Celebrating National Unity Day in Hungary

World War I wreaked havoc and wrought loss around the globe. Hungary, in particular, was very hard-hit come the end of the war, forced to muddle through life after a treaty her people deemed unfair.

In this article, you’ll learn about the Treaty of Trianon, traditions for National Unity Day in Hungary, and some useful vocabulary you should know.

Let’s get started.

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1. What is National Unity Day in Hungary?

The Day of National Unity, also known as the Memorial Day of the Treaty of Trianon, is a holiday to commemorate a great nemzeti tragédia (“national tragedy” ) that occured as a result of World War I. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on the unity that Hungary was still able to achieve in the face of disaster and igazságtalanság (“injustice” ).

What was the Treaty of Trianon?

The Treaty of Trianon was signed on June 4, 1920, and officially ended hostilities between Hungary and its enemies in World War I.

However, the Treaty of Trianon terms caused Hungary to területeket elveszít (“lose territories” ) on a massive scale; over seventy percent of Hungary’s territories were to be handed over to other countries. This resulted in beolvasztás (“forced assimilation” ), with approximately three-and-a-half million Hungarians forced to live under foreign control. Hungarians’ arguments against and concerns over this were ignored and neglected. In addition, Hungary was forced to cap its army at thirty-five thousand and could no longer have an air force or heavy weaponry.

For Hungary, the Treaty of Trianon was quite unfair; even today, there’s some bitterness over its terms.

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2. When is National Unity Day?

The Hungarian Flag

In 2010, the Hungarian parliament announced June 4 as the Day of National Togetherness (Day of Unity).

3. National Unity Day Traditions and Observations

A Woman Holding a Sign that Says Defend Rights

In Hungary, National Unity Day is a time of nacionalizmus (“nationalism” ). All throughout the country, people commemorate the signing of the Treaty of Trianon and lay wreaths on the graves of those who lost their lives during the First World War.

In addition, there are many demonstrations held on this day to protest the treaty’s terms and call for change. Most Hungarians don’t approve of the treaty and the widespread injustices it caused. Even outside of the országhatár (“national border”), minority groups often protest for autonomy.

4. The Town of Loyalty

Sopron is often called the Town of Loyalty. Do you know why?

In December of 1921, a referendum was held to decide if Sopron should belong to Austria or Hungary. The People of Sopron chose to remain with Hungary, earning it its respectable title.

According to Wikipedia, Sopron is largely known for two things in modern times: excellent red and white wines, and affordable dental care. It’s also a large tourist center, with people from various countries often coming to visit here.

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for National Unity Day

Someone Reaching for a Chess Piece that’s Highlighted in Red

Let’s review some of the vocabulary words from this article!

  • Aláír — “Sign” [v.]
  • Megbüntet — “Punish” [v.]
  • Kisebbség — “Minority” [n.]
  • Igazságtalanság — “Injustice” [n.]
  • Első világháború — “First World War”
  • Nacionalizmus — “Nationalism” [n.]
  • Országhatár — “National border”
  • Feloszt — “Divide” [v.]
  • Küzd — “Struggle” [v.]
  • Legyőz — “Defeat” [v.]
  • Nemzeti tragédia — “National tragedy”
  • Területeket elveszít — “Lose territories” [v.]
  • Szomszédos ország — “Neighboring country”
  • Beolvasztás — “Forced assimilation”
  • Nemzeti összetartozás napja — “Day of National Unity”

If you want to hear the pronunciation of each word and phrase, be sure to visit our Hungarian Day of National Unity vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about the Day of National Unity, Hungary’s most common traditions to commemorate it, and new vocabulary to impress your Hungarian friends.

What are your thoughts on Hungary’s end of the deal concerning the Treaty of Trianon? Was your country involved in the First World War? Let us know in the comments; we love hearing from you!

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