May 13, 2021
Hunglish: English Words in the Hungarian Language
Over the years, globalization has made it more feasible than ever for countries all over the world to connect with each other. This interconnection allows different cultures and languages to influence each other, and major languages (such as English) have left an impression on countless other world languages. Nowadays, it’s increasingly common for languages to adopt entire English words and phrases.
There are quite a few English words in the Hungarian language, classified as either loanwords or Hunglish.
Loanwords are words that have been integrated into the language with their original English meaning intact.Hunglish refers to English words that have entered the Hungarian language with different meanings or nuances.
And it’s not... Show more
April 23, 2021
A Brief Overview of Hungarian Culture
If you want to visit a country, be it for a short-term summer vacation or a long-term business stay, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with its culture and society. Hungary is no exception.
In fact, understanding Hungarian culture is just as crucial as knowing the key words and phrases.
It will help you better integrate into the society and make your interactions with locals much smoother and more authentic. In addition, showing Hungarians that you’re curious about the culture of Hungary can go a long way toward helping you form relationships.
On this page, you’re going to learn about Hungarian cultural norms, some of the country’s history, and more Hungarian culture facts you should know. If you pay close attention, you can... Show more
March 29, 2021
The Ultimate Guide to Traditional Hungarian Food
Have you ever been on vacation in a foreign country and wanted to try out the local food? If so, you know how hard it is to know exactly what to order. But you can rest assured that you won’t face this problem in Hungary after reading our Hungarian food guide!
In this article, we’ll introduce you to a variety of Hungarian cuisine staples so you can get an idea of what to expect. We’ll also provide you with some easy Hungarian recipes that you can try to make at home. All you need is an open heart, the desire to discover, and a piece of paper to take notes and write down the names of the Hungarian food dishes that make you drool.
But before we begin…
Table of Contents
What is Hungarian Food?
Must-Try Dishes in Hungarian... Show more
March 18, 2021
An Overview of Hungarian Grammar
We’re so glad that you’re browsing this page because it means that you’re considering learning Hungarian—or have already started!
Now, we must say that although it is a beautiful language, Hungarian is also a bit challenging at times. That’s why it is so important for you to become familiar with the Hungarian grammar basics from the beginning.
This page is the perfect place to acquaint yourself with the ins and outs of Hungarian. From the word order to verb conjugation, and everything in-between, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to get a head start in your language learning journey.
But do remember that we’ll only be covering the basics of Hungarian grammar here. If you wish to study any of these topics... Show more
March 9, 2021
Change in Hungary: 1848 Revolution Memorial Day
1848 was a time of forradalom (revolution), upheaval, and general discontent throughout Europe. Several different nations vied to achieve their unique political and social goals, and the Hungarian revolts of 1848 were particularly significant.
In this article, you’ll learn about the 1848 Revolution of Hungary and how it’s commemorated today. Let’s get started!
1. What is 1848 Revolution Memorial Day?
The Hungarian Revolution of 1848 began on March 15, 1848, as Hungary followed the lead of many other European nations. Much of Europe was caught in a great upheaval during this time, with different nations trying to achieve varying—though similar—goals regarding the political and societal status of their... Show more
March 4, 2021
The Top 45 Quotes in Hungarian for Language Learners
Have you ever been in a situation where everything lined up just right...but the perfect quote was missing? We’ve all been there. That’s why it’s important to become familiar with quotes and quips beforehand, so that when the time comes you know exactly what to say.
Well, this is your lucky day! In this article, we’re going to list 45 quotes in Hungarian with translations so that you can find the perfect one for any occasion. Now you’ll never have to miss out on a quote opportunity.
If some of these quotes seem familiar to you, it’s not just your mind playing tricks on you. We’ve intentionally translated several famous quotes in Hungarian from English so that the text wouldn’t be so alien to you. The rest of the quotes—those that are... Show more
February 11, 2021
The Top 30 Common Business Phrases in Hungarian
Let’s talk business.
If you’re planning to start your own business in Hungary, want to find a job here, or need to talk with Hungarian clients or partners, you need to know how to speak the language. Knowing even a few basic phrases can give you a huge advantage in the business world—and that’s exactly what you’re going to learn today.
Of course, in addition to knowing Hungarian business phrases, it’s important that you have a solid understanding of other Hungarian basics. To help you with this, has created an Absolute Beginner Pathway to get you started in the right direction.
But if you’re already confident in your everyday Hungarian skills and feel like you can get onboard with business Hungarian, you’re... Show more
January 28, 2021
Learn Hungarian: YouTube Channels to Improve Your Skills
We all know that studying can be daunting at times, especially if you’re not using the right methods. But studying doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, you’ll learn more effectively if you’re having fun in the process!
You already know that studying with is both fun and effective, and today, we’ve brought you the ten best Hungarian language YouTube channels to make studying feel less like a task and more like entertainment. Believe it or not, when you set out to learn Hungarian, YouTube can be a great source of information—and it will never keep you bored for long.
Watching videos is a great way to learn any language. They not only have visual images (which aid you in remembering words and phrases), but they also... Show more
January 8, 2021
How to Say Goodbye in Hungarian
Have you ever left a group conversation without saying anything? It was pretty awkward, right?
Knowing the best parting words for a given situation is a crucial aspect of smooth communication in any language. To give you a hand, today we’re going to show you several different ways to say goodbye in Hungarian. With enough study and practice, you’ll never be at a loss for words again!
The key to success is establishing the basics, and is the perfect companion for this task. If you read our articles on How to Say Hello in Hungarian and How to Introduce Yourself in Hungarian, you’re already off to a great start. Within this article lies the final link you need to have a complete conversation! Start with a bonus, and... Show more
December 18, 2020
Is Hungarian Hard to Learn?
This is an article for those who are interested in learning Hungarian, but still have questions they want answered before taking the plunge. Can you guess the first question potential learners tend to ask? Yep: "Is Hungarian hard to learn?"
Many people have the impression that Hungarian is difficult and that learning it is out of their grasp.
Below, we’ll answer some of the most commonly asked questions from absolute beginners. We wish to encourage them—and you—to overcome the obstacles and learn Hungarian. Here at HungarianPod101, we strive to help every learner achieve success, especially those who have reached a plateau during their language-learning journey. We guarantee that we’ll be there for you every step of the way.
In... Show more