Get 40% Off Forever Discount. Sale Ends Soon!
Get 40% Off Forever Discount. Sale Ends Soon! Blog

Learn Hungarian with Free Daily
Audio and Video Lessons!
Start Your Free Trial 6 FREE Features

You Got Us to 500 Million! Here’s 30% OFF & 2 New Hungarian Study Tools for You.

You Got Us to 500 Million! Here’s 30% OFF & 2 New Hungarian Study Tools for You.

Hello Listener,

Can you believe it? You got us to 500 million lesson downloads. To put that number in perspective, that’s 9,513 years of learning done since we started teaching in 2005. It means that you’re learning with a proven system. 500 million downloads and 10 years of experience don’t lie. So, to thank you for helping us reach this milestone, we’ve been giving you a BIG 30% OFF and two new study tools.

In this month’s newsletter:

  1. Ends Friday! Click here to get 30% OFF Premium or Premium PLUS!
  2. Never Forget Hungarian Words with the Updated Word Bank
  3. New! Stay Focused, Learn 2x Faster with Lesson Transcripts

1.Ends Friday! Get 30% OFF with the 500 Million Celebration!
You’ve helped us reach 500 million lesson downloads! As a thank-you, we’d like to help you master more Hungarian for LESS. Get 30% OFF any Premium or Premium PLUS plan – that’s just $7/month or $0.23/day. You get unlimited access to 90+ hours of lessons, study tools and apps. With Premium PLUS, you can even learn 1-on-1 with your own teacher. Hurry! This ends October 2nd, 2015!

Click here to get 30% OFF any Premium or Premium PLUS plan!
(As low as $7/month and up to $164.70 in total savings).

2. Never Forget Hungarian Words Again with the NEW Word Bank.
Do you find it easy to forget words you’ve just learned? You need the Word Bank. It’s your personal, ever-growing collection of words. Save words from lessons and vocab lists to the Word Bank with 1 click and review ‘em in 1 spot. And, it’s been updated with a new features for Premium members. What are they? Click below to find out. Not a Premium member? Take advantage of the 30% discount above!

Click here to learn about the new Word Bank & how to remember words!

3. Get Your Lessons in Writing – Read Along with Lesson Transcripts.
Here’s how you easily remember the Hungarian you learn in our lessons. Read while along listening! Using two senses at the same time keeps you focused and engaged so you learn twice as fast. With the new Lesson Transcripts, you get the entire transcript from our teachers – the dialogue, their explanations, tips and sample sentences – from beginning to end. If you’re a Basic or Premium member, find the transcripts in the Lesson PDFs of any lesson.

Click here to access a random lesson & view the Lesson Transcript!
(You must be a Basic or Premium member to access this.)

To mastering Hungarian with fun and easy lessons!

Team HungarianPod101

P.S. 3 Days Left! Learn Hungarian at 30% OFF with lessons by real teachers. 500 million lesson downloads don’t lie. You’ll start speaking Hungarian from your first lesson and quickly move on to mastering practical conversations. But the only way to start speaking Hungarian and SAVE is to take action and unlock our proven system. Get 30% OFF any Premium or Premium PLUS plan – just $7/month or $0.23/day – ‘til Friday, October 2nd, 2015.

Click here to get UNLIMITED access for just $7/month or $0.23/day!

You Got Us to 500 Million! Here’s 30% OFF & 2 New Hungarian Study Tools for You

Get 30% OFF our Proven Hungarian Learning System. 500 Million Downloads Don’t Lie.

Get 30% OFF our Proven Hungarian Learning System. 500 Million Downloads Don’t Lie!

Hello Listener,

We want to thank you. HungarianPod101 has reached 500 MILLION lesson downloads – that’s HALF a BILLION since we began in 2005! You’ve downloaded and you’ve learned with us. As you can imagine, we’re celebrating this milestone. And what better way to celebrate than to reward the people who helped – members like you!

At HungarianPod101, you learn Hungarian with real lessons by real teachers – with 90+ hours of audio and video lessons – but now it’s even more affordable too!
500 Million Celebration: Get 30% Off ALL Premium and Premium PLUS plans!

500 Million Celebration! Get 30% OFF Premium and Premium PLUS!
(Only 500 spots available for this huge discount)
Click Here To Get 30% Off!

  • Premium Plan for Just $7/Month or $0.23/Day!
  • Premium PLUS Plan for Just $16/Month or $0.53/Day
  • Get Up to $164.70 OFF in Total at HungarianPod101

That’s right: Even the rarely discounted Premium PLUS plan, which includes your own Hungarian teacher and customized curriculum is as low as $0.53 a day! You learn and master Hungarian faster with personal attention, direct feedback, corrections and regular interactions. With Premium PLUS, you’re getting your own teacher as well as:

  • Professional Assessment: An assessment of your Hungarian strengths and weaknesses.
  • Personalized Learning: Your teacher will create a study plan based on your needs.
  • 1-on-1 Writing Practice: Contact your teacher via Premium PLUS My Teacher with your questions and problems – something most self-learners never get.
  • Voice Analysis to Perfect Your Speaking: Learn how to speak like a native speaker with the help of a real native speaker!

Click here to learn Hungarian 1-on-1 with your teacher. Save up to $164.70!

And regardless of whether you go Premium or Premium PLUS, all students have UNLIMITED access to more than 90 hours of high-quality audio and video lessons created by real teachers and professional voice actors! We add new lessons every week and focus on facilitating communication – so you actually speak Hungarian from the first lesson!

More specifically, you get UNLIMITED ACCESS to…

  • Exclusive! App for iPhone, iPad and Android to Learn on the Go
  • Over 510 High-Resolution Audio & Video Lessons
  • New Audio & Video Lessons EVERY Single Week
  • Lesson Notes to Read Along with Every Lesson
  • Lesson Review Quizzes for Extra Practice
  • Teacher Feedback & Comments on Each Lesson
  • Progress Tracking Reports: See Your Hungarian Progress Grow
  • Learning Guidance: We Guide You Through the Lessons
  • Premium Tools: 2,000 Core Words List, Spaced Repetition Flashcards, Line by Line Pronunciation, Word Bank, Voice Recorder and More
  • Exclusive! Custom Lists App to Create Your Own Word Lists
  • …and much more!

Click here to go Premium! Get unlimited access for as low as $7/month or $0.23/day!

Hurry – Just 500 Spots Are Available!
We don’t have enough Hungarian teachers to realistically offer more than 500 spots for this entire promotion. This is why the Premium PLUS plan is rarely offered. In fact, we don’t even have enough teachers to offer 500 Premium PLUS subscriptions…

That means the 500 spots are all we have available for both plans – combined!
So take advantage. Click on any link to get 30% OFF Premium or Premium PLUS. That’s as low as $7/month or $0.23/day to start mastering Hungarian. Choose your plan, get instant access to the entire learning system and start learning in minutes.

Only 500 spots! Click here to upgrade and claim your 30% instant discount now!

And signing up is risk-free. You don’t have to take our word for it because your membership is fully backed by our 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. If you’re not speaking Hungarian as fast as you’d like, simply contact us for a full refund. No questions asked.

Thank you for downloading and learning!

Team HungarianPod101.

P.S. Just 500 spots are available for the 500 Million Celebration, meaning you MUST ACT quickly to instantly get 30% off Premium and Premium PLUS. You learn Hungarian with lessons by real teachers – over 90 hours of audio and video lessons inside. At 30% OFF, that’s as low as $7/month or $0.23/day. Hurry! This ends October 2nd, 2015!

Click here to learn Hungarian with UNLIMITED access for $7/month or $0.23/day!

5 Ways To Never Forget Hungarian Words with the NEW Word Bank

Click here to visit the newly updated Word Bank!

Hello Listener,

How easy is it to forget new Hungarian words and phrases?

First you learn ‘em. Two days later, you forget ‘em.

Stopping to note them down takes a lot of time. You can write every word down on 100s of flashcards or in a notebook. That’s the time-consuming part of the battle. But wait! You STILL have to review them all!

So here are 5 ways to never forget new Hungarian words with the Word Bank.
It’s your personal, ever-growing collection of vocab. Come across a new word in a HungarianPod101 lesson? Want to master specific vocab list? Save ‘em with 1 click and review ‘em in 1 spot – the Word Bank.

And it’s just been updated with new features! If you’re a Premium user, be sure to check it out! If not, take advantage of our upcoming 500 Million Celebration Sale and get 30% OFF Premium or Premium PLUS (click here) with this sneak peek.

1) Never Forget New Words from Lessons. You’re listening (or watching) a HungarianPod101 lesson. And you come across a new word. But hearing it once isn’t enough. Find the word in the lesson’s vocabulary review list and click on “Add to Word Bank” to save it.

Click here to visit the newly updated Word Bank!

Click here to visit the newly updated Word Bank!
(You must be a Premium user and logged in to access this feature.)

2) Save New Words or Phrases from Vocab Lists. Know those “Free Hungarian Bonus” word and phrase lessons we send out? You can save these to your Word Bank as well for future review. Select your words, click on “Add Selected Words” and choose “Word Bank.” Done!

Click here to visit the newly updated Word Bank!

3) New! Review Quickly and Easily. Ready to review? You’ll find all your saved words in the Word Bank. We’ve updated it so it’s a lot cleaner and easier on the eyes. Review the words and meanings at a glance. You can also hear the native audio pronunciation.

And, you can even enlarge the words as you hover over them.

Click here to visit the newly updated Word Bank!

4) New! Organize and Label your Words. Maybe you want to see just the adjectives. Or just the questions. Or…the words you learned this past month. Just add a custom label of your choice to a set of words. Then, review just the ones you’re interested in.

Click here to visit the newly updated Word Bank!

5) Bonus! Print out your Word Lists as Physical Study Sheets! Want to have your words and phrases down on paper? This tactic is a favorite for some of our users. Just export your Word Bank entries into a PDF file and then print it as a physical study sheet. Add notes, create a notebook of word lists and much more!

Click here to visit the newly updated Word Bank!
(You must be a Premium user and logged in to access this feature.)

With the HungarianPod101 Word Bank, a Premium Study Tool available for our Premium and Premium PLUS learners, you can…

  • Save words from any lesson or vocab list with 1 click
  • Review all of your words quickly in 1 spot
  • Organize them by custom labels and see the words you want
  • Send your words to Flashcards to drill and master them fast
  • Access the relevant audio and video lessons that introduce the word
  • Export your words to PDF and print them out as physical study sheets
  • Export your words to Excel or CSV files (for advanced users)

Click here to visit the newly updated Word Bank!
(You must be a Premium user and logged in to access this feature.)

This is your personal, ever-growing collection of words. Save with 1 click, review them all in 1 spot and never forget Hungarian words again.

Stay tuned for even more great learning tools and features to come!

To your fluency,

Team HungarianPod101

P.S. Get Up to 53% OFF on Apps, Subscriptions, Audiobooks & more!
Our 10-Year Anniversary Countdown is 10 days of the BEST Hungarian deals of 2015. Want to learn Hungarian for the price of a coffee? Each deal lasts only 24 hours, then it’s gone FOREVER! Grab the best Hungarian deals of the year before the Countdown ends December 18th, 2015!

Click Here To See Today’s Offer – Ends Midnight (EST)!

Click Here To See Today’s Offer – Ends Midnight (EST)!

5 Ways To Improve Your Hungarian Speaking Skills

5 Ways To Improve Your Hungarian Speaking Skills

Speaking is usually the #1 weakness for all Hungarian learners. This is a common issue among language learners everywhere. The reason for this is obvious: When language learners first start learning a language, they usually start with reading. They read online articles, books, information on apps and so on. If they take a class, they spend 20% of their time repeating words, and 80% of the time reading the textbook, doing homework or just listening to a teacher. So, if you spend most of your time reading instead of speaking, you might get better at reading but your speaking skills never grow. You get better at what you focus on.

So if you want to improve you speaking skills, you need to spend more of your study time on speaking. Here are five tips to help you get started:

1. Read out loud
If you’re listening to a lesson and reading along, read out loud. Then re-read and speed up your tempo. Do this again and again until you can speak faster. Try your best to pronounce the words correctly, but don’t obsess about it. Read swiftly, emote and put some inflection on the sentences. Reading aloud helps to train the muscles of your mouth and diaphragm to produce unfamiliar words and sounds.

Read out loud!

2. Prepare things to say ahead of time.
As you may know from experience, most learners run out of things to say. But, if you prepare lines ahead of time, you won’t be at a loss for words in conversations. This will help you not only to learn how to say the words, but how to say them in the right context. A good way to prepare yourself before conversations is with our Top 25 Questions Series, which teaches you how to ask the most common conversational questions, and how to answer them, in Hungarian:

Click here to learn the top 25 Hungarian questions you need to know.

3. Use shadowing (repeat the dialogues as you hear them).
Shadowing is an extremely useful tool for increasing fluency as well as improving your accent and ability to be understood. Shadowing helps create all the neural connections in your brain to produce those words and sentences quickly and accurately without having to think about it. Also, as mentioned in tip #1, shadowing helps develop the muscle memory in all the physical parts responsible for the production of those sounds. Depending on what your primary and target languages are, it’s quite likely that there are a lot of sounds your mouth just isn’t used to producing. Shadowing can be done, for example, when watching TV shows or movies or listening to music.

Each one of our lessons begins with a dialogue. Try to shadow the conversation line by line, and you’ll be mastering it in no time.

Click here to for a FREE taste of our Absolute Beginner series!

4. Review again and again.
This is the key to perfection, and we can’t emphasize it enough. Most learners don’t review! If you review and repeat lines again and again, you’ll be speaking better, faster and with more confidence.

Review again and again

You’d be surprised by how many people try to avoid talking! The more you speak, the faster you learn – and that is why you’re learning Hungarian. Practice speaking every chance you get: whether it’s ordering coffee, shopping or asking for directions.

Sneak Peek: Review More Hungarian with This Feature, Badges & Your 26% OFF

Click here to get 26% OFF + A FREE Audiobook!

Hello Listener,

You’ll want to know about these 2 new Hungarian learning tools and features. They’re great for reviewing, motivation and progress. One is an unofficial sneak peek.

So what are they? The brand new Achievement Badges and the Word Bank! And… if you want to master Hungarian, unlock our proven learning system at 26% OFF and get a Bonus 6.5-hour Audiobook!

In this month’s newsletter:

  1. 72 Hours Left! Click here to get 26% OFF + FREE 6.5-Hour Audiobook
  2. New Feature! Achievement Badges Now Available for Premium PLUS
  3. Sneak Peek: Save & Review Vocab with this Study Tool

1. Ends Friday! Learn Hungarian with 26% OFF & a FREE Audiobook!
No school. No stress. Learn Hungarian at your pace and start speaking in minutes with effective lessons! ‘Til Friday only, get 26% OFF any 1- or 2-year plan and a BONUS Hungarian Audiobook as a 2-for-1 deal. You get access to 90+ hours of audio and video lessons by teachers, lesson notes, motivational progress stats, apps, study tools and more. Just $2.96/month and up to $62.40 OFF. Hurry! Ends Friday, 8/28/2015!

Click here to learn Hungarian and get 26% OFF. Up to $62.40 in savings.
(The free 6.5-hour Hungarian audiobook will be inside your welcome email)

2. NEW Feature! Learn and Stay Motivated with NEW Achievement Badges
Learning Hungarian? You deserve recognition and motivation. So, if you’re a Premium PLUS member… you can now unlock new badges as your Hungarian improves. Your Premium PLUS teacher will give out badges as you complete weekly assignments. The result? You master more Hungarian, unlock badges for your progress, and stay motivated to keep going.

Click here to learn about the Premium PLUS Achievement Badges!

3. Here’s a Sneak Peek at the Newly Redesigned Word Bank!
We haven’t fully announced this yet… but here’s a sneak peek! The Word Bank – your personal collection of words and phrases – is better than ever. What’s new? First, a shiny new design. You can sort and manage your vocab and phrases with custom labels. And feel free to print out your entries as physical study material or export them as files! Not a Premium member? Take advantage of the 26% discount by Friday.

Premium Users: Click here to access the New Word Bank!
(Note: You must be logged in to access this)

To your fluency,
Team HungarianPod101

P.S. We’re giving you a BONUS 6.5-Hour Audiobook. Get 26% OFF by Friday!
No school or textbooks necessary to learn Hungarian! In fact, you get a FREE Audiobook when you get 26% OFF any 1- or 2-year plan. Master Hungarian in LESS time with this 2-for-1 deal! Unlock our learning system – over 90 hours of audio and video lesson by real teachers and more! Just $2.96/month and up to $62.40 OFF. Hurry! Ends Friday, 8/28/2015!

Ends Friday! Click here to learn Hungarian and Get 26% OFF!
(Your FREE Audiobook will instantly be available in your welcome email)

Click here to get 26% OFF + A FREE Audiobook!

6 Reasons to Learn a Language Before You Travel

6 Reasons to Learn a Language Before You Travel

There are plenty of destinations where you can get by with English, but sometimes you want to do better than just ‘get by’. Here are 6 reasons you should learn the basics of the language of your next trip destination.

What are the 6 reasons you should learn the basics of the language of your next trip destination?

1. You will be able to discover your destination better than other tourists.
Getting by is one thing, but actually experiencing a trip abroad is quite another. No amount of guidebooks and online research can compensate for a basic lack of language ability. Speaking the language of your destination permits you to explore that destination beyond the regular tourist traps. Your language skills will not only allow you to dig into all the hidden gems of your destination, but they will also allow you to mingle with the locals to get a true experience on your holiday. Think of it this way: you’re not restricted to talking to the people at the tourist desk anymore.

2. Knowing how to communicate with local police or medical personnel can be life-saving.
Before you leave for your destination, make sure you learn how to ask for help in that destination’s local tongue. Do you know how to ask the waiter if this dish has peanuts in it? Or tell your host family that you’re allergic to fish? Can you tell the local doctor where it hurts? Moreover, an awareness of an environment improves your chance of remaining safe inside it. For example, walking around a busy marketplace, dazzled by an unfamiliar language, signs and accents will instantly render any tourist a more attractive mark for pickpockets. Communicating with other people, asking questions and looking confident will make you look like a semi-local yourself, and will ward off potential thieves.

Click here for Hungarian Survival Phrases that will help you in almost every situation

3. It helps you relax.
Traveling is much less stressful when you understand what that announcement at the airport was saying, or if this bus line reaches your hotel. These things stress you out when traveling and they disappear when you understand the language. This allows you to focus on planning your trip in a better, easier way.

Speaking the language can provide you with a way to get to know people you’d never otherwise have the opportunity to speak with.

4. Speaking the language can provide you with a way to get to know people you’d never otherwise have the opportunity to speak with.
Sometimes those relationships turn into friendships, and other times they’re nothing more than a lively conversation. Either way, as Nelson Mandela said: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” When you approach someone – even staff at a store or restaurant – with English, rather than their own language, an invisible divide has already been erected. Making even a small effort to communicate in the language of the place you’re visiting can go a long way and you’ll find many more doors open up to you as a result.

Click here for the Top 25 Hungarian Questions you need to know to start a conversation with anyone

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

5. You’ll be a better ambassador for your country.
If we’re honest with ourselves, we know very little about other countries and cultures, especially the local politics. And what we do know is often filtered to us by the media, which tends to represent only certain interests. When you can speak the local language, you’re able to answer questions that curious locals have about your country and culture. Are you frustrated with how your country is presented in global news? Are you embarrassed by your country’s leaders and want to make it clear that not everyone is like that where you’re from? This is a very good opportunity to share your story with people who have no one else to ask. We all have a responsibility to be representatives of the place we come from.

6. Learning another language can fend off Alzheimer’s, keep your brain healthy and generally make you smarter.
For more information, check out this blog post about the 5 Benefits of Learning a New Language.

You’re Too Cool for School: Master Hungarian at 26% OFF & Get a FREE Audiobook

Click here to get 26% OFF & a free Audiobook!

Hello Listener,

Did you start this year out with a resolution to learn Hungarian? Haven’t found time to make it happen yet? Well, with students everywhere going back to school this month… Now’s a perfect time to renew your dream of truly learning Hungarian.

Even if you’re a complete beginner. Even if you’re out of school…
You can and will learn Hungarian with 90+ hours of lessons from real teachers. The Too Cool for School Sale at HungarianPod101 starts today:

Click here to get 26% OFF & a free Audiobook!
Click here to get 26% OFF & a free Audiobook!

Start speaking Hungarian from your very first lesson and get our entire Hungarian learning system at 26% OFF! That’s just $2.96/month with Basic or $7.40/month with Premium and up to $62.40 in savings. So if you upgrade now, you instantly receive:

How does it work? And how will you learn Hungarian?
Learning Hungarian in a class simply isn’t an option for most of us with work, family and busy schedules. Between the excessive costs and the inconveniences of getting to class and working around someone else’s schedule, classrooms aren’t realistic.

But at HungarianPod101, you get fun, effective and proven lessons from real Hungarian teachers. The entire learning system was designed to help you overcome the obstacles of traditional classes, because:

  • HungarianPod101 is a Mere Fraction of the Cost of Classrooms
  • You Get 90+ Hours of Audio & Video Lessons from Real Hungarian Teachers
  • You Access Lessons & Study Tools With Your Computer or Any Mobile Device
  • You Learn at Your Own Pace and When It’s Convenient For You
  • There Are No Extra Textbooks To Buy (But you do get a FREE Audiobook!)

Click Here to Get 26% Off Any Annual Subscription & A Hungarian Audiobook FREE!

That’s right: You learn whenever and wherever is convenient for you and at a pace you choose! And during the Too Cool for School Sale, just sign up for any annual Basic or Premium subscription by clicking on any link and we’ll instantly discount the price by 26%!

And with a Premium plan, you’re unlocking the entire system….

  • Exclusive! App for the iPhone, iPad or Android
  • Full Lesson Library Access: 510+ Hungarian Lessons
  • Read Along with Every Lesson with PDF Lesson Notes
  • Get Instructor Feedback & Comments on Each Lesson
  • Stay Motivated & See Your Progress Grow with Progress Tracking
  • Know Which Lesson to Study Next with Learning Guidance
  • Hear the Conversation Line by Line with the Line by Line Dialogue
  • Get Full Lesson Transcripts, Translations & Review Tracks
  • Get Extra Practice with Review Quizzes for Every Lesson
  • Master Hungarian Words Fast with Smart Online Flashcards
  • Reach Conversational Fluency with the 2,000 Top Hungarian Word List
  • Save Words & Phrases for Later Review with the Word Bank
  • Perfect Your Pronunciation with Voice Recording Tools
  • 24/7 Access via Any Device with Internet Access
  • Get All the Vocab from a Lesson Season with Season Vocabulary
  • Exclusive! Create Your Own Word Lists with the Custom Lists App
  • …and much more!

Click here to get UNLIMITED access for just $0.24/day or $7.40/month!
(Your FREE Audiobook will instantly be available in your welcome email.)

So for the next few days, that means you gain full access to our Basic plan for as low as just $2.96 per month or our most popular Premium plan for just $7.40 a month – a mere fraction of what you would pay for traditional classroom instruction!

Don’t Forget Your FREE Hungarian Audiobook!
Get the best of both worlds with real-life conversation and the in-depth explanations of a textbook! Listen to over 6.5 hours of lessons and read along with 200+ pages. You’ll get your free Audiobook instantly when you upgrade, inside the welcome email.

Click Here To Learn Hungarian At 26% OFF & Get Your Free Audiobook!

And Upgrading is Risk-Free.

Remember, you get a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee so if plans change or you are anything less than thrilled with our language learning system – we’ll promptly refund your entire order without any hassles or questions.

But hurry: Although it’s never too late to make a fresh start and realize your dream of learning Hungarian, the Too Cool for School Sale ends soon, so….

Click here to learn Hungarian with 90+ hours of Hungarian lessons & save up to $62.40
(Your FREE Audiobook will instantly be available in your welcome email.)

To Making a Fresh Start,

Team HungarianPod101

P.S. All subscriptions are fully backed by our 60-day money-back guarantee meaning you can lock in your savings now and if you later decide that you’re not learning Hungarian as fast as you’d like, then we’ll refund your entire subscription amount. You have nothing to lose but you have to ACT NOW before this Too Cool for School Sale ends!

Click here to get UNLIMITED Hungarian learning for just $0.24/day or $7.40/month!
(Your FREE Audiobook will instantly be available in your welcome email.)

NEW! Complete Hungarian Assignments, Earn NEW Badges, Level Up Your Hungarian

New Feature! Level Up Your Hungarian and Earn Badges with 1-on-1 Learning

Hello Listener,

(This is all about new achievement badges at HungarianPod101. Keep reading!)

Let’s say you JUST finished a Hungarian lesson. For example, an assignment like…

  • You write a self-introduction in Hungarian
  • You record your self-introduction via audio or video
  • You send an image to your teacher that’s related to Hungarian
  • …or you complete a weekly writing task

Then, you send it over. Your HungarianPod101 teacher checks it. Approves it.

Ding! You get a new achievement badge for your hard work. It’s your mark of progress. It definitely sends a burst of Hungarian learning motivation into your brain!

What does this mean? It’s proof that your Hungarian is improving, as confirmed by a real Hungarian teacher. Real proof that you’re well on your way to mastering the language. And it’s an awesome way to stay confident and motivated in your learning journey.

It also means achievement badges are now available at HungarianPod101. You’re learning Hungarian. You deserve recognition and motivation. So, if you’re a Premium PLUS member, you can now unlock badges as you level up your Hungarian. Your Premium PLUS teacher will give out badges as you complete new assignments!

Click here to visit My Teacher at HungarianPod101!
(For Premium PLUS users: Complete assignments and get badges from your teacher)

New Feature! Level Up Your Hungarian and Earn Badges with 1-on-1 Learning

Listeners, this is something many of you have been asking for.

Alright, how does this work and how can you unlock badges?
HungarianPod101 Badges are currently available to Premium PLUS subscribers. Don’t worry, more are on the way for other users! Here’s how it works!

With Premium PLUS, you learn with your own Teacher. You stay in 1-on-1 contact via My Teacher – whether the mobile app or directly on the HungarianPod101 site.

Your teacher gives you Hungarian assignments. That’s right, you’re not learning alone! You get various assignments. Your teacher will correct your Hungarian and give feedback. You can do this via text or audio or video recordings.

And you earn badges for completing assignments – from your teacher. This is how you know you’re mastering Hungarian.

You’re getting feedback from the one person that knows best.

A real Hungarian teacher.

Find your unlocked badges in My Account. Once you’re there, go to the “My Report” Tab and click on “Your Badges.” So, if you’re a Premium PLUS user, get in touch with your teacher on HungarianPod101. Then, start earning badges and leveling up your Hungarian.

Click here to see your badges inside My Account!
(For Premium PLUS users only)

If you’re new, you might be asking “What’s Premium PLUS?”
Premium PLUS combines 1-on-1 learning with your own teacher PLUS our learning system. You get the best of both worlds – unlimited HungarianPod101 Premium access, which includes 510+ audio and video lessons, PDF lesson notes, study tools and more – plus, you get a teacher who creates a personalized learning plan and guides you along the way.

If you want to unlock Premium PLUS at 30% OFF, take advantage of our discount. Click on the link below. This quick discount ends October 2nd, 2015!

To earning badges and learning Hungarian!

Team HungarianPod101

P.S. 500 Million Celebration! Get 30% OFF Premium or Premium PLUS
Join the celebration and start speaking Hungarian with our proven and fun lessons for less! Get 30% OFF Premium or Premium PLUS and unlock our entire learning system – ALL lessons, lesson notes, study tools, apps & more! That’s just $7/month or $0.23/day but only ‘til 10/2/2015!

Only 500 spots! Click here to get 30% OFF Premium or Premium PLUS!

Get 30% OFF Premium and Premium PLUS!

3 Consistent Ways You’ll Learn Hungarian Fast: All New Lessons, Word Lists & 29% OFF!

Get a hot 29% OFF!

Hi there Listener,

When you’re learning Hungarian and want real progress…look for the consistent method. One that’s non-stop and keeps you going. What’s a good one? HungarianPod101 Lessons – free audio and video lessons, every week. In fact, a new season of lessons has started this month that you can grab. Anything else? Vocab lists, where you learn new words and phrases all the time. And don’t forget that our 29% OFF Summer of Hungarian Sale ends Friday!

In this month’s newsletter…

  1. Sale Ends Friday! Click Here to Get 29% OFF Basic or Premium!
  2. A New Season Has Started: New, Free, Weekly Hungarian Lessons
  3. Free Feature Alert: Speak More Hungarian With Word & Phrase Lists

1. Summer of Hungarian Sale ends Friday! Get a HOT 29% OFF!
Want to speak and understand Hungarian like a native speaker? Get 29% OFF and start speaking Hungarian with lessons by real teachers. Unlock our entire Hungarian course and learning system – 90+ hours of audio and video lessons, mobile apps, lesson notes, study tools and more! Just $2.84/month and up to $69.60 OFF! Ends 7/31/2015!

Click Here to Save up to $69.60 on the Most Effective Hungarian Course!
(Discounted prices ONLY available until Friday, July 31st, 2015!)

2. New Lessons Started this July – Here’s the 2015 Lesson Schedule!
Now, we know that you want more lessons. They’re non-stop, free and get you speaking more Hungarian in minutes. So, you should know that new lessons and seasons started on July 6th. What kind of lessons? And what days do they come out on? Check the publishing schedule. And if you want to get our entire system – over 90+ hours of lessons – grab the 29% discount above!

Click Here to See the New Lesson Publishing Schedule!

3. Free Feature Alert: Speak More Hungarian with Word & Phrase Lists
Here’s another non-stop way to boost your Hungarian – Hungarian Word and Phrase Lists. They’re based on holidays, current events and all-around useful topics. Our listeners learned how to talk about their summer plans in Hungarian with a recent list! Just click below, access any list and review with definitions, sample sentences and audio pronunciation.

Click Here to Access the Free Hungarian Word & Phrase Lists.

To your Hungarian fluency,

Team HungarianPod101

P.S. Ends Friday! Get a HOT 29% OFF the Most Effective Hungarian Course!
Ready to master more Hungarian this summer? Get 29% OFF any plan and start speaking Hungarian with lessons by real teachers. Unlock our ENTIRE learning system – 90+ hours of audio and video lessons, mobile apps, lesson notes, study tools and more! Just $2.84/month and up to $69.60 OFF! Ends 7/31/2015!

Click Here to Get 29% OFF the Most Effective Hungarian Course!
(Discounted prices ONLY available until Friday, July 31st, 2015!)

Get a hot 29% OFF!

Your Summer of Hungarian Starts Now! Get 29% OFF Lessons from Hungarian Teachers

Get a hot 29% off!

Hello Listener,

The Summer of Hungarian is in full swing at HungarianPod101. That means we’re helping thousands of people like you to learn Hungarian this summer! Yes, we are helping to make your dream of learning Hungarian easier and more affordable with a LIMITED TIME 29% OFF Basic and Premium.

Up to $69.60 in savings! Click here to get a BIG 29% OFF!
Click here to get 29% off!

Ready to learn Hungarian? During our Summer of Hungarian Sale, you gain full access to our ENTIRE learning system – 90+ hours of Hungarian audio and video lessons from real Hungarian teachers, exclusive apps, plus loads of additional study tools and resources for just…

But you might be wondering: Which plan do I choose?

Great question. The answer depends on your goals, budget and situation but here are a few guidelines to help you choose. People choose the Basic plan when:

  • Budget is a primary issue
  • They have plenty of time and want to learn at a comfortable pace
  • There’s no pressing need to learn Hungarian by a set date

With Basic, you get just the Basics of HungarianPod101 – the effective lessons and on-the-go mobile access. You can learn at your pace with:

  • Full Access to 510+ Audio & Video Lessons
  • Full Access to PDF Lesson Notes for Each Lesson
  • Instructor Feedback & Comments on Each Lesson
  • 24/7 Access via Any Media Device with Internet Access

Click here to save 29% on Any 1-, 3-, 6-, 12- or 24-month plan!

People choose the Premium plan when:

  • They’re low on time but truly want to learn
  • They want to learn Hungarian faster than traditional methods
  • They want UNLIMITED access to the entire learning system

With Premium, you get unlimited HungarianPod101 accessAll lessons, lesson notes, study tools, smart flashcards, apps and more – and dramatically reduce your learning time. Premium is our most popular plan and is the fastest track to learning Hungarian.

  • Exclusive! App for the iPhone, iPad or Android
  • 510+ Audio & Video Lessons from Hungarian Teachers
  • PDF Lesson Notes for Each Lesson to Read Along With
  • Premium Study Tools: 2,000 Hungarian Words List, Smart Flashcards, Word Bank, Lesson Checklists and More!
  • Voice Recording Tools to Perfect your Hungarian Pronunciation
  • Line-by-Line Dialog Translations & Review Quizzes
  • Progress Tracking & Guidance For Your Hungarian Lessons
  • Feedback & Comments From Our Hungarian Instructors
  • 24/7 Access via Any Media Device with Internet Access
  • All Resources Available in Electronic Downloadable Format
  • Exclusive! Custom Lists App to Create Your Own Hungarian Word Lists
  • …and more!

Click here to unlock unlimited Premium access for just $7.10/month or $0.23/day!

So essentially, if you are in no rush and want to learn Hungarian, then select Basic. But, if you want full access to more than a dozen time-saving tools and resources so you can learn Hungarian as quickly as possible, then Premium is best for you.

But no matter which plan you choose, you get a full 29% off any length Basic or Premium plan during the Summer of Hungarian sale. Don’t delay. This ends July 31st, 2015.

Click here to save 29% on 1-, 3-, 6-, 12- or 24-month Basic or Premium!

Just select the plan that works best for you and remember:

Your investment is 100% risk-free. Your purchase is backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not speaking Hungarian as fast as you’d like and if you’re not blown away by the results, simply contact us for a full refund. So what are you waiting for?

Click here to get 29% OFF plus UNLIMITED access to ALL lessons, tools and apps!

To a Summer of Mastering Hungarian,

Team HungarianPod101

P.S. Stop “dreaming about your dream” of learning Hungarian and make it a reality by signing up during our Summer of Hungarian Sale. With Premium, you get UNLIMITED access to our Hungarian learning system and save up to $69.60 instantly!

Click here to save $69.60 and learn Hungarian with lessons from real teachers!