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Archive for the 'General Announcements' Category

Spring’s In, So Spring Forward with Hungarian!

Hello Listener, Winter blues getting you down? Feeling a little drowsy and lazy? Neglecting those Hungarian studies ‘til tomorrow? Aw. Looks like you’ve caught the Hungarian Winter blues. There’s only one way to bounce back! You’ve got to Spring Forward! ...Meaning - Right here, right now, you’re forgetting a whole bunch of Hungarian vocabulary by doing nothing! They’re gone! Poof! And all that great Hungarian progress? It slammed on the gas pedal in reverse while you’re feeling blue. Stop feeling blue, start feeling awesome. You’ve got to Spring Forward with Hungarian! And luckily... Spring’s only a few days away. That means more sunshine, warmer days, and even more fun, fast, and easy HungarianPod101 lessons that... Show more

New! Our iTunes Page Goes Live!

What’s old and boring? Daytime television. New and exciting? The InnovativeLanguage.com page on iTunes! That’s hundreds of Audio and Video lessons instantly available. Right here, right now! It’s no secret: We love iTunes. You can discover amazing content on iTunes like our fun and effective audio and video lessons. After all, it is where we got our humble start 6 years ago. And over these 6 years, we’ve gained supporters all around the globe, including Apple! With their support, we’re now able to bring you InnovativeLanguage.com on iTunes. The new page makes it easier for you to find the language learning solution you’ve been searching for and it brings together all 21 of our Language Learning 101 Podcasts and 19 Survival... Show more

Fall CRAZY in love with Hungarian

Listener, have you ever been in love before? Here at HungarianPod101, we may not be able to teach you a thing about romance, but we can show you how to fall in love with the Hungarian language. Because when you fall in love with Hungarian... it will never leave you. Just like with real love, it will only get better. Sure, Hungarian has lots of grammar. Words you can’t pronounce? You bet. Sound hard? Wait, stop. The question of whether it’s “hard” or “easy” is not important. If you love something enough, obstacles don’t stand a chance against you. ‘Til death do you part, you and Hungarian are in it for the long haul! Since Valentine’s Day is all about love, fall CRAZY in love with Hungarian. The greatest advice of all:... Show more

Meet The HungarianPod101 Team

Hello Listener, You’ve probably thought about it at least once. You know...about who is really behind the voice of your favorite HungarianPod101 lessons. Who are these mysterious multilingual strangers? Where do they come from? What are their hobbies? Or maybe you just want to match a voice to a face. Here’s your chance to see the faces and learn a little more about our mix of native Hungarian speakers who bring you our weekly lessons. In fact, you’d be surprised to know just how international the team is! Almost all of them have lived and studied abroad at some point. Given their love for language and international experience, we knew they’d be perfect to teach authentic Hungarian the easy, fast, and fun way. Ready?... Show more

Best Decision You’ll Ever Make For 2012

Welcome to the New Year! This is the year of DECISION 2012. If you haven’t yet decided to make 2012 an amazing year for Hungarian learning, then here’s something to think about. What’s the difference between speaking fluent Hungarian and knowing a few words? A decision. A decision to become fluent. Yes you’re right – it won’t magically turn you fluent. But nobody speaks great Hungarian by accident either. Nobody gets fluent by twiddling their thumbs and hoping “Maybe, I think, I’d like to try it..but I don’t know.” They decide to become fluent. Then they do it. They rampage through dictionaries, workbooks, audio lessons and any other material they can find. They speak and read and write and make mistakes, and make... Show more

HungarianPod101 2012 Lesson Sneak Peek

Oh, hello there listener! We haven’t seen you in awhile! Is that a new haircut? Did you get contacts? Or maybe a tan from your winter vacation! In any case, it’s nice to have you back! You may have stopped by today because you’re thinking about picking up your Hungarian studies in the new year. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Starting January 2nd, 2012, we’ll be publishing some really great Hungarian lessons that are sure to keep you busy and entertained all year long! Here’s a sneak peek at what you can look forward to: Monday: Survival Phrases 26-50 Tuesday: Absolute Beginner Season 1 Thursday: Audio Blog Season 2 Friday: Learn with Pictures Sunday: Innovative Language News Lesson - Stay up to date with... Show more

Learn A New Language with the NEW Innovative Language Learning!

Good design is important. It communicates in ways text can’t. It is the visual delivery of what a website is about. With this in mind, the Innovative Language Learning website has been redesigned. We’ve thought about how we could best portray who we are and how we can help language lovers like you. And after long hours of tinkering in the lab, here is the result! Ready? Go! Visit the Innovative Language Learning Homepage! Select your language. Lifetime of learning. The mobile way. The sleek new design gets right to the point – you want to learn a foreign language. We help you master over 38 languages – including some rare ones like Mongolian and Swahili – in the fastest, easiest, and most fun way. ... Show more

10 Best Hungarian Holiday Gifts!

Your aunt? Get her an itchy sweater. Brother? Father? Itchy sweaters. Hey, it’s winter – a sweater is perfectly sensible gift. But a Hungarian language lover, like you? Someone on a mission to be awesome at Hungarian!? Someone that devours podcasts, workbooks, and textbooks like a Hungarian learning monster and roars “MORE!”!? Don’t get sweaters! Get MORE! More Hungarian! And here are 10 ways to do so! We’re counting down the holiday season with 10 days of the 10 BEST deals of the year! Deals like 55% Off Premium! 50% Off Basic, 50% Off Apps and More! Today's Deal Lasts Only 24 Hours! Click To Get It! Starting from December 12th until the 23rd – not including the weekend – there will be a daily deal, each 24 hours... Show more

Killer Cyber Week Deals

Hello Listener, What’s Cyber Monday you ask? Why, it’s the Internet’s busiest shopping day of the year. Deals are everywhere – minus the crowds! Everyone’s at home, click-click-clicking! You see, moms are buying shoes, dads are buying TV’s and… Language Learners? They’re looking for deals to spend less and learn more Hungarian! But we’re not going to stop at just one day of hot deals on subscriptions. We slashed the price of everything we’ve got by 30% for an entire week! Welcome to Cyber Week : HungarianPod101 Style. All Basic Subscriptions - Only $42 for 1 Year! All Premium Subscriptions - $54 OFF for 1 Year! All iPhone Apps - As low as .99 or FREE! All Audiobooks - As low as $6.99! The 30% OFF Coupon has... Show more

Has anyone said “Thank you” to you today?

Has anyone said “Thank you” to you today? If not, we’d like to be the first! And we’d like to say it in 26 different languages. So listener, thank you for being a part of the Innovative Language family and for learning with us! Even though Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated in many parts of the world, everyone, everywhere loves hearing “thank you.” Click here to visit our Thank You Page and get your Free video lesson: ‘Learn how to say thank you in 26 different languages.’ One day, when you travel the world, that’s the one phrase that will put a smile on other people’s faces. Click Here For Your Free Thank You Video Lesson But...that’s not all! Looking to learn more Hungarian? From November 20th to the 25th – Get... Show more