Sziasztok. Hello and welcome to Hungarian Survival Phrases brought to you by, this course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Hungary. You will be surprised at how far a little Hungarian will go. |
Now, before we jump in, remember to stop by and there, you will find the accompanying PDF and additional info in the post. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. |
Lesson focus
Today we're going to continue with counting as we cover numbers 11-100. |
Let's just quickly review 0 to 10. |
0 - nulla |
1 - egy |
2 - kettő |
3 - három |
4 - négy |
5 - öt |
6 - hat |
7 - hét |
8 - nyolc |
9 - kilenc |
10 - tíz |
In Hungarian, counting from 11-20 is also quite straightforward, so let's jump right in. |
11 - tizenegy |
12 - tizenkettő |
13 - tizenhárom |
14 - tizennégy |
15 - tizenöt |
16 - tizenhat |
17 - tizenhét |
18 - tizennyolc |
19 - tizenkilenc |
20 - húsz |
As you may have noticed, from numbers 11-19 you just use the word tizen before the number you want to say. The same is true of the numbers between 21-29. Even though 20 itself is húsz, these numbers will all start with a longer form, huszon, huszonegy, huszonkettő. |
Now that we know how to do the complicated bit, let's move on to the simpler one. |
30 - harminc |
40 - negyven |
50 - ötven |
60 - hatvan |
70 - hetven |
80 - nyolcvan |
90 - kilencven |
Note that from 30 onward, you only need to add a plain number. There's no changing—it's just straightforward. |
Let's try with "fifty-three." "Fifty" is ötven and "three" is három. Putting them together, we have ötvenhárom or "fifty-three." |
Let's break down this word and see it once again. öt-ven há-rom. |
Finally, we have száz. |
100 - száz |
száz |
To count from száz onwards, you just need to add the units and the tens you have just learned. |
Let's try with some examples: |
110 - száztíz |
száztíz |
198 - százkilencvennyolc |
százkilencvennyolc |
All right. That’s is going to do it for today. Remember to stop by and pick up the accompanying PDF. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. Sziasztok! |