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Archive for the 'Hungarian Phrases' Category

How to Use Hungarian Numbers for Daily Usage

Especially if you're planning a prolonged visit to , using the correct Hungarian numbers for counting in Hungarian could be very important! Number systems are the other alphabet in any language. In fact, it is a language all of its own, and it serves a multitude of excellent purposes. Table of Contents A Brief History of Counting and Number Systems Why is it Important to Learn Hungarian Numbers? Learning Hungarian Numbers Why Choose HungarianPod101 to Learn all about Hungarian Numbers? 1. A Brief History of Counting and Number Systems 1. The Ishango Bone The origin of counting, and with it numbers, is not clear to historians. While their art showed that prehistoric man had a concept of numbers, the first indication of a... Show more

How To Post In Perfect Hungarian on Social Media

You're learning to speak Hungarian, and it's going well. Your confidence is growing! So much so that you feel ready to share your experiences on social media—in Hungarian. At Learn Hungarian, we make this easy for you to get it right the first time. Post like a boss with these phrases and guidelines, and get to practice your Hungarian in the process. 1. Talking about Your Restaurant Visit in Hungarian Eating out is fun, and often an experience you'd like to share. Take a pic, and start a conversation on social media in Hungarian. Your friend will be amazed by your language skills...and perhaps your taste in restaurants! Dávid eats at a restaurant with his friends, posts an image of the group, and leaves this comment: POST Let's... Show more

How to Say Sorry in Hungarian

How to say sorry in Hungarian is probably one of the first things you should learn when starting out. Knowing how to apologize is a crucial part of every language, be it when you bump into someone on the metro or when you eat your friend’s portion of the cake. There are many different ways you can express how sorry you are to a Hungarian person, and we are going to show all of them to you now. Some apology words you will see below are mostly used in formal settings while other expressions are exclusive to situations involving friends and family or people you know well. First, we are going to cover the most important, common ways to say sorry in Hungarian, then we are going to look at expressions on how to take the blame for... Show more

St. Stephen of Hungary Feast Day Celebrations

Do you know the meaning of St. Stephen’s Day in Hungary? Really, there are two meanings. On St. Stephen’s Day, Hungary observes both: A Christian holiday to celebrate St. Stephen, the first king of Hungary A celebration commemorating Hungary’s 1000-year unbroken statehood In this article, you’ll learn more about the long history behind the Feast Day of St. Stephen of Hungary, who is perhaps the most significant historical figure in the country. The effect that time and change can have on a country and its celebrations is truly fascinating, and at HungarianPod101.com, we hope to make this a fun and informative learning adventure! By delving into the St. Stephen Feast Day, you’re opening yourself up to greater cultural... Show more

30 of the Most Common Hungarian Internet Slang Words

The growing popularity of the internet and smartphones has made slang and abbreviated language a key component in our daily communication. One could argue that slang is, in fact, a crucial part of any language.  In this article from HungarianPod101, you’ll learn 30 of the most common Hungarian internet slang words that are also used in texting. Many of the phrases we’ll cover have counterparts in English, while others are unique to the Hungarian language.  You’ll greatly benefit from knowing these Hungarian slang terms for the ‘net if you ever plan on having a Hungarian penpal (or...textpal?) or setting up a gettogether for Budapest locals online, for example. Anyhoo, let’s get started. (See what we did there?) Table... Show more

A Simple Guide on How to Introduce Yourself in Hungarian

Hungarian is a difficult language to learn, but we at the HungarianPod101.com family wholeheartedly believe that it's worth the struggle. Learning to speak a difficult language not only enriches your personality, but also serves as a fantastic way to exercise your brain. And learning self-introductions in particular is a vital step in forming lasting relationships with the Hungarian people, which is why when you learn Hungarian, introducing yourself is one of the first topics you should cover. Hungarians are sociable people who enjoy being around others, but they do like to keep a healthy distance. They’re open and honest, but don’t like to overshare. They enjoy getting to know new people, but don’t like it if someone’s too much or too... Show more

How to Celebrate Mother’s Day in Hungary

Mother's Day, celebrated in countries all over the world, is a day of showing love and appreciation for one’s mother or motherly figures. Traditions for Mother's Day in Hungary vary in some ways from celebrations in your own country, though there are bound to be many similarities, too. In Hungary, Mother's Day is when you can expect to see little children giving their mothers handmade Mother's Day gifts, Mother's Day cards, or sweet-smelling lilacs. Maybe even while singing the words Orgona ága, barackfa virága (literally meaning "Organ Branch, Peach Tree Flower" ) to honor their beloved mothers. By learning about how Hungary celebrates Mother's Day, you're both showing respect for the country of your target language, and giving... Show more

Must-Watch Hungarian TV Series to Improve Your Hungarian

Watching TV shows is a great way to learn a language, and Hungarian is no exception. For some people, it’s rather hard to find the motivation to sit down at a desk and open a language book. If you happen to be one of them, you’re going to love this article. We’re presenting you with the best Hungarian TV shows to help you study the language in a highly efficient way, without feeling like you’re actually studying. Sometimes tricking your brain is the way to go. With the help of Hungarian TV series, you’ll be able to pick up slang words and detect any slang that’s being used in a conversation when you’re visiting Hungary. Of course, it depends on the kind of show you’re watching, but most of them use shortened language (slang), i.e. how... Show more

How to Say I Love You in Hungarian – Romantic Word List

Do you often feel lonely and sad? Do you long for romance and are willing to do whatever it takes to meet that special person? Speaking another language could revolutionize your love life! So, why wait? Learning how to say ‘love’ in Hungarian could be just what you need to find it. Or perhaps you were lucky, and have found your Hungarian partner already. Fantastic! Yet, a cross-cultural relationship comes with unique challenges. Learning how to speak your lover’s language will greatly improve your communication and enhance the relationship. At HungarianPod101, our team will teach you all the words, quotes and phrases you need to woo your Hungarian lover with excellence! Our tutors provide personal assistance, with plenty of extra... Show more

The Ultimate Guide on How to Say Hello in Hungarian

Whether you’re just visiting the country or you’re planning to stay a bit longer, learning how to say hello in Hungarian will definitely improve your first impression! And we at the HungarianPod101.com family believe in the power of first impressions! Did you know it’s made in less than five seconds? That’s exactly how long it takes to say a proper greeting! Don’t worry though; this How to Say Hello in Hungarian guide will definitely help you out on your journey ahead! How to say hello in Hungarian is one of the first things that students learn when they start learning Hungarian. This most basic greeting is very important in every country and culture. The HungarianPod101 family is here to teach you how to say hello in Hungarian, along... Show more