40+ Useful Advanced Hungarian Phrases


We previously published blog posts on the most useful beginner and intermediate phrases in Hungarian. This article on advanced Hungarian phrases is the final installment in this series. 

In this article from HungarianPod101, you’ll learn the most useful phrases and sentence patterns at the advanced level. Keep in mind that you will encounter a few difficult Hungarian words and grammatical concepts here, but that’s the point! If you’re still unsure of your Hungarian level, we recommend reading through the two articles we linked to above; this will give you a better idea of where you are. 

Do you feel ready to take on more advanced phrases? Then let’s outline what you’ll learn today.

  • Useful phrases for academic writing
  • Power phrases for your resume
  • Smart phrases for business meetings
  • Advanced idioms, sayings, and proverbs for everyday usage

Are you ready to bring your Hungarian knowledge to the next level? Let’s get started then!

A Man in a Gray Cardigan Studying in a Library

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hungarian Table of Contents
  1. Useful Phrases for Academic Writing
  2. Power Phrases for Your Resume
  3. Smart Phrases for Business and Meetings
  4. Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage
  5. How HungarianPod101.com Helps You Reach Your Hungarian Learning Goals

1. Useful Phrases for Academic Writing

Are you thinking of starting a program at a Hungarian university? Or do you want to read sophisticated Hungarian articles in the academic and business spheres? Then this section is for you. Here, you’ll see the most common advanced Hungarian phrases for academic writing so that you can both recognize them and use them yourself in writing or speech.

  • First of all, babies should not watch too much TV.”

    Először is, a csecsemőknek nem szabadna túl sok TV-t nézniük.

  • Considering that research papers refute this, your statement is incorrect.”

    Figyelembe véve (azt), hogy tanulmányok cáfolják ezt, az állítása helytelen.

In the sentence above, please note that the noun állítása is the polite form of állítás (“statement”). If you were having a friendly, casual debate, you would say állításod

  • According to XYZ, dogs can relieve anxiety.”

    XYZ szerint, a kutyák könnyíthetnek a szorongáson.

  • Moreover, they can give further moral support to humans.”

    Sőt, további morális támaszt tudnak nyújtani az embereknek.

  • In order to live a happier life, we must appreciate the little things in life.”

    Annak érdekében, hogy boldogabb életet éljünk, muszáj értékelnünk az apró dolgokat az életben.

  • As a result of their misbehavior, they got expelled from the school after three months.”

    A helytelen viselkedésük eredményeképpen, három hónap után elbocsájtották őket az iskolából.

  • In other words, teaching jobs are very important.”

    Más szóval, a tanári munka nagyon fontos.

  • Furthermore, schools should teach children more practical things that will prepare them for life.”

    Továbbá, az iskoláknak praktikusabb dolgokat kellene tanítaniuk a gyerekeknek, hogy felkészítsék őket az életre.

  • Similarly, workplaces, too, should be more tolerant of people from different cultural backgrounds.”

    Hasonlóképpen, a munkahelyeknek is toleránsabbnak kellene lenniük az eltérő kulturális háttérrel rendelkező emberekkel szemben.

  • Conversely, there is no scientific evidence supporting this theory.”

    Ellenben, nincs tudományos bizonyíték, ami ezt a feltevést bizonyítaná.

Three College Students Taking Notes

2. Power Phrases for Your Resume

Are you considering getting a job in Hungary? What a wonderful idea! However, bear in mind that not many Hungarians speak English well, so you might want to submit your curriculum vitae in Hungarian. If you want to make sure that you stand out as the best candidate, it’s important to not only provide a Hungarian CV but also to use the right words and power phrases to help your resume shine. 

If you don’t yet have the advanced Hungarian vocabulary for that, don’t worry a bit—that’s exactly what you’ll learn in this section. 

  • “I work in teams with pleasure, but I can manage projects on my own as well.”

    Szívesen dolgozom csapatban, de önálló projektek megoldására is képes vagyok.

  • “I take responsibility for the tasks I have been entrusted with.”

    Felelősséget vállalok a nekem kiosztott feladatok elvégzéséért.

  • “I respect deadlines, as I know my work ethic has an impact on my colleagues too.”

    Tiszteletben tartom a határidőket, hiszen tudom, hogy a munkamorálom a kollégáimra is hatással van.

  • “I adjust easily but am also open to trying out new methods of working.”

    Tudok alkalmazkodni, de nyitott vagyok új munkamódszerek kipróbálására is.

  • “I am a team player, and I get along well with people.”

    Csapatjátékos vagyok és jól kijövök az emberekkel.

  • “I am capable of problem-solving and handling delicate situations appropriately.”

    Képes vagyok a problémák megoldására, és a konfliktusok megfelelő módon történő kezelésére.

  • “I think that, based on my previous work experiences, I am fit for this position.”

    Úgy gondolom, hogy előző munkatapasztalataim alapján nekem való ez a pozíció.

  • “During my years at university, I developed a practical approach to projects.”

    Egyetemi éveim alatt, praktikus szemléletet alakítottam ki a projektek felé.

  • “I believe I have the personal qualities that could be beneficial for the company and this team.”

    Úgy hiszem, megvannak bennem azok a személyiségjegyek, melyek kedvezőek lennének a cégnek és ennek a csapatnak.

  • “I possess a strong knowledge of computer fundamentals.”

    Erős számítógépes alapismeretekkel rendelkezem.

  • “I am able to make sound decisions in the absence of detailed instructions, as well.”

    Képes vagyok helytálló döntéseket hozni részletes instrukciók hiányában is.

  • “I have good judgment in selecting the proper mode of communication among colleagues.”

    Jó ítélőképességgel rendelkezem a megfelelő kommunikációs mód kiválasztását illetően a kollégák közt.

  • “I utilize a variety of analytical techniques to solve problems.”

    Számos analítikai technikát alkalmazok problémák megoldásához.

  • “I am always ready to provide strong evidence of specific accomplishments.”

    Mindig készen állok arra, hogy erős bizonyítékot mutassak be egy adott elért eredményről.

An Up-close Shot of Part of a Resume

3. Smart Phrases for Business and Meetings

Have you ever been sitting in a business meeting but didn’t have the right words to express yourself? Well, to help you avoid this in your new Hungarian workplace, we have collected several advanced phrases in Hungarian that are frequently used in business settings. 

    ➜ If you feel like these advanced Hungarian phrases aren’t enough, you can visit any of our other business-related lessons. We recommend starting with A Hungarian Business Presentation.

  • “Good morning. Thank you all for coming here today.”

    Jó reggelt! Köszönöm, hogy eljöttek ma.

  • “Hi everyone. I’m Peter. I’ll keep this meeting short as I know we all have lots of things to do. First, let’s introduce ourselves.”

    Sziasztok! Péter vagyok. Rövidre fogom ezt a megbeszélést, hiszen tudom, hogy mindannyiunknak rengeteg dolga van. Először is mutatkozzunk be egymásnak.

  • “I’ve called this meeting in order for everyone to understand what each department is working on at the moment.”

    Azért hívtam össze ezt a megbeszélést, hogy mindenki megértse, min dolgoznak az egyes ügyosztályok mostanában.

  • “Let’s get started.”

    Vágjunk (is) bele!

  • “Could you please repeat that? I didn’t quite hear what you said.”

    Megismételné, kérem? Nem igazán hallottam, mit mondott.

  • “That’s a great point.”

    Nagyszerű meglátás!

  • “Excuse me for interrupting you, but shouldn’t we talk about the previous month first?”

    Elnézést kérek, hogy félbeszakítom, de először nem az előző hónapról kellene beszélnünk?

  • “Excuse me. Unfortunately, I have to leave earlier because of another meeting.”

    Elnézést kérek, de sajnos hamarabb kell elmennem egy másik megbeszélés miatt.

  • “That brings me to the end of my presentation. Thank you for your attention.”

    Ezzel elértünk a prezentációm végére. Köszönöm a figyelmet!

  • “Does anybody have any questions?”

    Van valakinek bármi kérdése?

Would you like to learn additional phrases and expressions related to the business world? Then head over to our listening exercise Preparing for a Hungarian Business Meeting!

A Group of People Discussing Something at a Table

4. Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage

Idioms, sayings, and proverbs are part of our everyday lives, and they vary from culture to culture. Here, you will learn advanced Hungarian phrases related to anything and everything. These are idioms and sayings that Hungarians love to use on a daily basis, so we advise you to memorize at least a few of them. 

  • “Break a leg.” [Literally: “(I wish you) a broken arm and leg.”]

    Kéz és lábtörést!

  • “Hang in there.” [Literally: “(I wish you) perseverance.”]


You’re likely to hear this advanced Hungarian saying at least twice a day! Locals love to use this expression, especially at work. 

  • “Slow and steady wins the race.” [Literally: “Walk slowly, and you will live longer.”]

    Lassan járj, tovább élsz!

  • “This ship has sailed.”

    Ez a hajó elúszott.

  • “Kill two birds with one stone.” [Literally: “(To kill) two flies with one hit.”]

    Két legyet egy csapásra!

Make sure to visit our blog post on the top Hungarian proverbs and idioms for even more inspiration!

The Word idioms Spelled Out Using Wooden Letter Blocks

5. How HungarianPod101.com Helps You Reach Your Hungarian Learning Goals

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! You’ve now seen more than 40 advanced Hungarian conversational phrases for a variety of contexts. To make the patterns and expressions stick in your mind, make sure to come back to this page from time to time and read through them again. We also advise you to go back and take notes if you haven’t already.

To summarize, we presented you with:

  • Useful phrases for academic writing
  • Power phrases for your resume
  • Smart phrases for business and meetings
  • Advanced idioms, sayings, and proverbs for everyday usage

If you would like to learn more advanced Hungarian phrases—and about the Hungarian language in general—join the HungarianPod101 family. You can find lots of free study materials on our website, such as vocabulary lists, audio and video lessons, example conversations, articles similar to this one, and more. With a Premium PLUS subscription, you even get a personal tutor! If you’re not sure where to start, we recommend creating your free lifetime account and heading over to our Level 5 pathway for advanced Hungarian lessons designed to help you excel. 

Which of these advanced Hungarian phrases did you find the easiest? Let us know in the comments below.

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