30+ Phrases to Express Your Love in Hungarian


We’ve all been in love, right? 

In relationships, it’s crucial to express your emotions and to let the other party know how you feel about them. 

But what if that other party happens to be a fine Hungarian man or woman? The last thing you want to do is let that gorgeous human you just spotted at a party get away. 

Saying the right words at the right time is key, but this can be difficult enough in your native language—let alone a foreign one like Hungarian! 

In this article, we’ll introduce you to various Hungarian phrases about love. You’ll learn how to flirt and express your initial affection, the best ways to say “I love you,” in Hungarian, and several handy Hungarian dating phrases. We’ll even get you ready to ask that fine snack to marry you! As a bonus, you’ll find several meaningful love quotes in Hungarian at the end of this article. 

By the time you finish reading, you’ll be able to flirt with any Hungarian coming your way. What’s more, you’ll be able to make them swoon! 

Ready to learn the best Hungarian love phrases? Love waits for no one, so let’s get started.

A Happy Couple Is Seen Laughing; The Man Is in a Blue Shirt, the Woman Is Wearing a Cardigan and Holding a Purse
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hungarian Table of Contents
  1. Confess Your Affection: Pick-up Lines & More
  2. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” & More
  3. Take it One Step Further: “Will You Marry Me?” & More
  4. Endearment Terms
  5. Bonus: Must-know Love Quotes
  6. How HungarianPod101.com Can Help You Reach Your Learning Goals

1. Confess Your Affection: Pick-up Lines & More

There are several stages of love, right? One does not ask a person to marry them after like two hours of having known each other (okay, maybe in extreme cases, but that is not the norm…). First, you express your affection to the other party, then you might flirt a little, and you might eventually go on dates with this person. And only after that does a relationship start to become more serious. 

In this section, we’re going to introduce you to the most common Hungarian flirting phrases so that you can be prepared for courting. We’ll also show you some useful phrases you can try on your first date! 

A- Compliments

#1 “You are beautiful.” / Gyönyörű vagy.

  • “beautiful” – gyönyörű 

#2 “I love your smile.” / Imádom a mosolyod.

  • “to love” – imádni, szeretni
  • “smile” – mosoly

#3 “You are pretty.” / Csinos vagy.

  • “pretty” – csinos

#4 “You are handsome.” / Helyes vagy.

  • “handsome” – helyes, jóképű 

#5 “I like you a lot.” / Nagyon tetszel.

  • “to like” – kedvelni, tetszeni 

B- Asking Him / Her Out

#6 “Would you go out with me?” / Eljönnél velem randizni?

  • “to go out” – randizni 

#7 “Can I buy you a drink?” / Meghívhatlak egy italra?

  • “to buy” – venni (literal meaning)
  • “to invite/offer” – meghívni 
  • “drink” – ital

C- Cheesy Pick-up Lines

#8 “Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?” / Fájt, amikor leestél a Mennyből?

  • “to hurt” – fájni
  • “to fall” – esni
  • “Heaven” – Menny 

#9 “Hey, kitty. Do you have an owner?” / Szia, cica! Van gazdád?

  • “kitty” – cica
  • “owner” – gazda

#10 “I lost my number. Will you give me yours?” / Elhagytam a telefonszámomat. Megadod a tiédet?

  • “(phone) number” – (telefon)szám 
  • “yours” – tiéd 

Would you like some additional phrases for expressing your interest or making plans for a date? HungarianPod101 has you covered!

A Couple in a Fancy Restaurant on a Date with Palm Trees in the Background

2. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” & More

One of the first words people learn in any language is the word for “love.” In Hungarian, there are two different words you can use: 

  • Szerelem refers to the connection between two people. 
  • Szerelmem translates to “my love” in Hungarian, and it refers to the person whom you love.

So, how do you say “I love you,” in Hungarian and further express your adoration? 

There are several Hungarian love phrases you can begin using once your relationship becomes more intimate. If you’re ready to go all-in and say those three big words (or, in Hungarian, that one big word—you’ll see what we mean), you can use any of the following love phrases in Hungarian to make your move. 

Note: Read through these carefully. We have a question for you at the end of this section! 

#11 “I’m crazy about you.” / Megőrülök érted.

  • “crazy” – őrült 

#12 “I miss you.” / Hiányzol.

  • “to miss” – hiányolni

#13 “I’m only thinking about you.” / Csak rád gondolok.

  • “to think” – gondol(kod)ni

#14 “I want you here and now.” / Itt és most akarlak.

  • “to want” – akarni
  • “here” – itt
  • “now” – most

#15 “I love you.” / Szeretlek.

See? What takes English three words to say takes Hungarian only one. This is due to the use of suffixes and conjugation in Hungarian, which lets us express the person and number with no additional words.

#16 “I love you very much.” / Nagyon szeretlek.

  • “very” – nagyon 

#17 “I love you too.” / Én is szeretlek.

#18 “I’m in love with you.” / Szerelmes vagyok beléd.

#19 “I can’t imagine my life without you.” / Nem tudom nélküled elképzelni az életemet.

  • “to imagine” – elképzelni 
  • “life” – élet 
  • “without” – nélkül

#20 “I want to grow old with you.” / Veled akarok megöregedni.

  • “to want” – akarni 
  • “to get old” – megöregedni 
  • “old” – öreg

Like English, Hungarian distinguishes between feeling “love” and being “in love.” 

Now, here’s our question for you: 

How do you say “love” in Hungarian? 

Give us the answer for the connection and for the person whom you love. Good luck!

A Couple is Playing Video Games; The Girl Has Won, the Guy Is Grumpy

3. Take it One Step Further: “Will You Marry Me?” & More

Nope, we haven’t forgotten about the “upper levels” that come afterwards. We’ve got you covered for all scenarios featuring you and your significant other. Just watch.

Now that you’ve been hitting your partner with the coolest Hungarian love phrases and have started building a stronger connection, they’ve officially fallen for you. It might be time to kick things up a notch.

You might consider moving in together, going on your first trip, or even getting married. Lucky you! To give you a hand, we’ve compiled the perfect love phrases for him/her in Hungarian.

#21 “I’d like you to meet my friends.” / Szeretném, ha megismernéd a barátaimat.

  • “to meet” – találkozni
  • “friend” – barát

#22 “Are you ready to meet my parents?” / Kész vagy találkozni a szüleimmel?

  • “to be ready” – kész lenni, készen állni
  • “parent” – szülő

#23 “Let’s go on a holiday together.” / Menjünk el nyaralni együtt!

  • “holiday” – nyaralás
  • “together” – együtt
  • “Let’s go!” – Menjünk!

#24 “Do you want to move in together with me?” / Szeretnél velem összeköltözni?

  • “to want” – akarni, szeretni
  • “to move” – költözni
  • “to move in together” – összeköltözni

#25 “Will you marry me?” / Hozzám jössz feleségül?

  • “to marry someone” – hozzámenni valakihez
  • “wife” – feleség

#26 “Let’s throw an engagement party.” / Dobjunk egy eljegyzési bulit!

  • “to throw (a party)” – dobni, tartani
  • “engagement” – eljegyzés
  • “party” – buli, parti

#27 “Let’s get married.” / Házasodjunk össze!

#28 “We should buy a house together.” / Vennünk kellene közösen egy házat.

  • “house” – ház

#29 “I’d like to have a baby with you.” / Babát szeretnék veled.

  • “baby” – baba

#30 “I think I’m pregnant.” / Azt hiszem, terhes vagyok.

  • /”pregnant” – terhes
  • “to think” – gondolni, hinni

#31 “I’m so happy that we’re going to be parents.” / Olyan boldog vagyok, hogy szülők leszünk!

  • “happy” – boldog

A Newlywed Couple on the Beach

4. Endearment Terms

Now that we’ve covered the major stages of a romantic relationship, it’s time to go over some Hungarian terms of endearment. For most people, endearing nicknames are crucial in a relationship, and Hungarians are no exception. 

Below, you’ll find several cute nicknames you can use with your new Hungarian boyfriend or girlfriend. Note that English has many endearment terms with a counterpart in Hungarian, which should make choosing your favorite one a bit easier! 

  • honey / sweetieédesem
    • Since there is no specific Hungarian word for “sweetheart,” you could use édesem for that too.
  • baby / babebaba, bébi
  • my loveszerelmem
    • For example: “Goodnight, my love,” in Hungarian would look like this: Jó éjt/éjszakát, szerelmem!
  • my heartszívem
  • my precious drágám
  • my treasurekincsem
  • my shortiekicsim
  • my kittycicám
  • my bugbogaram
  • bunny nyuszi
  • “hubby” – férjecském

An Old Couple Dancing; The Woman Is in a Red Dress, the Man Is Wearing a Suit and a Tie

5. Bonus: Must-know Love Quotes

In this section, we’ve collected a few Hungarian love quotes from famous Hungarian people, such as poets and writers. And we’re not going to lie, they had some very interesting insights about love and what it can “do” to people. Let’s see what thoughts and ideas they shared about love.

“What is real love?
When words between two people have the same meaning.”
– Sándor Kopátsy

Mi az igazi szerelem?
Mikor a szavak két ember között azonos értelmet nyernek.
Kopátsy Sándor

“Even the silliness of love is wiser than the knowledge of philosophers.”
– Mór Jókai

A szerelemnek még bolondsága is nagyobb bölcsesség, mint a filozófusok minden tudománya.
Jókai Mór

“It’s not true that love is blind. On the contrary, a lover sees such things in their beloved that others don’t notice.”
– László Feleki

Nem igaz, hogy a szerelem vak. Ellenkezőleg, a szerelmes olyasmiket lát imádottján, amiket más nem vesz észre.
Feleki László

“I don’t know what it is, but it’s really good.
Its hurting is sweet, I let it hurt.
If it’s silly or a mistake, so be it.
If it’s love, please forgive me.”
– Gyula Juhász

Én nem tudom, mi ez, de jó nagyon.
Fájása édes, hadd fájjon, hagyom.
Ha balgaság, ha tévedés, legyen.
Ha szerelem, bocsásd ezt meg nekem!
Juhász Gyula

“I don’t know what I’ve been so far,
Nor – do I know – what I’m going to be;
It depends on you if I’ll be a dark shadow
Or a bright beam.”
Sándor Petőfi

Nem tudom, mi voltam eddig,
Ámde azt sem, mi leszek;
Tőled függ, hogy sötét árnyék
Vagy fényes sugár legyek.
Petőfi Sándor

Make sure to visit our website for even more Hungarian quotes about love

6. How HungarianPod101.com Can Help You Reach Your Learning Goals

You’ve reached the end of this article, which means you should now know the most common love phrases in Hungarian. We’ve covered everything from how to flirt to making your marriage proposal, and we’ve also introduced you to cute pet names and sweet love quotes. 

But don’t forget that practice makes perfect. If you want to make that Hungarian boy or girl swoon, you must practice saying these love sentences in Hungarian out loud; you should also practice writing them down in case you feel like writing a love letter to your chosen one.

While studying these Hungarian flirting phrases, keep in mind that HungarianPod101 will always be there for you! We believe that with a supportive group behind you—such as our team and your fellow language learners—there’s nothing you can’t do.

Before you go: How do you say “I love you,” in Hungarian? Let us know below.

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