
Learn Hungarian with Free Daily
Audio and Video Lessons!

What Are Your Hungarian Learning Fears? We’re Killing The Top 3 Fears

Hello Listener, Every Hungarian learner will feel these at some point: “I’m not good enough yet.” “I don’t think I’m making any progress.” Hungarian learning fears – we all get them from time to time. What are yours? And are they worth being scared of this Halloween Season? But, before we get into the top 3 learning fears, our Monster-Sized Sale starts now! ‘Til Halloween, get 28% OFF the most effective Hungarian Course and start learning Hungarian! Save on Basic or Premium and unlock over 80 Hours of Audio & Video Lessons, Premium Study Tools, Apps and more! Basic is as low as $2.88/month and Premium is as low as $7.20/month. Monster-Sized Sale Starts Now! Click here to get 28% OFF! So, here are the top 3 Hungarian... Show more

300 Million Lessons Downloaded, Our Top Hungarian App, 30% OFF & a FREE Audiobook!

Hello Listener, So much has happened this past September! Firstly, you helped us reach 300 million lesson downloads. This massive number starts from our inception back in 2005 and is a huge milestone. It means the lessons work and it motivates us to keep going. So, thank you for downloading, for learning and for your support. We’re happy to see your Hungarian grow. On top of that, there’s a new Premium PLUS feature out, and of course, the 300 Million Celebration 30% OFF + FREE Audiobook deal! In this newsletter: Ends Friday! Get a BIG 30% OFF & a FREE Audiobook! New! Learn Hungarian 1-on-1 with My Teacher for Premium PLUS Are you learning Hungarian on the go with our top App yet? 1. Save 30% on Premium, Premium PLUS &... Show more

You Helped Us Reach 300 Million! Get 30% OFF & a Free Audiobook!

Hello Listener, HungarianPod101 began with a simple dream – to get you mastering real-life Hungarian the fast, fun and easy way. And reaching the 300 millionth lesson download this month means our dream is alive, all thanks to your support. So, as our thanks to you, we decided to do something to help you achieve YOUR dream of learning Hungarian while celebrating this momentous 300 million milestone: We’re Discounting Our Premium AND Premium PLUS Plans at 30% OFF! At 30% OFF, you get unlimited access to our advanced Hungarian learning system for as low as $7.00 a month. That’s just $0.23 cents a day to start mastering Hungarian. Then we thought: “Hey, 300 million lesson downloads is a pretty big deal and means we’ve helped... Show more

New Premium PLUS Feature! 1-on-1 Hungarian Learning with Your Own Teacher

Hello Listener, Imagine having your very own HungarianPod101 teacher. They give you personal attention and fix any Hungarian problem you’ll ever have. They can... Correct your writing Be a source of constant Hungarian practice Give you insider tips on what words sound more natural in Hungarian Correct your Hungarian pronunciation (something most native speakers are too polite to do!) Point out your weaknesses Tell you how to best master Hungarian Access to your own Hungarian teacher was already available in our Premium PLUS subscription, but mostly via email interaction. Now, there’s a new Premium PLUS feature that gives you 1-on-1 instruction on the website or on the go via an App: Premium PLUS My Teacher (formerly... Show more

What’s Awesome at HungarianPod101? Free Features, Our Top App, and 26% OFF

Hello Listener, School season’s back! No, wait, stop! No need to buy big textbooks, do homework or set your alarm for 6AM. None of that’s necessary here. The school season is merely a perfect time to start fresh and learn Hungarian at HungarianPod101. At your own pace, as fast – or as slow – as you want with effective lessons that we guide you through. That’s it. And of course, you can take advantage of 26% savings to learn for less, and get free features and apps. In this month’s newsletter: Ends Friday! Get 26% OFF 1- or 2-Year Basic or Premium! Reminder! Learning Hungarian on the go with our top app yet? Free Feature Alert! Learn one Hungarian word a day, every day 1. Ends Friday! Master Hungarian this School Year and Save... Show more

Learning Hungarian This School Year? Get 26% OFF & with Effective Lessons at HungarianPod101

Hello Listener, The only thing a new school year means at HungarianPod101 is a fresh start for you to master Hungarian. So, whether you’re in school or out in the world...and finally want to speak and understand Hungarian, now’s the time. And don’t worry! There are no tests here. No textbooks required. No experience necessary. No stress. Instead, you learn real-life Hungarian conversation with fun and engaging lessons at your own pace. And we guide you every step of the way, here at HungarianPod101. Ready to Make a Fresh Start? Get 26% OFF & Start Your Hungarian Journey! During the Too Cool For School Sale, you save 26% on 1- or 2-Year Basic or Premium plans and learn the only... Show more

New Feature! Hungarian Vocab Lists – Words You’ll Need for Real-Life Conversations

Hello Listener, What do Hungarian people talk about in real life? Answer: whatever’s going on in life right now! Let’s take a look. It’s summer. Hungarian people definitely talk about that. The hot weather, summer sports and going to the beach. The World Cup just happened. They definitely talked about that. Then, there’s the upcoming fall season, a new school semester – oh yes. School: they talk about that too. These topics are incredibly common, practical and relevant. In fact, you probably talk about them too, so learning the relevant Hungarian words for these topics is a must. If you’ve noticed the new Free Hungarian Vocab Bonus emails in your inbox, you’re already using vocabulary lists based on holidays, current... Show more

Summer at HungarianPod101 Means… A New Free Feature, 29% OFF & More!

Hi Listener, Summer is the season for learning and mastering Hungarian at HungarianPod101. Why? New free features, a new discount and on-the-go learning that you must take advantage of. Try out the brand new Hungarian Vocabulary Lists to learn relevant and practical vocab. And if you want to unlock our Learning System with over 80 Hours of Hungarian Lessons, take advantage of the 29% OFF Summer Sale! Keep reading to learn more! In this month’s newsletter: Ends Friday! Get 29% OFF All Basic or Premium Subscriptions! New Feature! Access our Hungarian Vocabulary Lists for FREE! WordPower Hungarian is now available on Windows 8! Learning with HungarianPod101 on the go yet? Download our app! 1. Summer Sale Ends Friday! Learn... Show more

Your Hungarian Summer Lessons Start Now! Learn with a HOT 29% Discount!

Hello listener, We know you probably want to start speaking and understanding Hungarian this summer, so we’ll get straight to the point: Our HungarianPod101 Summer Sale Begins Today Along with Your Chance to Get 29% OFF Any Basic or Premium Plan! Unlock over 80 Hours of Audio and Video Lessons! Previous Summer Sales have required at least a 1-year subscription but for a VERY limited time, we are discounting ALL Premium and Basic plans by a full 29% – regardless of how long you sign up for – until August 1st, 2014. Let’s put these savings into perspective... That means if you sign up to master Hungarian during our Summer Sale, you get our Basic plan for as low as just $2.84 per month! And with our Premium plan, you can gain full... Show more

New! Windows 8 Users: Boost Your Hungarian Vocab with the WordPower Hungarian Windows 8 App

Hello Listeners, Any Windows 8 users among our Hungarian learners? If so, good news! So far our highest rated Hungarian vocab-building app, WordPower Hungarian, has been available for the iPhone, iPad, Android and Mac. The feedback was great, too! But there haven’t been Apps for PC or Windows users...‘til now. WordPower Hungarian is now available on the Windows store for $9.99 and includes a FREE Trial. You master the top 2,000 Hungarian words necessary for daily life and real conversations on your PC, Tablet or Windows Phone. How’s it done? Click on the link below to get a FREE Trial or keep reading for the full run-down of this App! Get a Free Trial & Download WordPower from the Windows Store! Language experts say... Show more