Learn Hungarian: YouTube Channels to Improve Your Skills


We all know that studying can be daunting at times, especially if you’re not using the right methods. But studying doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, you’ll learn more effectively if you’re having fun in the process! 

You already know that studying with HungarianPod101.com is both fun and effective, and today, we’ve brought you the ten best Hungarian language YouTube channels to make studying feel less like a task and more like entertainment. Believe it or not, when you set out to learn Hungarian, YouTube can be a great source of information—and it will never keep you bored for long. 

Watching videos is a great way to learn any language. They not only have visual images (which aid you in remembering words and phrases), but they also employ auditory learning. This is important because studying with images and sounds at the same time is proven to be the most effective way of learning. 

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the top Hungarian YouTube channels for learning the language. We’ll feature channels in a range of categories, from beauty to documentaries and beyond, so you’ll definitely find something that catches your fancy. (On the off-chance you don’t, you can always ask your fellow Hungarian learners in the comments for more suggestions!) 

If you want the most trustworthy source for Hungarian learning on YouTube, be sure to visit the HungarianPod101 YouTube channel. Our videos are informative, but in no way boring. We always cover the most practical topics and expressions that you’re likely to use in everyday conversations with native Hungarians. Moreover, we know that people lead busy lives, which is why most of our videos are under ten minutes long. With us, you can practice listening and reading, learn useful expressions for everyday situations, and much more.

    → Before you continue, you may want to check out our vocabulary list for Talking About YouTube. What better way to start your journey through Hungarian YouTube videos? 😉

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hungarian Table of Contents
  1. JustVidman
  2. Dokumentumfilmek
  3. Viszkok Fruzsi
  4. Csecse Attila
  5. Csizmadia Gabi
  6. Pamkutya
  7. Dezső Bence
  8. Jancsó Gergely
  9. Csillsz
  10. Learn Hungarian with HungarianPod101.com
  11. HungarianPod101.com Gives You the Best Ways to Make Studying Fun

1. JustVidman

Category: Entertainment & Animation
Level: Intermediate – Advanced
Link to the YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoXnnnrdhaKljuhA2IrIhVQ
Example Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JoscTV7s2E

This guy is sure funny. 

While many YouTubers today simply record themselves talking to the camera, JustVidman does things differently. He creates animations and records voiceovers for them, and we promise you they’re amazing. 

By watching his videos, you can satisfy your appetite for fun and wit while sharpening your listening comprehension skills. We do recommend this channel for intermediate and advanced learners, though, as you need to have some basic understanding to get the jokes and keep up with the pace of his speech.

A Guy in a Blue Shirt Is Sitting in Front of His Laptop Using a Headset

2. Dokumentumfilmek

Category: Documentary
Level: Intermediate
Link to the YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1I8V0Ql0Oy6QnnQCfK2PPw/videos
Example Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBJjVWsjNE0

This channel is designed to cater for a wide variety of tastes. 

They upload documentaries on numerous topics from different eras, making it a great option if you want to broaden your vocabulary. You can watch documentaries on bees, Buddhism, Eminem, and even the history of Hungarians. Each video is very entertaining and ranges from forty to ninety minutes long.

A Lion Is Chasing Zebras in the Wild

3. Viszkok Fruzsi

Category: Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle
Level: Beginner – Intermediate
Link to the YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Cz1-qgx7bkzt-YdLpku5A
Example Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOS0f2XDzPk

Viszkok Fruzsi is one of the biggest Hungarian YouTubers and influencers nowadays. 

On her channel, she talks about beauty, fashion, and lifestyle, so her videos are perfect for acquiring a basic Hungarian vocabulary on YouTube. In addition, she speaks using everyday language, and the style of her videos is light and easy-to-follow.

Make-up Half Out of Its Bag, a Striped Little Bag

4. Csecse Attila

Category: Entertainment & Comedy
Level: Beginner – Intermediate
Link to the YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaImRySPtHnIv5Fx5tFK83A
Example Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S3VCvLr7oQ

Csecse Attila’s channel is great, and not only because he makes funny and entertaining content! By watching his videos, you’ll surely stay up-to-date with nowadays’ slang. 

He has a very laid-back style, which, when combined with his wit and humor, makes for a wonderful watching experience. That said, because he does use a lot of slang, you’ll need to listen closely. If he ever uses a word or phrase you’re not familiar with, just keep watching and try to figure it out based on the context.

That’s why learning Hungarian through YouTube channels is so wonderful. You get to learn on your feet!

Which one of Attila’s videos is your favorite?

A Man in a Brown Shirt Is Standing in Front of a Camera

5. Csizmadia Gabi

Category: Vlog & Lifestyle
Level: Beginner
Link to the YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg0qvFR0a23SHrKML6I4zeg
Example Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu2z_c_4dX8

With a friendly tone and easy-to-follow videos, Gabi’s channel is one of the best Hungarian learning YouTube channels out there. 

She uses everyday language in her vlogs, allowing the viewer to literally follow her through everyday life. And she makes a lot of vlogs—she even vlogs during Christmastime—so if you’re into raw, honest, and authentic content, you’ll love her. Some examples of what you can expect include tips on how to get into sports, a journey through personal events like eye surgery, and more.

A Group of Friends Chatting, 2 Girls and Two Guys Around a Table

6. Pamkutya

Category: Comedy & Music
Level: Advanced
Link to the YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/PamKutya
Example Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5BrX1wjQfw

If you want to learn the Hungarian language on YouTube, this channel will really challenge you and push you to grow. 

Pamkutya is one of the biggest parody channels in Hungary, and one of the most amusing places to find Hungarian music on YouTube. 

Nowadays, he makes his own songs, but he actually became famous by making parodies of both Hungarian and international songs. In these parodies, he keeps the beat and rhythm of the original songs but adds Hungarian lyrics to them (they even rhyme!). The best thing is that he always puts subtitles on his videos so that you don’t have to struggle with the clumsy translation that some random user puts up. 

He’s very creative, but because he sometimes raps or sings too fast, you’ll need a higher-than-beginner level to be able to keep up. Once you get to that level, though, you won’t be able to stop watching and listening.

Black Buttons, for Tuning, Are Visible

7. Dezső Bence

Category: Entertainment & Comedy
Level: Beginner – Intermediate
Link to the YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx2Z1KP4LYEbD8-qqwU-0wA
Example Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VChdCBpSht8

It would be a big mistake to miss out on Bence’s channel. 

He makes funny videos (such as challenges), and also collaborates with others often. For example, he has lots of “reaction” videos and Q&A’s. His channel might be considered 16+, but if you don’t mind a few dirty jokes here and there, his channel is the place to be. 

And better yet, if you want to learn Hungarian phrases on YouTube, he’s your man. He uses a combination of simple everyday language that even a beginner could understand and plenty of Hungarian slang.

A Man in a White-ish Shirt Is Recording a Video of Himself while Holding Up a Smartwatch

8. Jancsó Gergely

Category: Photography & Traveling
Level: Intermediate
Link to the YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkUEf6F2zejWctsBJAMrbXg
Example Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDNw7vxdZFI

Jancsó Gergely’s channel is a handful, but in a good way. 

He uploads videos on a great variety of topics, but mainly photography and travel vlogs. He travels quite a lot, and he’s even an expat who’s currently living in Australia. Due to the variety of content he publishes, we highly suggest that those looking to expand their Hungarian vocabulary watch this channel! At the minimum, you should have an intermediate level of Hungarian to get the most out of your watching experience. 

    → We recommend that you study up on your vocabulary for Travel and World Continents before checking out his channel!

Black and White Picture, a Guy Behind a Camera, His Face Cannot be Seen

9. Csillsz

Category: Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle
Level: Beginner – Intermediate
Link to the YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZe0OvOQgmAEwQ3oa5e023Q
Example Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKendMDj1UI 

Chillsz’s videos are very light and—she usually talks about what clothes she bought or what makeup she uses, so if you want to pimp up your beauty vocabulary, this is one of the best Hungarian YouTube channels to follow. Even beginners can enjoy watching her videos, as she uses simple everyday language.

An Asian Woman Is Giving a Make-up Tutorial while Recording Herself with Her Camera, She Is Holding a Palette

10. Learn Hungarian with HungarianPod101.com

Category: Education
Level: Beginner – Advanced
Link to the YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/HungarianPod101/videos
Example Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9YGuy_-RD0

As we said at the beginning of this article, the HungarianPod101 YouTube channel is tailor-made. 

Regardless of your current level, you’ll certainly find a video or series on our channel to help you work your way up. We cover a wide range of topics, from self-introductions to Hungarian holidays. 

Even if you’re an absolute beginner, we’ve got you! We have a separate playlist for beginners like you, so that you won’t get lost on your way up.

The YouTube logo with a Red Background

11. HungarianPod101.com Gives You the Best Ways to Make Studying Fun

Now that you’re familiar with a few of the big Hungarian YouTube channels, you know what to do when you want to learn Hungarian online but don’t really feel like studying. Watching these YouTube channels will surely feel more like entertainment than learning.

If you want to maximize your YouTube studying process, we advise you to listen to a single video at least three times. This is because, with each time you listen, you might be able to understand a new word you didn’t catch the first time around. We also recommend taking notes and writing down any unknown Hungarian words so that you can find their meanings in your language.

Don’t forget that if you need any help, HungarianPod101 is here to the rescue. You can find all kinds of videos on our channel, so if you feel like the channels we listed above aren’t your cup of tea, our channel is there as a safety net. We deliver the best content for you as frequently as we can, and we teach you the most important stuff in the shortest time possible.

We hope you enjoyed this article; if you would like to see more like this in the future, let us know.

Before you go, which Hungarian YouTuber from our list is your favorite? Or do you have your own favorite? Don’t hesitate to share with us and your fellow Hungarian learners in the comments!

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