Express Anger in Hungarian: 50 Angry Hungarian Phrases


Does it bother you when you want to express how angry you are, but you don’t speak a common language with the person you’re mad at? If it does, search no more! We at are going to make sure you get familiar with all the basic ways to express your anger in Hungarian.

Sometimes during a conflict abroad, it can be difficult to make yourself understood. After reading this article, you’ll never be at a loss for angry Hungarian phrases, we swear. No pun intended.

In this article, you’ll find the most common ways to express anger in Hungarian. Hungarians are known for their great variety of swear phrases; because their vocabulary is very broad, swearing combinations can be colorful as well. However, you don’t need to go to extremes and offend others. You can express your emotions in Hungarian clearly while still using good manners. If you’re interested, keep reading.

We hope you’re ready to learn about conveying anger in Hungarian phrases. If you’re still thirsty for knowledge after reading this summary of Hungarian swears, we got you! We have a separate vocabulary list of Phrases to Use When You’re Angry that you might want to read later. Now, let’s begin…

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Table of Contents

  1. Hungarian Angry Imperatives
  2. Angry Hungarian Questions
  3. More Angry Hungarian Expressions
  4. Helps You Express Yourself in Hungarian

1. Hungarian Angry Imperatives


Are you dying to know how to be mad in Hungarian? This section is a must for you then, as it contains the very basic imperatives you can use to express your emotions in Hungarian.

The first few sentences are also used in English, so you should have no problems understanding them. After the more familiar phrases, you’ll need to become familiarized with those that are unique to the Hungarian language. For these, we’ll provide you with further explanation.

  • “Shut up!” (Fogd be!)

When it’s your turn to speak during an argument, but somebody interrupts you, saying this is a great way to let them know that you want to finish what you started.

  • “Stop it!” (Hagyd abba!)
  • “That is enough!” (Most már elég!)
  • “Leave me alone!” (Hagyj békén!)
  • “Get lost!” (Tűnj el!)

If someone just doesn’t want to leave you alone, telling them Tűnj el! or “Get lost!” will surely make them get off your back.

  • “Get out of my way!” (Tűnj az utamból!)
  • “To hell with you!” (Pokolba veled!)
  • “Get out!” (Menj ki!)
  • “Watch your mouth!” (Vigyázz a szádra!)

If someone uses a curse word, you can warn them to watch what they’re saying with the phrase Vigyázz a szádra! or “Watch your mouth!” This is usually told to kids.

  • “Don’t make me angry!” (Ne mérgesíts fel!)
  • “Don’t make me say it twice!” (Ne mondjam kétszer!)

If you’re really angry and order someone to do something, but they’re reluctant, you can tell them these phrases to make them understand that you’ll be extremely pissed if they remain reluctant to do what you asked them to. This sentence is most often used in mother-child situations.

  • “Don’t make me do it!” (Ne akard, hogy megtegyem!)
  • “Don’t disturb me!” (Ne zavarj!)
  • “Don’t talk to me!” (Ne szólj hozzám!)
  • “Stay out of this!” (Maradj ki ebből!)

If someone is getting involved in a personal situation—most commonly a fight between two people or amongst two parties—that’s really none of their business, it’s utterly justified to tell them to stay out of it and mind their own business.

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As mentioned earlier, Hungarian is a very diverse language. Thus, not all angry Hungarian phrases have literal English counterparts. An angry Hungarian can express their annoyance in many ways for which English doesn’t necessarily have words.

The following Hungarian swear phrases are also imperatives, though they might not be in English. Also, keep in mind that the actual meaning in English might make sense, even if it doesn’t seem to express anger. For this reason, you can see that the Hungarian versions are put first, followed by their literal English translation.

1- A fene vigyen el! (“I wish fene took you!” )

You can say this to people you’re really pissed at. It’s almost like a curse. Fene is a disease that causes sores to fester. The severity of this “curse” has lessened over the past few decades.

2- A ménkű üssön beléd! (“I wish ménkű hit you!” )

Ménkű is the countryside version of mennykő, which means “lightning.” Thus, the literal translation of this angry Hungarian phrase is “I wish you got struck by lightning!”

3- A macska rúgja meg! (“I wish the cat kicked it!” )

This sentence is a cute and funny way of showing that you’re annoyed or angry in Hungarian. It’s usually used by elders or in the presence of children. There’s a “dog version” of this saying as well, which is: A kutya vigye el! meaning “I wish the dog took it away!”

4- Húzz el innen! (“Pull yourself out of here!” )

This sentence has the same meaning as “Get out of here” or “Get lost.” However, this phrase is much less polite.

5- Az Isten verjen meg! (“I wish God beats you up!” )

Hungarians are quite religious, so the type of swear phrases that contain God and His anger are of high severity. This sentence isn’t used as much today as it was many years ago. Nowadays, it’s a more common curse phrase amongst elders.

6- Szakadjon rád az ég! (“I wish the sky fell on you!” )

Although this sentence doesn’t contain the word “God” itself, it refers to “the sky,” and thus heaven. For this reason, it’s a rather strong curse as well. At least, it used to be.

7- Fogd vissza magad! (“Restrain yourself!” )

You can say this to anybody who you think is crossing the line in terms of manners, or if they’re being disrespectful. This phrase has an ordering or warning tone, as in “Watch your temper or you will get in trouble.”

8- Hátrább az agarakkal! (“Backwards with the greyhounds!” )

This phrase has almost the same meaning as the previous one. It’s usually said to people who are being more irritable than necessary or being too pushy. Its literal meaning is “Get back with the greyhounds.”

9- Ne mérgelődj! (“Don’t be angry!” )

This sentence is said to people who seem to be angry for no good reason, as though they were quarreling with their own shadow.

10- Szállj le a magas lóról! (“Get off the high horse!” )

This angry Hungarian phrase is usually said to people who think they are above others. They act and speak as if they were of greater importance than those around them. With this sentence, you can call them out on this behavior and let them know they need to be more respectful toward you and humble themselves.

Does your language have unique expressions that only make sense in your language?

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2. Angry Hungarian Questions

You don’t need imperatives alone to express your anger in Hungarian. Asking the right questions can let the other person know that you’re mad at them. In the following section, you can learn about angry Hungarian phrases in the form of a question.

  • “Are you kidding me?” (Most szórakozol velem?)
  • “Who do you think you are?” (Kinek képzeled magad?)

That last phrase is similar to Szállj le a magas lóról! or “Get off the high horse!” except that this one is in the form of a question. People usually ask this of a person who thinks they’re above everyone else.

  • “What did I just say?” (Mit mondtam az előbb?)
  • “Do you want me to slap you?” (Felpofozzalak?)
  • “Can’t you see?” (Nem látsz?)

You can use that last question if someone isn’t paying attention and, for example, bumped into you.

  • “What the hell are you doing?” (Mi a francot csinálsz?)
  • “Do you want trouble?” (Balhét akarsz?)

We don’t recommend that you use that last angry expression above, unless you yourself are looking for trouble. This question works as a threat to the person you address it to. It can be taken as an invitation to fight, usually physically.

  • “Are you out of your mind?” (Elment az eszed?)
  • “Which word do you not understand?” (Melyik szót nem érted?)
  • “What the hell is going on?” (Mi a pokol folyik itt?)

Just like with the imperatives earlier, there are some angry questions that are unique to Hungarian. We’ll outline each one individually for you below

Negative Verbs

1- Elvitte a macska a nyelvedet? (“Did the cat steal your tongue?” )

This is another typical angry Hungarian phrase used with kids. You can ask a child if “the cat stole their tongue” if they don’t want to speak to you. For example, you ask them a question but they won’t respond.

This is similar to the English expression “Cat got your tongue?” but the Hungarian version has an angrier connotation to it.

Elmentek otthonról? (“Have they gone away from home?” )

You can ask this to someone who you think has said something unreasonable or stupid. If “they have gone away from their home,” “home” being their head, it means that their brain is not in their head. Thus, they’re acting stupid.

Elgurult a gyógyszered? (“Did your pill roll away?” )

This sentence has the exact same meaning as the previous one, but it’s worded differently.

Káposztalé van az agyad helyén? (“Is there sauerkraut juice where your brain should be?” )

Sauerkraut is the German name for a European dish. In Hungarian, it’s called savanyúkáposzta. Savanyú means “sour” and káposzta means “cabbage.” The dish is finely cut raw cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria.

The translation of this angry Hungarian phrase speaks for itself. People usually say this to someone who appears silly or who said something that doesn’t make sense (making them appear stupid).

Elvarázsoltak? (“Have you been bewitched?” )

This is usually used with kids when they don’t listen to you, especially if they seem to be daydreaming instead of paying attention to what you’re saying to them.

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3. More Angry Hungarian Expressions

Here’s the perfect chance to get familiar not only with angry Hungarian phrases, but also the meanings of the words in them. Here you’ll find the most common ways to express your anger in Hungarian.

These are just random sentences, neither imperatives nor questions—just basics that you’re very likely to hear from any angry Hungarian. We’ll provide explanations as needed, but most of these are pretty self-explanatory.

  • “You’re a douchebag.” (Egy szemétláda vagy.)
  • “I’ll cut you in half!”(Kettéváglak!)

That last sentence tends to leave a person’s mouth once they become very angry because of another person. They’re so angry with that person they could cut them in half.

  • “You’re out of your mind!” (Elment az eszed!)
  • “You’re stupid.” (Hülye vagy.)
  • “I hate you.” (Utállak!)
  • “You make me go crazy!” (Megőrjítesz!)
  • “Shoot!” (A fenébe!)
  • “I told you so!” (Én megmondtam!)
  • “You don’t want me to get angry!” (Ne akard, hogy mérges legyek!)

That last sentence is a bit ironic because the phrase itself sounds like a warning, like “You do not want me to get angry OR…” However, in such cases, the person is already angry with the other party.

  • “I’m going insane!” (Megőrülök!)

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4. Helps You Express Yourself in Hungarian

Now that you’re an expert in mild Hungarian swear words and you know how to get mad in Hungarian, you’ll never find yourself in a situation you can’t handle. All you have to do now is read through this list of common Hungarian angry phrases a couple more times to memorize all the words and phrases.

To make doubly sure that you learn everything about expressing anger in Hungarian phrases, and anything else you want to say, for that matter, join the family and master tons of useful expressions.

An important thing you must remember though is that you can be angry with style and class. You don’t have to be vulgar or offend the other party. This applies to Hungarian swear phrases, as well as those in your own language.

Do you know how an angry Hungarian would say “Watch your mouth?” Impress us in the comments below.

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