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Archive for the 'Hungarian Culture' Category

The Hungarian National Anthem

In this article, we are going to introduce you to the Hungarian national anthem, the song that is the heart of any nation. This one, however, is known for its melancholy and dour tone. Despite all this, it is important to know as part of the Hungarian culture, to truly understand this complex nation. For this reason, we are going to show you the full Hungarian anthem lyrics in English, so you'll be able to understand the whole song. It must be noted, however, that due to the old age of the piece, some of the words in the text are no longer grammatically correct! Will you spot which ones? Now, we are going to cover not only the lyrics but also the history of the piece and nation, as well as occasions when you might hear the Hungarian... Show more

30+ Hungarian Classroom Words and Phrases

We brought you 30+ Hungarian classroom words and phrases as these are very important for Hungarian language learning. These are especially useful if you are taking a Hungarian class in Hungary, as they will help you understand basic conversation in a classroom setting as well as be understood by others around you. However, you will also find some sentences that can be used in everyday life, not just in class. Even more so, chances are you will hear many of them every day when visiting the country. In this article, we will cover classroom greetings first, then learn to understand instructions from a teacher, especially if they are a Hungarian native speaker, and ask for clarifications from them as well as your study peers. Afterward, we... Show more

20 Common Hungarian Restaurant Phrases

If you would like to learn about common Hungarian restaurant phrases, you are at the right place. We know that food is important, and chances are when you are visiting Hungary, you will not always cook your own meal at your place but also discover the culinary secrets of the country. As you should. So, with that in mind, we wrote this article so that you will know useful Hungarian restaurant phrases, such as how to ask for the bill in Hungarian. We will cover dining phrases in Hungarian for before, during, and after dining, so that you have the full picture of how to order food in Hungarian. Excited yet? You should be because after reading this article, you will not have any problems in Hungarian restaurants, and you will hopefully... Show more

80 Hungarian Animal Words and a Few Fun Idioms

Do you know which two animals ancient Hungarians most revered? The deer and the wolf! The former for its grace and gentle nature, and the latter for its strength and tendency toward predation.  While we no longer regard animals with quite the same level of esteem, they still play a large role in our daily lives. As a Hungarian learner, you’ll greatly benefit from learning the names of common animals in Hungarian. Doing so will allow you to better understand native Hungarian speakers and strike up conversations with just about anyone—because who doesn’t like talking about their pets or their favorite wild creatures?  In this article, you’ll learn the names of the most common Hungarian animals as well as those abroad. We’ll cover... Show more

30+ Phrases to Express Your Love in Hungarian

We’ve all been in love, right?  In relationships, it’s crucial to express your emotions and to let the other party know how you feel about them.  But what if that other party happens to be a fine Hungarian man or woman? The last thing you want to do is let that gorgeous human you just spotted at a party get away.  Saying the right words at the right time is key, but this can be difficult enough in your native language—let alone a foreign one like Hungarian!  In this article, we’ll introduce you to various Hungarian phrases about love. You’ll learn how to flirt and express your initial affection, the best ways to say "I love you," in Hungarian, and several handy Hungarian dating phrases. We’ll even get you ready to ask that fine... Show more

Why learn Hungarian? Here are 10 compelling reasons.

When there are so many popular languages you could study, why learn Hungarian?  That’s a fair question, and one to which we have some answers!  In this article, we’ll discuss why you should learn Hungarian and what benefits you can expect to gain from studying this beautiful language. And trust us, there are a lot—from improved mental health to increased business opportunities!  Another question many aspiring learners ask is: "Why is Hungarian so difficult to learn?" Keep in mind that with the right mindset, tools, and learning techniques, studying Hungarian is going to be like a promenade along the Seine...or should we say, along the Danube? To help you find the best way to learn Hungarian—as you should find what works for... Show more

The Top 30 Most Common Hungarian Proverbs and Idioms

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the perfect proverb could have hit hard like a meteor and left everybody speechless? We’ve all been there. But at HungarianPod101.com, we know that the words don’t always roll off the tongue so easily—especially when you’re trying to speak a foreign language! In this article, we’re going to cover thirty of the most common Hungarian proverbs and idioms. We’ve divided them into three categories, so you’ll find proverbs and idioms on life, love, and even money. These are phrases you’ll hear often while in Hungary, so memorizing them and learning how to use them will really help your language skills shine in any situation. → For even more great phrases to practice, we recommend checking... Show more

Budapest Travel Guide: Top 10 Places to Visit in Budapest

When preparing ourselves to go on a trip, we want to know everything about our destination, right? Right.  Knowing what a country or city has to offer before arriving helps us plan ahead and pack accordingly, allowing us to make the best of our vacation time!  One thing we recommend if you’re planning a trip to Budapest is to do your research on the best places to visit. Creating a list of the attractions you most want to see will ensure you don’t waste a precious minute of your stay in this intriguing city.  In this Budapest travel guide, we’ll make the research part easier for you. We’ve compiled a list of the top ten places to visit in Budapest, in addition to some useful pre-trip information and a list of common Hungarian... Show more

Hunglish: English Words in the Hungarian Language

Over the years, globalization has made it more feasible than ever for countries all over the world to connect with each other. This interconnection allows different cultures and languages to influence each other, and major languages (such as English) have left an impression on countless other world languages. Nowadays, it’s increasingly common for languages to adopt entire English words and phrases. There are quite a few English words in the Hungarian language, classified as either loanwords or Hunglish.  Loanwords are words that have been integrated into the language with their original English meaning intact.Hunglish refers to English words that have entered the Hungarian language with different meanings or nuances. And it’s not... Show more

A Brief Overview of Hungarian Culture

If you want to visit a country, be it for a short-term summer vacation or a long-term business stay, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with its culture and society. Hungary is no exception. In fact, understanding Hungarian culture is just as crucial as knowing the key words and phrases.  It will help you better integrate into the society and make your interactions with locals much smoother and more authentic. In addition, showing Hungarians that you’re curious about the culture of Hungary can go a long way toward helping you form relationships. On this page, you’re going to learn about Hungarian cultural norms, some of the country’s history, and more Hungarian culture facts you should know. If you pay close attention, you can... Show more