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Archive for the 'Hungarian Phrases' Category

How to Celebrate April Fools’ Day in Hungarian

Most everyone is familiar with this day, as it is celebrated nearly everywhere the world. Yet, when exactly is April Fools’ Day? And where did April Fools come from? April Fools’ Day is observed on April 1st every year. This day of jokes and pranks is believed to have stemmed from the 16th-century calendar change in France, when New Year’s Day was moved from April 1 to January 1. This action was taken due to the adoption of the Gregorian calendar. However, a few people were resistant to the calendar change, so they continued to observe New Year’s Day on April 1st, rather than the new date. They were referred to as the “April Fools”, and others started playing mocking tricks on them. This custom endured, and is practiced to this day... Show more

Hungarian Word of the Day – kick (verb)

Learn a little Hungarian everyday with the free Hungarian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!rúg kick (verb)A játékos elrúgja a focilabdát.The player is kicking the soccer ball.belerúg a labdábakick the ballOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hungarian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Hungarian Word of the Day – elevator (noun)

Learn a little Hungarian everyday with the free Hungarian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!lift elevator (noun)Az egyik lift felfelé megy, a másik lefelé.One elevator is going up, and one elevator is going down.zsúfolt liftcrowded elevatorOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hungarian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

4 Reasons Why Hungarian Slang Words Will Make You Fluent

Learn 4 honest reasons you need Hungarian slang words and why they are so vital to truly learning and mastering the language. Teachers may normally cringe at the thought of their students learning Hungarian slang words. After all, slang words and phrases are typically defined as being grammatically incorrect. So why would your teacher want you to spend time learning the “wrong way” to speak Hungarian? Here are 4 of the top reasons why you should study slang words and expressions when learning Hungarian or any new language. Create Your Free Lifetime Account and Start Learning the whole Hungarian Language from the Beginning! 1. Native Speakers Use Slang Expressions in Everyday Conversation If you are going to study... Show more

How to Learn Hungarian in Your Car?

Stuck in traffic? Losing time in your car? Have you ever felt that in all this wasted time, you could have watched the 750 episodes of One Piece, finished the last Super Mario ten times, or even better…you could have learned Hungarian? Between family, friends and work, in addition to this time-consuming commute, it can become difficult to find time to properly learn Hungarian. Fortunately, every problem has a solution, and what could be a better solution than turning that commute time into learning time? Stop passing the time mindlessly listening to the radio and try some of our best tips for mastering Hungarian in your car! Click Here To Start Learning Hungarian Right Now! You can learn Hungarian in your car, hands free ... Show more

Hungarian Word of the Day – one thousand (numeral)

Learn a little Hungarian everyday with the free Hungarian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!ezer one thousand (numeral)A fizetés ezerötszáz euro.The pay is one thousand five hundred Euros.ezer oldalone-thousand pagesOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Hungarian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!