Most Likely to Find a Job

Jobs in Hungary for foreigners are somewhat limited, especially for those who don’t speak the local language. But you can still land a great job here if you know where to look! 

The first city that most foreigners think of is Budapest, which is no surprise. The percentage of citizens who speak second and third languages is the highest here, so as a foreigner, you probably have the best chance of finding a job in Hungary in the capital.

That said, the type of job you would like to get and the lifestyle you’re after play a huge role in which city you should opt for. Although Budapest is the best place for foreigners to find jobs, it’s possible that the big city life just isn’t for you! You could easily find smaller cities in Hungary offering jobs with no language requirements—neither English nor Hungarian. 

For example, all you need in order to do construction jobs in Hungary are two talented hands and strong arms. Even smaller cities need buildings put up and roads fixed. You might want to try Szeged, Debrecen, or Pécs for this type of work. 

The same goes for hotel jobs in Hungary, or for being a waiter or waitress in a local restaurant. Typically, “handy” jobs like this are perfect for those who don’t speak Hungarian or those who just don’t want to live in a big city like Budapest. These manual job openings are mostly found in local newspapers, but you can apply for them through working agencies as well.

Image of Budapest at Sundown, the Chain Bridge and the Parliament Are Seen

2. Top Websites for Job Hunting in Hungary

While searching for work opportunities in Hungary, there are a few websites you should definitely check out:

  • LinkedIn

    LinkedIn features tons of job listings in a variety of industries, making it one of the best places to find work in Hungary for foreigners. Of course, because LinkedIn is also a networking site, it’s a great place to find potential connections who will help you get your foot in the door.
  • Glassdoor

    Glassdoor is not very popular in Hungary, but it’s still worth checking out.

    Do you already know some basic Hungarian? Then your best bet for finding your dream job is to check out The majority of job descriptions here will be in Hungarian, but because this platform is even more popular in Hungary than LinkedIn, you’re sure to find a position with your name on it here!

And a few more honorable mentions:

3. The Best Jobs in Hungary for Expats

Now, let’s look at the top jobs in Hungary for foreigners. 

Before we dive in, you must bear in mind that unless you’re from the EU, EAA, or Switzerland, you’ll need a work permit to work in Hungary. Permission to work is granted by the Blue Card, which can be used for working in the country for up to two years without any problems.

A- Language Teaching Jobs

Language teaching jobs are another great start for foreigners, especially those who speak a unique language such as Chinese or Japanese. That said, this is also a popular job category for native English speakers and others who have incredible proficiency in their native tongue. This makes teaching one of the most suitable jobs for Americans in Hungary, for example. 

You’ll be able to find plenty of English teaching jobs in Budapest, but other parts of the country are also in need of language teaching professionals. In fact, there is currently a shortage of professional language teachers in the country, and many language schools are actively searching for foreign teachers to employ. While many schools will ask candidates for some previous teaching or tutoring experience, they might just turn a blind eye if your language skills are through the roof!

Universities are the best place for job hunting in Hungary if you would like this type of position. Even if the school in question does not hire you—as they require candidates to have serious teaching qualifications—they might know of and connect you with other institutes who could help you find a job in Hungary.

An Asian Woman in a Red T-shirt as a Teacher Is Seen in Front of a Blackboard Pointing at English Words

Blue-Collar Jobs

As mentioned earlier, foreigners who do not speak Hungarian will have the easiest time finding jobs that involve manual labor. It’s not uncommon in Hungary to hire foreign workers for blue-collar jobs, so you should definitely give it a go if your Hungarian knowledge is limited or nonexistent. 

These types of jobs are much in demand in Hungary, as there are always buildings to be built and food to be processed. Because these are the most common jobs in Hungary, your chances of landing a blue-collar position are quite high. 

You can apply for blue-collar jobs through government organizations or job centers, as the government is usually the employer. Of course, you can also find blue-collar work for private companies or even individuals. 

A Construction Worker in a Vest with a Helmet on Is Seen Smiling and Talking into a Walkie-talkie

Office Jobs

When looking for office jobs in Hungary, you could apply for a position with a national company or with a multinational company


When it comes to national companies, you will most likely need to have some solid Hungarian language knowledge to get the job. This is especially true if you’re applying for a position with a smaller company, where the workforce mostly comprises Hungarian-speaking locals who work closely with each other each day. 


On the other hand, multinational companies employ people from multiple cultures and backgrounds. Because they are more welcoming of foreigners, these companies offer work environments where speaking Hungarian is not a necessity (though it would still be an advantage!). 

Multinationals are also a wonderful place to find student jobs in Hungary. Bigger companies are more used to the greater turnover rate of interns and trainees, as many students do their compulsory internships at large companies. Further, because multinational companies in Hungary value the fresh perspectives that foreigners bring, they are a great place for international students to look for part-time jobs. 

You can search for office job openings online through LinkedIn,, and the Careers page of any companies that catch your eye. Make sure to check often so you never miss your golden opportunity! 

Health, Science, and Technology-Related Jobs

Another set of jobs in demand in Hungary are those related to the fields of health, science, and technology. If you have the qualifications, you’re a natural winner! 

IT jobs in Hungary are especially easy to find, even if you don’t speak the local language. The best place to search for work in IT or other data science fields is LinkedIn. 

Healthcare workers are also in-demand, especially in Budapest. To search for positions in the healthcare industry, you could inquire in hospitals directly or reach out to any contacts you may have in the country. If you’re short on connections, you may have better luck searching for open positions online. Do note, however, that LinkedIn may not be much help in this field; postings on this site tend to be geared toward office workers. 

Two African-American Women Are Talking, One of Them, the Younger One Is a Nurse

4. Tips to Help You Find a Job in Hungary

Are you wondering how to find work in Hungary? Here are a few tips you can apply to your hunt for a part-time or full-time position. 

1. Have a general idea of the field or industry you want to work in, as well as the type of work you would like to do: full-time, part-time, remote, etc.

2. Do your research. Make sure you know everything about working in Hungary and its regulations, as well as the paperwork you’ll need to get done.

3. Register on the appropriate website(s), such as the Hungarian job portals mentioned earlier. For most of them, you’ll need to create an account. Of course, if you don’t want to scroll through endless job opportunities yourself, you can search for a headhunter agency to do the dirty work for you. This is a common way for foreigners to find jobs abroad. 

4. Do a basic search of what the market can offer you in your desired field.

5. Alter your existing CV or write a new one, making sure to highlight your most relevant and impressive qualifications.

6. Apply for as many jobs as you can, but make sure you’re more or less qualified for all of them. Don’t be careless when applying for jobs!

7. Don’t just sit around waiting for an answer. Keep improving yourself. For example, start learning a new language (like Hungarian) as this is definitely an advantage in any field or position.

    ➜ Are you already a member of HungarianPod101? Then listen to this Inner Circle podcast on the best methods and strategies for learning Hungarian in 2021!

A Close-up of a CV with Glasses and a Pen in the Frame

5. Continue Improving Your Hungarian with HungarianPod101

In this article, you learned…

  • …what to pay attention to when planning to work in Hungary.
  • …what jobs are in demand in Hungary today.
  • …several practical tips to apply to your job search. 

The most important thing is that you find out what types of jobs in Hungary best match your skills and passion, and then do thorough research about the job market in Hungary. The rest will then come much more easily.

Another thing you should remember is to keep improving yourself so that you’ll be more appealing to recruiters. For example, having at least some basic knowledge about the local language will be a huge advantage and show potential employers your dedication.

We can help you with that! The HungarianPod101 family welcomes you with open arms to join the thousands of enthusiastic language learners who either have the same ambitions as you do or have embarked on this journey simply for the fun and challenge of it. We’re a big family of learners who always help each other out. You can become part of this family, too! 

If you have any questions remaining regarding jobs in Hungary for foreigners, don’t be afraid to ask! We are here to help.

Happy learning!

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How to Say I Love You in Hungarian – Romantic Word List

Do you often feel lonely and sad? Do you long for romance and are willing to do whatever it takes to meet that special person? Speaking another language could revolutionize your love life! So, why wait? Learning how to say ‘love’ in Hungarian could be just what you need to find it.

Or perhaps you were lucky, and have found your Hungarian partner already. Fantastic! Yet, a cross-cultural relationship comes with unique challenges. Learning how to speak your lover’s language will greatly improve your communication and enhance the relationship. At HungarianPod101, our team will teach you all the words, quotes and phrases you need to woo your Hungarian lover with excellence! Our tutors provide personal assistance, with plenty of extra material available to make Hungarian dating easy for you.

Table of Contents

  1. Common Phrases You’ll Need for a Date
  2. The Most Romantic Ideas for a Date
  3. Must-know Valentine’s Day Vocabulary
  4. Hungarian Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day
  5. Hungarian Quotes about Love
  6. Marriage Proposal Lines
  7. 15 Most Common Break-Up Lines
  8. Will Falling in Love Help You Learn Hungarian Faster?

Start with a bonus, and download the ‘How To be a Good Lover Cheat Sheet’ for FREE! (Logged-In Member Only)

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - How to be a Good Lover in Hungarian

1. Common Phrases You’ll Need for a Date

So, you have met your Hungarian love interest. Congratulations! Who knows where this could take you…?! However, the two of you have just met and you’re not ready to say the Hungarian word for love just yet. Great, it is better to get to know him/her first. Wow your prospective love by using these Hungarian date phrases to set up a spectacular first date.

Hungarian Date Phrases

Would you like to go out to dinner with me?

  • Velem vacsoráznál?

The important question! In most cultures, this phrase indicates: ‘I’m romantically interested in you’. Flirting in Hungarian is no different, so don’t take your date to Mcdonald’s!

Are you free this weekend?

  • Ráérsz ezen a hétvégén?

This is a preamble to asking your love interest on a date. If you get an immediate ‘Yes’, that’s good news!

Would you like to hang out with me?

  • Szeretnél együtt lógni velem?

You like her/him, but you’re not sure if there’s chemistry. Ask them to hang out first to see if a dinner date is next.

What time shall we meet tomorrow?

  • Hány órakor találkozzunk holnap?

Set a time, and be sure to arrive early! Nothing spoils a potential relationship more than a tardy date.

Where shall we meet?

  • Hol találkozzunk?

You can ask this, but also suggest a place.

You look great.

  • Remekül nézel ki.

A wonderful ice breaker! This phrase will help them relax a bit – they probably took great care to look their best just for you.

You are so cute.

  • Annyira aranyos vagy.

If the two of you are getting on really well, this is a fun, flirtatious phrase to use.

What do you think of this place?

  • Mit gondolsz erről a helyről?

This another good conversation starter. Show off your Hungarian language skills!

Can I see you again?

  • Láthatlak újra?

So the date went really well – don’t waste time! Make sure you will see each other again.

Shall we go somewhere else?

  • Menjünk máshova?

If the place you meet at is not great, you can suggest going elsewhere. It is also a good question to follow the previous one. Variety is the spice of life!

I know a good place.

  • Tudok egy jó helyet.

Use this with the previous question. However, don’t say if you don’t know a good place!

I will drive you home.

  • Hazaviszlek kocsival.

If your date doesn’t have transport, this is a polite, considerate offer. However, don’t be offended if she/he turns you down on the first date. Especially a woman might not feel comfortable letting you drive her home when the two of you are still basically strangers.

That was a great evening.

  • Nagyszerű este volt.

This is a good phrase to end the evening with.

When can I see you again?

  • Mikor láthatlak újra?

If he/she replied ‘Yes’ to ‘Can I see you again?’, this is the next important question.

I’ll call you.

  • Majd hívlak.

Say this only if you really mean to do it. In many cultures, this could imply that you’re keeping the proverbial backdoor open.

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2. The Most Romantic Ideas for a Date

You learned all the Hungarian phrases to make a date – congratulations! Now you have to decide where to meet, which can be tricky. Discuss these options with your lover to gauge whether you like the same things. Check out romantic date ideas in Hungarian below!

Date Ideas in Hungarian


  • múzeum

If you’re looking for unique date ideas that are fun but won’t break the bank, museums are the perfect spot! You won’t be running out of things to say in the conversations.

candlelit dinner

  • gyertyafényes vacsora

A candlelit dinner is perhaps best to reserve for when the relationship is getting serious. It’s very intimate, and says: “Romance!” It’s a fantastic choice if you’re sure you and your date are in love with each other!

go to the zoo

  • állatkertbe megy

This is a good choice for shy lovers who want to get the conversation going. Just make sure your date likes zoos, as some people dislike them. Maybe not for the first date, but this is also a great choice if your lover has children – you’ll win his/her adoration for inviting them along!

go for a long walk

  • egy hosszú sétára megy

Need to talk about serious stuff, or just want to relax with your date? Walking together is soothing, and a habit you can keep up together always! Just make sure it’s a beautiful walk that’s not too strenuous.

go to the opera

  • operába megy

This type of date should only be attempted if both of you love the opera. It can be a special treat, followed by a candlelit dinner!

go to the aquarium

  • akváriumba megy

Going to the aquarium is another good idea if you need topics for conversation, or if you need to impress your lover’s kids! Make sure your date doesn’t have a problem with aquariums.

walk on the beach

  • séta a tengerparton

This can be a very romantic stroll, especially at night! The sea is often associated with romance and beauty.

have a picnic

  • piknikezik

If you and your date need to get more comfortable together, this can be a fantastic date. Spending time in nature is soothing and calms the nerves.

cook a meal together

  • közösen egy ételt főz

If you want to get an idea of your date’s true character in one go, this is an excellent date! You will quickly see if the two of you can work together in a confined space. If it works, it will be fantastic for the relationship and create a sense of intimacy. If not, you will probably part ways!

have dinner and see a movie

  • vacsorázik és megnéz egy filmet

This is traditional date choice works perfectly well. Just make sure you and your date like the same kind of movies!

3. Must-know Valentine’s Day Vocabulary

Valentine's Day Words in Hungarian

Expressing your feelings honestly is very important in any relationship all year round. Yet, on Valentine’s Day you really want to shine. Impress your lover this Valentine’s with your excellent vocabulary, and make his/her day! We teach you, in fun, effective ways, the meanings of the words and how to pronounce them. You can also copy the characters and learn how to write ‘I love you’ in Hungarian – think how impressed your date will be!

4. Hungarian Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day

So, you now have the basic Valentine’s Day vocabulary under your belt. Well done! But, do you know how to say ‘I love you’ in Hungarian yet? Or perhaps you are still only friends. So, do you know how to say ‘I like you’ or ‘I have a crush on you’ in Hungarian? No? Don’t worry, here are all the love phrases you need to bowl over your Hungarian love on this special day!

Valentine's Day Words in Hungarian

You mean so much to me.

  • Olyan sokat jelentesz nekem.

This is a beautiful expression of gratitude that will enhance any relationship! It makes the receiver feel appreciated and their efforts recognized.

Will you be my Valentine?

  • Velem töltenéd a Valentin napot?

With these words, you are taking your relationship to the next level! Or, if you have been a couple for a while, it shows that you still feel the romance. So, go for it!

You’re so beautiful.

  • Olyan szép vagy.

If you don’t know how to say ‘You’re pretty’ in Hungarian, this is a good substitute, gentlemen!

I think of you as more than a friend.

  • Többnek tartalak egy barátnál.

Say this if you are not yet sure that your romantic feelings are reciprocated. It is also a safe go-to if you’re unsure about the Hungarian dating culture.

A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.

  • Irántad érzett szerelmem oly erős, hogy száz szív sem tudná magában hordozni.

You romantic you…! When your heart overflows with love, this would be the best phrase to use.

Love is just love. It can never be explained.

  • A szerelem egyszerűen csak szerelem. Ez egy leírhatatlan érzés.

If you fell in love unexpectedly or inexplicably, this one’s for you.

You’re so handsome.

  • Olyan helyes vagy.

Ladies, this phrase lets your Hungarian love know how much you appreciate his looks! Don’t be shy to use it; men like compliments too.

I’ve got a crush on you.

  • Teljesen beléd vagyok esve.

If you like someone, but you’re unsure about starting a relationship, it would be prudent to say this. It simply means that you like someone very, very much and think they’re amazing.

You make me want to be a better man.

  • Te érted akarok jobb emberré válni.

Gentlemen, don’t claim this phrase as your own! It hails from the movie ‘As Good as it Gets’, but it is sure to make your Hungarian girlfriend feel very special. Let her know that she inspires you!

Let all that you do be done in love.

  • Minden tetteteket a szeretet vezérelje.

We hope.

You are my sunshine, my love.

  • Te vagy a napsugaram, a szerelmem.

A compliment that lets your lover know they bring a special quality to your life. Really nice!

Words can’t describe my love for you.

  • Szavakkal nem lehet leírni irántad érzett szerelmemet.

Better say this when you’re feeling serious about the relationship! It means that your feelings are very intense.

We were meant to be together.

  • Mi egymásnak lettünk teremtve.

This is a loving affirmation that shows you see a future together, and that you feel a special bond with your partner.

If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you’re definitely in love.

  • Ha ezt olvasva gondolsz valakire, akkor minden bizonnyal szerelmes vagy.

Here’s something fun to tease your lover with. And hope he/she was thinking of you!

I love you.

  • Szeretlek.

Saying ‘I love you’ in Hungarian carries the same weight as in all languages. Use this only if you’re sure and sincere about your feelings for your partner/friend.

5. Hungarian Quotes about Love

Hungarian Love Quotes

You’re a love champ! You and your Hungarian lover are getting along fantastically, your dates are awesome, your Valentine’s Day together was spectacular, and you’re very much in love. Good for you! Here are some beautiful phrases of endearment in Hungarian that will remind him/her who is in your thoughts all the time.

6. Marriage Proposal Lines

Hungarian Marriage Proposal Lines

Wow. Your Hungarian lover is indeed the love of your life – congratulations! And may only happiness follow the two of you! In most traditions, the man asks the woman to marry; this is also the Hungarian custom. Here are a few sincere and romantic lines that will help you to ask your lady-love for her hand in marriage.

7. 15 Most Common Break-Up Lines

Hungarian Break-Up Lines

Instead of moving towards marriage or a long-term relationship, you find that the spark is not there for you. That is a pity! But even though breaking up is never easy, continuing a bad or unfulfilling relationship would be even harder. Remember to be kind to the person you are going to say goodbye to; respect and sensitivity cost nothing. Here are some phrases to help you break up gently.

  • We need to talk.
    • Beszélnünk kell.

    This is not really a break-up line, but it is a good conversation opener with a serious tone.

    It’s not you. It’s me.

    • Nem te vagy az oka, hanem én.

    As long as you mean it, this can be a kind thing to say. It means that there’s nothing wrong with your Hungarian lover as a person, but that you need something different from a relationship.

    I’m just not ready for this kind of relationship.

    • Egyszerűen csak nem állok készen egy ilyen kapcsolatra.

    Things moved a bit fast and got too intense, too soon? Painful as it is, honesty is often the best way to break up with somebody.

    Let’s just be friends.

    • Legyünk csak barátok.

    If the relationship was very intense, and you have sent many ‘i love u’ texts in Hungarian, this would not be a good breakup line. Feelings need to calm down before you can be friends, if ever. If the relationship has not really developed yet, a friendship would be possible.

    I think we need a break.

    • Szerintem tartsunk egy kis szünetet.

    This is again honest, and to the point. No need to play with someone’s emotions by not letting them know how you feel. However, this could imply that you may fall in love with him/her again after a period of time, so use with discretion.

    You deserve better.

    • Te jobbat érdemelsz.

    Yes, he/she probably deserves a better relationship if your own feelings have cooled down.

    I need my space.

    • Szükségem van saját térre.

    When a person is too clingy or demanding, this would be an suitable break-up phrase. It is another good go-to for that lover who doesn’t get the message!

    I think we’re moving too fast.

    • Ez nekem túl gyors.

    Say this if you want to keep the relationship, but need to slow down its progress a bit. It is also good if you feel things are getting too intense for your liking. However, it is not really a break-up line, so be careful not to mislead.

    I need to focus on my career.

    • Összpontosítanom kell a karrieremre.

    If you feel that you will not be able to give 100% in a relationship due to career demands, this is the phrase to use. It’s also good if you are unwilling to give up your career for a relationship.

    I’m not good enough for you.

    • Nem vagyok elég jó neked.

    Say this only if you really believe it, or you’ll end up sounding false. Break-ups are usually hard for the receiving party, so don’t insult him/her with an insincere comment.

    I just don’t love you anymore.

    • Egyszerűen csak nem szeretlek már.

    This harsh line is sometimes the best one to use if you are struggling to get through to a stubborn, clingy lover who won’t accept your break up. Use it as a last resort. Then switch your phone off and block their emails!

    We’re just not right for each other.

    • Egyszerűen csak nem illünk egymáshoz.

    If this is how you truly feel, you need to say it. Be kind, gentle and polite.

    It’s for the best.

    • Így lesz a legjobb.

    This phrase is called for if circumstances are difficult and the relationship is not progressing well. Love should enhance one’s life, not burden it!

    We’ve grown apart.

    • Elhidegültünk egymástól.

    Cross-cultural relationships are often long-distance ones, and it is easy to grow apart over time.

    We should start seeing other people.

    • Más embereket is meg kellene ismernünk.

    This is probably the least gentle break-up phrase, so reserve it for a lover that doesn’t get the message!

  • 8. Will Falling in Love help you Learn Hungarian faster?

    Most people will agree that the above statement is a no-brainer – of course it will! Your body will be flooded with feel-good hormones, which are superb motivators for anything. HungarianPod101 is one of the best portals to help help make this a reality, so don’t hesitate to enroll now! Let’s quickly look at the reasons why falling in love will speed up your learning of the Hungarian language.

    Three Reasons Why Having a Lover will Help you Learn Hungarian Faster!


    1- Being in a love relationship with your Hungarian speaking partner will immerse you in the culture
    HungarianPod101 uses immersive methods and tools to teach you Hungarian, but having a relationship with a native speaker will be a very valuable addition to your learning experience! You will gain exposure to their world, realtime and vividly, which will make the language come alive even more for you. The experience is likely to expand your world-view, which should motivate you to learn Hungarian even faster.

    2- Having your Hungarian romantic partner will mean more opportunity to practice speaking
    Nothing beats continuous practice when learning a new language. Your partner will probably be very willing to assist you in this, as your enhanced Hungarian language skills will enhance the relationship. Communication is, after all, one of the most important pillars of a good partnership. Also, you will get to impress your lover with the knowledge gained through your studies – a win/win situation!

    3- A supportive Hungarian lover is likely to make a gentle, patient teacher and study aid!
    With his/her heart filled with love and goodwill for you, your Hungarian partner is likely to patiently and gently correct your mistakes when you speak. This goes not only for grammar, but also for accent and meaning. With his/her help, you could sound like a native in no time!

    Three Reasons Why HungarianPod101 helps you learn Hungarian Even Faster when you’re In Love

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    1- All the Resources and Materials Will Help Both of You
    Falling in love with a man or woman speaking Hungarian is an opportunity for both of you to learn a new language! For this reason, every lesson, transcript, vocabulary list, and resource at HungarianPod101 is translated into both English and Hungarian. So, while your partner can help you learn Hungarian faster, you can potentially also help him/her learn and master English!

    2- Lessons Are Designed to Help You Understand and Engage with Hungarian Culture
    At HungarianPod101, our focus is to help our students learn practical vocabulary and phrases used by everyday people in Hungary. This means that, from your very first lesson, you can apply what you learn immediately! So, when your Hungarian partner wants to go out to a restaurant, play Pokemon Go, or attend just about any social function, you have the vocabulary and phrases necessary to have a great time!

    3- Access to Special Resources Dedicated to Romantic Hungarian Phrases
    You now have access to HungarianPod101’s specially-developed sections and tools to teach you love words, phrases, and cultural insights to help you find and attract your Hungarian soul mate. A personal tutor will assist you to master these brilliantly – remember to invite him/her to your wedding!

    Secret Revealed: The Best Way to Learn a Language on Your Own

    Learning A Language on Your Own

    Can You Really Learn Hungarian Alone?

    Learning a language on your own or without traditional classroom instruction may seem quite daunting at first. What if you run into questions? How do you stay motivated and on track to achieving goals?

    Don’t worry, not only is it possible to learn Hungarian or any language without traditional classroom instruction: HungarianPod101 has created the world’s most advanced and extensive online language learning system. Not only is HungarianPod101 specifically designed to help you with learning a language on your own, it’s actually faster, more convenient, and less expensive than traditional classroom options!

    Let’s look at some of the benefits of learning Hungarian or any language alone.

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    Also, don’t forget to download your free cheat sheet – How to Improve Your Language Skills too!

    3 Reasons to Learn a Language Alone

    Learning Alone

    1. Learn at Your Own Pace and On Your Schedule

    In today’s fast-paced world, there just isn’t time for traditional classroom instruction. Between getting to class and studying on some professor or teacher’s schedule, traditional classroom learning is simply impossible to fit in. But when you learn Hungarian alone, you can study in bed if you like and whenever suits your schedule best, making it far easier to actually reach your goal of learning and mastering the language.

    2. Learning a Language on Your Own Reduces Stress and Anxiety

    Speaking in front of a class, pop quizzes, and tests are just a few of the stressors you will encounter when you learn a language in a traditional classroom setting. Specifically, these are external stressors that often derail most people’s dream of learning a new language. But when you learn Hungarian alone, there are no external stressors. Without the external stress and anxiety, it becomes much easier and more exciting to study Hungarian and reach your very own goals—all on your own!

    3. Learning Hungarian Alone Helps Improve Cognitive Function and Overall Success

    Learning a language on your own is indeed more challenging in some ways than being taught in a traditional classroom setting. In fact, while classroom instruction requires more rote memorization and following instructions, studying a language on your own requires more problem-solving and higher cognitive function to self-teach lessons and hit goals. So while it’s more challenging and requires higher levels of cognition, teaching yourself a language pays dividends throughout life by better preparing you for social/work opportunities that arise.

    How to Learn a Language on Your Own with HungarianPod101

    Learning with HungarianPod101

    1. Access to the World’s Largest Collection of Hungarian Audio & Video Lessons

    The best way to learn a language on your own is to study from native speaking instructors. Ideally, you want audio and/or video lessons that teach vocabulary, grammar, and provide actual Hungarian conversations and dialogue to help you with pronunciation. HungarianPod101 has hundreds of hours of HD audio and video lessons created by real Hungarian instructors and every lesson is presented by professional Hungarian actors for perfect pronunciation. Plus, all lessons can be accessed 24/7 via any mobile device with Internet access. And, if you download the PDF versions of each lesson, you can even study without Internet access once the lesson is stored on your device!

    2. “Learning Paths” with Hungarian Courses Based Upon Your Exact Needs & Goals

    Although HungarianPod101 has more than thousands of video and audio lessons, you need not review each and every one to learn the language. In fact, HungarianPod101 has developed a feature called “Learning Paths”. You simply tell us your goals and we will identify the best courses and study plan to help you reach them in the shortest time possible. So even though you are technically learning a language on your own, our team is always here to help and make sure you reach your goals FAST!

    3. Advanced Learning Tools Reduce Learning Time and Boost Retention

    When you have the right tools and Hungarian learning resources, it’s actually easy to teach yourself a language! In the past 10+ years, HungarianPod101 has developed, tested, and refined more than 20 advanced learning tools to boost retention and reduce learning time, including:

    • Spaced Repetition Flashcards
    • Line-by-Line Dialogue Breakdown
    • Review Quizzes
    • Voice Recording Tools to Help Perfect Pronunciation
    • Teacher Feedback and Comments for Each Lesson
    • Hungarian Dictionary with Pronunciation
    • Free PDF Cheat Sheets
    • And Much More!

    Armed with our growing collection of advanced learning tools, it’s truly a breeze to learn Hungarian alone and reach your goals!


    Learning a language on your own is not only possible, it’s actually easier and more beneficial for you than traditional classroom instruction. In fact, when you learn Hungarian on your own you can study at your own pace, eliminate stress, and actually increase cognitive function.

    HungarianPod101 is the world’s most advanced online language learning system and a great resource to help you teach yourself a new language. With the world’s largest collection of HD audio and video lessons, more than 20 advanced learning tools, and customized “Learning Paths”, HungarianPod101 makes learning a new language easier, more convenient, and less expensive than traditional classroom instruction.

    And the best part is: With HungarianPod101, you can study in bed, your car, or wherever you have a few spare minutes of time. Create your Free Lifetime Account now and get a FREE ebook to help “kickstart” your dream of learning a language on your own below!

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